Chapter Eighteen

How He First Meets Her Family (Part 2)



Annalisa moaned, reaching over to check the time.  5:58am. She was disgruntled and couldn’t remember what had stirred her awake until her apartment buzzer went off again.  ”Who the fuck is that?” She asked out loud.  

Harry snored beside her, unmoving as the buzzer rang out, the person behind it becoming impatient.  ”Jesus Christ..” She tossed the covers back and sat up, ready to drag herself out of the warm bed before another buzzing sound caught her attention.  Harry’s phone lit up on the nightstand that was on his side of the bed.  ”What the fuck is going on?” She shook him awake.  

“Harry, wake up.” He groaned, unmoving.  “Harry..“

“What? It’s dark out, go back to sleep.”

She shook him harder.  ”Someone’s at the door and your phone is going off.”

“Ignore it.” He mumbled into his pillow, burrowing further in it.

Anna contemplated doing what he suggested.  Until the buzzer became more persistent.  She sighed, getting up from the bed and hitting him with her pillow.  ”Get up and answer your phone.”

She made her way towards the door and hit the talk button on her security.  ”Yes? Who is it?”

“Jesus fucking Christ.  I’ve been out here for ten goddamn minutes.  It’s cold and I’m freezing my balls off.” Anna stood on the other end confused.  Her tired mind was working slowly to try to put a picture to the voice.  “And there’s some guy out here giving me bedroom eyes.“ She shook her head to register what was happening.  “Are you ignoring me? Open the door, you brat!”

Something clicked in her brain at that moment.  ”Finn?!”

“Yes, now can you please let me in.. I’m starting to get freaked out here..”

“Come on up..” She pressed down on the unlock button before scurrying back to dress quickly, tripping over her own barefeet on the way.

When she walked into the room, Harry was still snuggled under the covers with his mobile loudly vibrating against the wood of the nightstand.  “Harry!” She shouted, tugging on a pair of gray sweatpants and an oversized dark blue Boston sweatshirt.

The only reply she received was the sound of his soft snoring.  “I’m gonna fucking kill him,” she thought aloud, walking over to his side of the bed and tearing off the covers from his naked body.

“The fuck..” Harry mumbled, groaning and turning over, facing the opposite way and fighting to get the covers back.

“Harry,” she hissed, ruffling his disheveled hair.  “My brother is on his way up.. I think it would be best if you got the fuck up and dressed,” she stressed.
It didn’t take much longer before Harry shifted to a sitting position, fumbling to cover himself and scanning the room with frantic eyes.  “Luke?” He asked, worriedly.

Anna heard a loud knock on the door and tossed his trousers and shirt that were laying around at him, smacking him on his bare chest before falling onto his lap.  “No,” she laughed.  “But it’s good to know you’re a chicken shit when it comes to my brother.”

Harry puffed out his chest, glaring at her.  “I’m not scared of nothing.”

“Right, Captain.” She smirked, saluting him.  He was about to retort back, opening his mouth but shutting it quickly at the persistent knock.  “It’s Finn.”  She told him, then gestured to his phone that was still going off.  “I’d answer your phone if I were you.  It’s probably your security informing you of an intruder.”

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, letting out a loud yawn.  He scratched the back of his head, willing himself to wake up.  “Finn? Shit, gossip spreads faster than herpes at the Red-Light District,” he muttered.  His eyes widened as realization hit him of what her brother could be there for.  “..Is he here to kill me?”

Anna playfully shrugged, making her way out of the room to allow her brother entry.  She stopped at the doorway, holding onto the frame and gave him a teasing smile.  “But you’re scared of nothing, am I right?”

She giggled and ducked out of the way when the pillow came flying at her.

“I’m coming! God..” Anna rolled her eyes, the knocking becoming more of a pounding on the door.  She was sure her neighbors appreciated the early wake up call.  Yanking the door open, a wide smile spread on her lips at the sight of her brother standing there with a matching grin.

“Missed me?” He joked, opening his arms for her to jump in them.  They hugged, both overjoyed at seeing the other after what felt like an eternity.

“I would say something really mean right now.. especially after the rude awakening and the fact that I’ll probably be called out at the next tenant meeting.. But,” she backed away to take a look at him, their arms still locked in a half hug.  “It’s so good to see you, jerk.”

Finn grinned, flashing his signature pearly white smile.  “It’s been awhile,” he nodded, bringing her in for another hug.  He looked good, more built than she remembered from last Christmas, his skin more tanned and his hair cut shorter.  “Who the hell is the Kevin Costner character hanging out in a blacked out SUV?”

“That’s Harry’s protection officer.”

“Huh,” he said.  “Gay version of The Bodyguard?”

Anna snorted.  “You’ve been spending too much time with Gabe.”

“Actually,” he started, patting her head.  “Ma went through this phase where she watched a shit load of boring ass movies for a couple weeks.”

Anna looked at him, curiously.  “You’ve been spending time with Mom?”

Finn shrugged, avoiding eye contact.  “I’ve been staying at the house for a few months..”

“Everything okay?” She could tell by the way his body language shifted, his shoulders tense and his hands running through his short dark hair, that something wasn’t quite right.  He seemed.. anxious.

“Yeah, yeah.. of course,” he waved her off, stepping inside her flat with a carry on bag and suitcase before shutting the door behind him and dropping his luggage.  “Just in between jobs at the moment.”

“Mm,” Anna hummed, unconvinced.  “So.. what’s going on? How long are you here for?”

“Just a week..” He trailed off, his attention shifting to a shadowy figure that had just stepped out of a room and into the hallway.

He leaned towards her and said in a low tone, “The British are coming..”

“Please be nice to him.” Anna warned, turning to a completely dressed Harry, watching as he strolled towards them with his hands wringing together in a nervous habit.  She reached out for his hand, gently smiling in reassurance.
“Harry, this is my brother Finn,” she introduced.  “Finn, this is Harry.” Harry gave a slight nod to Finn as he took her hand, holding onto it in a tight grip.  No, he wasn’t scared.. not at all.

But Finn jerked his head with the same motion in greeting before sticking his hand out to shake Harry’s free hand.  A look of approval flashed across his face at the firm shake, sharing a secret look with this sister.  Anna felt giddy, pleased that this meeting was running more smoothly than the previous.

“Hey, man.. Nice to meet you..” Finn said.

“Likewise,” Harry responded, turning to Annalisa.  “I’ve heard many things about you.”

Finn smirked.  “I wish I could say the same..” Anna glared at him, shaking her head.  “But don’t sweat it.. Whatever she failed to inform us, we got that off Google.”

Harry swallowed, letting out an uneasy laugh and lifted a shoulder to shrug.  “Yes, well.. can’t help what you find on there.”

“Harry..” Annalisa interrupted.  “You do not have to explain yoursel-”

Finn lifted a hand to stop her.  “Relax, sis.. I’m not going to pretend I’m holier than thou like our dear Luke.” He chuckled, shifting his eyes to Harry’s.  “I’m all too familiar with naked Vegas.”

Harry chortled in amusement, then coughed into his fist as Anna shot a murderous look at him.  “I rather not hear about that, please,” she said.

“What?” She swatted at her brother as he pinched her cheeks.  “Is my baby sister jealous?”

“Oh, yeah..” she said, sarcastically.  “So jealous of my boyfriend and brother bonding over their Vegas shenanigans.”

“Hey,” he replied, shuffling into her living room and scanning the area.  “Whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.. and away from virgin ears.”

“Unless you happen to be a prince.” Harry joked.

Finn swung around and pointed at him.  “True, amigo.”

“Okay, this was a nice visit.  Thanks for coming! Have a safe flight back.” Anna humorously rambled as she watched Finn walk over to the bookshelves where she kept the massive DVD collection.

But he ignored her.  “Damn, sis.. it’s a wonder how you got yourself involved with anyone by the looks of your lame collection.” Anna rolled her eyes, pushing away from Harry when he snickered.

“I keep saying her taste is just terrible, but she doesn’t believe me.  I try to expand her horizons with actual brilliant films.. But she won’t listen.”

Finn bent down and continued to finger the titles of the different TV shows and films she had in no particular order.  “Anna doesn’t listen to anyone.. Except for the voices in her head.”

“Fuck you,” Anna spat, eyes wide in embarrassment.

“Those pesky voices, yeah?” Harry winked in her direction, immediately taking a liking to Finn, feeling more at ease and comfortable enough to plop down on her sofa.  She huffed at him, but Harry ignored her as well.  “She has an atrocious music selection too.  You’d think someone with musical talent, she’d listen more to artists with actual artistic abilities.”

“Oh, so we are all just going to talk smack as if I’m not even here?”

Finn looked over his shoulder with a disgusted expression on his face.  “Oh, please don’t tell me she still listens to that boy band crap.”

Anna crossed her arms, walking further into the room as Harry’s laugh filled her ears.  “Listen, NSYNC may be on hiatus for the past few years, but Backstreet Boys and New Kids are back.. they are still relevant.”

“Right,” Harry snorted.  “Please explain why I caught you twirling around to Tearin’ Up My Heart the other day.”

“Shut up!”

“Ha!” Finn laughed, flipping his imaginary long hair as if to mock her.  “Oh, that Justin Timbersea is just soooo dreamy.”

“It’s fucking Timberlake, asshole,” Anna scoffed.  “Whatever.  NSYNC for life.  Fuck you both.”

She walked away, her back towards the laughter as they both continued their horrendous impersonations of her.  She began brewing coffee before searching through the fridge and cabinets to start on breakfast as they continued to bond.
She couldn’t deny it felt nice to have him here, hearing her boyfriend and brother joke around—even if it was at her expense—as if they had been mates all along.  She knew it was important to not only her, but to Harry as well.  He had voiced his concern of never receiving her father’s approval of him more than once.  It pained her that he didn’t currently.  And she blamed herself for not helping the situation, avoiding her father ever since the phone call where she revealed Harry’s identity.  She was prolonging it for as long as she could, trying to formulate the correct words she needed to face her stubborn father.

She smiled to herself when a boisterous laugh filtered through the flat, peeking over into the living room as she beat the eggs in a bowl.  Harry and Finn had started up a game of rugby on the play station, tossing insults back and forth in good nature.

Every now and then she’d let out a little giggle when Harry would cheer for every single one of his goals, Finn cursing and tormenting him for being British. “Boys, play nice.” She had called out from the kitchen when she caught Finn reaching over to Harry’s controller, pressing on random buttons while Harry yelled out and shoved him away.

Boys, play nice,” Finn mocked her as Harry snickered, his focus never leaving the game, determined to win.  “Seriously, Anna.  You just had to go with the British.  They don’t even know what real football is.”

“You Americans think your own shit don’t stink.  At least we don’t act like we rule the world.  We’re more real than that.”

“A real bunch of pricks,” Finn muttered, tapping on his controller with enthusiasm.

“Sore losers must be another Caro trait,” Harry retorted.

“I don’t lose,” Finn said.

“Ha!” Harry stood up and looked down at him with a proud grin spread across his face, arms up in the air. “You just got fucking beat, bitch!”

Finn threw his controller in anger.  “Motherfucker.”


Forty-five minutes later, the trio were seated at the breakfast bar, conversing in between bites of the feast Anna had made, unable to resist the urge to use up all the breakfast ingredients she had to celebrate his arrival.  Their plates consisted of several sides, including crispy turkey bacon strips, roasted home fries, and a mountain of fluffy blueberry pancakes.

“…and then he says ‘Dude, emay eednay otay eavelay’.  And Danny is-”

“Wait,” Harry held a hand up.  “What the fuck was that rubbish?”

Anna laughed.  “God, I haven’t heard pig latin in years..”

“Yeah,” Finn chuckled.  “Luke’s been teaching Benny and Sarah to drive Kath crazy.” He turned to Harry.  “It means we need to leave,” he clarified.  “So Danny is just cracking up.. laughing hysterically.. while me and a couple other guys that were there are just staring like ‘what the fuck is going on’?.. And Danny finally tells us that some guy hit on Luke.”

Harry and Anna burst out into laughter.  “Oh god, I can’t believe I missed that.” Anna said, holding onto her sides.

“Shit, it was the greatest.. just the look on his face was fucking priceless.  And then we all get back into the car and he threatens to chop our balls off if any of us tell Kath what happened..”

Anna quirked a brow at him.  “Ten bucks that you were the one that babbled.”

“Ha!” He laughed.  “I was already texting her before we got in the car.”

“Well.. he just found out Kathie knew so.. I’d worry about the fate of your bollocks.” Harry commented, reaching for the syrup to drown his pancakes.  He glanced at Annalisa who was looking at his plate with a scrunched up nose.  He winked at her, earning an amused smile as she shook her head.

“Psh,” Finn waved.  “Luke talks out of his ass.”

“That’s true.” Anna confirmed.

“Which reminds me..” Finn started, chewing on a strip of bacon.  “Kath bullied me into bringing you a bag of Peach Rings but.. I got hungry on the plane..”


“What?” He shrugged, nonchalant.

“Whoa, back track for a second there.. Peaches likes peach ring candy?” Harry smirked.

Anna groaned while Finn looked between the two.  “Peaches? Is this some sick sex thing?”

“Finn!” Anna hissed, swatting his arm.  “Harry calls me peaches.” She explained, feeling the heat coming off of her embarrassed face.

“He.. calls you Peaches?” He made a disgusted face while Harry laughed, a slight blush creeping on his own cheeks.  “Well if that ain’t gag worthy..”

”So..” Anna said, her voice raising a few octaves as she hurriedly directed the conversation away from her relationship.  “What do you want to do while you’re here? Harry leaves in a bit so it’s just you and me, bud.”

Finn turned to Harry with pleading eyes.  “Leasepay ontday eavelay emay ithway erhay.”

Harry furrowed his brows together, looking up to crack the code before chuckling.  Please don’t leave me with her.  Anna threw a piece of bacon at her brother, clicking her tongue.  “I’d love to stay, trust me.  But.. duty calls.”

Finn gulped down the rest of his orange juice before responding.  “You owe big time, man.” He shifted towards Anna who was shooting daggers at him in mock anger.  “Alright, brat.  What’s there to do around here?”

“We can go shopping!” She exclaimed, earning groans from both of them.

“Again,” Finn said to Harry.  “You fucking owe me big time.”

Harry laughed.  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Finn sighed.  “I did promise to bring back some London crap for them.”

Anna brought her hands together and danced in her seat, excitedly.  “We have to go to Oxford Street.  They literally have everything there.” Her eyes glossed over as she created an itinerary in her head for the coming days.

She was thankful he was going to be here for a full week while Harry would be away at base.  He would keep her mind occupied during the day before she had to head off to the hospital.

Harry leaned over to Finn, elbowing him to catch his attention.  “Run while you still can..” Finn moved to stand up jokingly at his words, grinning at Anna’s glare as he sat back down.

“Alright, what do you got for me?”

“Definitely spend a day on Oxford Street to do some shopping.  Then we can do some sightseeing.. Hit the big spots like Big Ben, London Eye, museums..  We can take a day to Stonehenge..” She took a breath.  “You’re on your own after 6pm when I go to work for most of the days, though.”

“Great, it’ll give me a chance to hit up some pubs and clubs.. check out the London ladies,” he said, turning to Harry.  “Any suggestions?”

“Oh yeah, sure.. I would check out The Brown Cow in Fulham; it’s a decent pub.  A good mate of mine co-owns Bodo’s Schloss, so that’s a must see.  Annalisa or even I could let him know you’ll be popping in..”

“Ohh no,” Anna laughed, shaking her head.  “Finn and Skippy together? Nothing terrifies me more than that.”

“Brat,” Finn scowled.

“I have to agree with her on that one, actually.” Harry said.  “Mahiki is a club I’d recommend.. I’ve been a regular there for years and they know me pretty well so I could put in a word for you.”

“Sounds good, thanks.  Oi mate! Get me to the pub!” Finn exclaimed in an awful attempt at a British accent.

Anna covered her mouth, falling into a fit of giggles as Harry belted out his own laughter.  “Oi mate, that’s more Australian than anything..”

“You are such a loser,” Anna taunted.  “That was way worse than my British accent…”

Harry was quick to cut in to add, “And that says a lot.”

Finn pointed at them both.  “You two belong together.  Get your ear wax cleaned out.  That was a perfect British aristo.”

Harry turned to Anna, talking from the side of his mouth.  “Keep him away from the girls while I’m away, yeah?”

“Ha!” Anna tapped her temple, nodding in agreement.  “I’m smarter than you think.” She winked.

“So, Harry..” Finn clapped a hand over his shoulder.  “Any hot friends-”

No!” Harry and Annalisa shouted simultaneously.


A few short hours later, Harry was saying his goodbye before he finished up his last few days of work before he took leave.  He took Annalisa by the hand to give her a proper goodbye kiss in the privacy of her bedroom while her brother lounged on the sofa, flipping through the programs on the telly.

“Behave while I’m away,” Harry teased, his arms loosely around her waist as she had her arms wrapped around his neck.

“I wish you would leave me with a bang but..” Anna teased back.

Harry groaned, palming her ass and pushing his hips flush against hers.  “You wanna have a go, love?” He wiggled his brows suggestively.

Annalisa giggled before bringing her mouth to his and pressed several light kisses on his lips.  “With my brother right out there?”

“You would have to be very quiet..” He captured her mouth with his, snaking his tongue past her lips.  She tangled her fingers in his fiery locks, tugging and moaning as Harry’s hands squeezed the flesh of her ass.

“Harry..” He trailed kisses across her jaw and down her neck, stopping to nip and tongue the spot behind her ear that made her knees buckle as she fell into him.  “Oh, Harry,” she moaned as her eyes slid shut.

“That’s not you being quiet,” he whispered against her flushed skin.

“We can’t..” She said, reluctantly pulling away.  Harry groaned in frustration, running his fingers through his hair as he fought the urge to push her against the shut door and make her beg for him to take her.  “I’m sorry, baby.. I promise to make it up to you when we’re.. alone.”

Harry took her hand and placed a soft kiss, then pulled her to him to kiss her swollen lips.  “Don’t you forget that.”

She grinned.  “I’m sure you’ll remind me.”

“You bet your sweet ass I will.”


“Dad sent you, didn’t he? God, that man is impossible!”

They were on day five out of the seven days Finn was visiting, this being the first time they had fallen into serious conversation as they strolled around Westfield Stratford City, doing some light shopping since they had gone to Oxford Street earlier that week.  Annalisa had been serious with the itinerary she created and made sure they did everything on the list.

While she was at work, Finn was occupied with club hopping and getting acquainted with London nightlife.  There was one morning where they had returned back to her flat at the same time, her from working a full shift and him from spending the night at a stranger’s flat.  Anna had teased him endlessly, as she often did when it came to his womanizing ways.

“He’s only worried about you, you know that.” He paused, recalling the few incidents of photographers snapping pictures of them around London.  He couldn’t keep the confusion off his face, never understanding the interest of celebrities, never mind the fact that they were interested in his baby sister.  He noted how she barely acknowledged them, even as they spat out questions that were even too personal for him to know.  But she kept walking, blinking away the flashes from the camera.  “And you know him, nobody can change his mind.. except for himself.. and sometimes Mom,” he snickered. “Which by the way she wanted me to tell you she’s working on that.”

Anna chortled, always holding a great fondness of her mother’s ability to alter her stubborn father’s views.  A strong urge to hug her consumed her.  “I miss her.  How’s she doing?”

Finn gave her a half smile and nodded slightly.  “She’s getting by.. Talks about you all the time.” His eyes shifted downward, the atmosphere turning gloomy.  “Mistakenly calls me Benjamin sometimes.”

“I worry about her.” Anna sighed.

Finn looked at her with concern etched across his features.  “We worry about you.”

Anna sniffled, fighting back the tears that were pooling at the corner of her eyes.  “Don’t.  I’m fine, really.  Harry has been…” She took a deep breath, a small smile forming on her lips.  “He’s been amazing..”

“Why do I sense a but there?”

She should have known she couldn’t hide anything from him.  He could always read her like an open book like Ben could.  “I’m scared.  I’ve been having these.. nightmares.”

Finn nodded in understanding.  He knew all about her nightmares, he had them too.  “That’s normal, sis.”

“But is it really?” She smacked her lips together as soon as the words slipped out.
He could sense her uneasiness with the way she nervously tucked her curls behind her ears while chewing on her lips.

“We’re Caros.  Obviously there’s nothing normal about us.” He joked.

“Ha! I guess you’re right.”


Later that night, Anna had convinced him to go on the London Eye with her once more.  She had the night off from the hospital and didn’t want him to leave without experiencing it after dark.  He had fallen into a mood after they had dinner at one of the restaurants Harry had messaged her to try out during their brief chat that afternoon.

She bumped his shoulder with hers, eyeing him from the side as they reached the top.  “So, are you going to tell me what you’re really doing here?”

He turned to look at her in confusion.  “Hey, I’m no London expert but… I believe The Eye is for-“

She shifted to face him completely, throwing him a look that made him shut his mouth in the middle of a sentence. “Stop.  There’s something going on with you..”

He avoided her eyes, focusing on the view of the city below them. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Really?” Anna cocked her head to one side. “One,” She stuck her thumb out. “I ask the others where you are and they spit out different answers like they don’t know what the hell to say.”

“Two,” She counted on her pointer finger, “you show up unannounced at my door.”

The way his eyes were darting around, looking at everything but her as she listed off her observations, only intensified the bad feeling that was in the pit of her stomach. “And three, you’ve mentioned spending time with mom like you’re making up for something.”

Finn swept his tongue across his bottom lip and cleared his throat. “What have I told you about watching those bullshit crime shows?”

“Spit it out.” She puffed out a breath, trying to prepare herself for what he was about to lay on her.

But nothing could prepare her for what came next.

“I joined the Marine Corps.” He paused before adding, “Annalisa… I’m getting deployed.”

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