Chapter Nine

How He Fell For Her


He strolled down the corridors, smiling kindly at the hospital personnel that were surprised to see royalty roaming through the halls.  The anticipation of seeing her in her element was killing him.  He knew he was going to get it later when she confronted him for not warning her beforehand, but he couldn’t be away from her any longer, having just spent some time away on a HALO trust charity trip.  He was falling hard for her.“The children use this room to have free play.” Mellie, the head of staff that was giving him a tour, was speaking but he was only half listening, knowing Anna usually spent suppertime in this area of the hospital.  “There are various games they can play, arts and crafts.  Around this time of the evening, most of the children are letting loose before rest hours begin.”

Harry nodded and cracked a joke, getting a laugh from Mellie and the other members of staff that joined them.  “Can we have a look in?”

“Oh yes, absolutely.”

When he stepped foot into the jungle themed playroom, his eyes immediately sought her out.  His heart leapt in his throat, warmth spreading through his being at the sight.  He had felt this emotion numerous times before in the past month or so, several moments flashing to mind…


Harry slipped the key into the lock and turned it, hearing the click as it unlocked for him to creak it open.  He had been standing out in the hall for a good five minutes, knocking loudly.  But the sounds of music playing on the other side could be heard, along with her exuberant voice.

“Sir?” Dave was at his side, pushing the door open.  Harry nodded and stood back in annoyance while his protection officer shuffled into her flat.  He could hear her booming voice clearly now and it piqued his curiosity.

He peered around the door, his eyes following the music.  Anna was twirling around in just a baggy shirt and underwear, dancing in front of her laptop screen.  “You’ve got the right stuff, baby! Love the way you turn me ooon..

He crossed his arms, keeping it together so he wouldn’t disturb her.  He shifted from foot to foot as his attention was fixated on her.  He was anxious to get to her, to reach out to her and pull her against him to feel her warmth after a hard week on base.  Catching her this way, having a blast to god awful music, made him breathe a sigh of relief and his tense muscles relaxed.  She was a sight for sore eyes.

Anna was oblivious to what was going on just feet away from her as she kept prancing around, belting out every lyric accurately, escaping from a stressful week at hospital.  She let out a giggle and faltered in her step when Gabe started robot dancing through skype.

She went to join him on the ridiculous dance move when she caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure at the corner of her eye. She screamed out in alarm, immediately trying to recall the self defense techniques she had learned from her father when she was a young girl.  She couldn’t hear the music any longer, her heart pounding in her ears.  She turned sharply to get into attack position and was met with Harry’s dumbfounded expression.

“Shit!” She could hear Gabe frantically calling out her name, demanding to know if he should call 911, too out of his mind to realize she was in a different country than him.  She reacted quickly, pulling the top down of her laptop and bringing it up to shield her lack of dress to hide the intruder’s identity.  Dave discreetly slipped out the door, his lips in a thin line as he tried to keep his composure.  She was absolutely mortified and it broke Harry.  He dissolved into hysterics.

Anna’s heart was racing from the exercise and embarrassment.  Harry had just caught her in her underwear singing to New Kids on the Block.  His protection officer had seen her! And.. oh god, Gabe!

Harry’s uncontrollable laughter could be heard over the speakers and Anna’s stomach tightened at the sound.  “Henry.  Wales.  I gave you a key to use for when I wasn’t here!” With squinted eyes, he saw her toss her computer on the couch before stomping over to him.  He stubbed his toe as he tried to get away, tripping over the side of the stool and catching himself before he could fall face first.



Anna began to repeatedly smack him—his biceps, stomach, chest—anywhere she could reach.  “You can’t just barge in here without any warning! Your bodyguard saw me half naked!”
“Okay, okay! I’m sor-sorry!” Anna had eased up on the assault, but as soon as the next words “Dave is used to catching half naked girls around me” came out of his mouth, she jumped on his back and they both tumbled to the floor.

After they composed themselves, Anna jumped up to grab her screeching phone.  Harry sat up as he watched her convince her brother-in-law to call off the police and that she was not being held against her will by a psychopath.  “…It must’ve been a shadow of a picture frame or something.  Or I’m just losing my marbles… People do too still say that!.. I am

not talking like Nana… You take that back, Gabriel Holson-Caro or so help me… Argh, she does not say that either!She turned to let him see her roll her eyes towards the ceiling.  She made a motion with her hand to gesture a yapping mouth and mouthed ‘blah blah blah’.

Harry brought his forefinger up to his temple and moved it in a circular motion.  His heart beat rapidly against his chest at the sound of her boisterous laugh.  She was beautiful, fascinating.. enticing.  He felt his palms sweat, his heart racing, his insides aching for her; aching for her touch, her flowery scent to fill his senses.  For her heart.


“Sodd off.”

“Fuck off.”


“You playin’ with yo’ self.” Anna suppressed a giggle at her silliness as Harry chortled, tightening his arms that were around her sheet covered waist.

He couldn’t remember how they had started a British vs American slang game as they laid in her bed.  With her body laying comfortably on his, she kissed his cheek and threaded her fingers in his hair.


She smirked.  “You after shagging me.”

“Hey now, shagging is mine, peaches.”

Anna cursed under her breath.  “Bollocks.” Harry narrowed his eyes and gave her a sour look.  She stuck her tongue out childishly and Harry rolled them over, pressing her into the mattress with his weight.  She stretched her sore muscles and sighed, her body rubbing innocently against his.  Harry groaned and pushed his hips closer to her, Anna slipping her hand under the sheet to grab his bare bottom.  “Cheeky.”

***M***“Ha!” He devoured her mouth, his tongue sliding wetly with hers.  His hand began untangling the covers to expose her heated body to him.  Anna moaned when his hand traveled to her core, feeling how wet she already was.

“Harry…” Her eyes slid shut as she reveled in the sweet pleasure that only he drew from her.

“Mm? Done stealing my words, love?” He teased her clit, fingers sliding easily inside her.

She clutched his strong bicep, her legs parting further to give him better access.  “Blimey, crikey, knickers.” Harry bit her collarbone before soothing it with his tongue, his thumb working slow circles on her bundle of nerves as his buried deep fingers curled.  “Yeeees,” her drawn out moan caused him to lift his head up to take her in.

“So fucking beautiful.” She was moaning and writhing under his hand, clouding his vision with an intense desire.  He burned for her, wanted to bury himself to the hilt in her tight core.  But he loved to watch her come undone, where he found her the most stunning.  “Shit, I love seeing you like this, breaking apart for me.” Her head tossed back, her lips parted as she panted.  He knew she was close, knew by the way she began riding his hand as she chased after the sweet release he wanted to give her.

“Harry.. Oh, please.” Her sounds increased in volume as did the speed of his movements.  “Yes, yes.. Oh, yes..”
His cock was throbbing with the need to push into her, to fill her up.  “Fuck, come for me, Annalisa.” He rubbed her harder, pushing her over the edge.

***EM***“Oh bloody hell!”

Harry choked on a laugh before capturing her lips with his.


“Wow,” he let out a whistle.  She twirled around for him and he growled in appreciation at how the white dress hugged her curves in all the right places.

She giggled, “Yes?”

He moved towards her and cupped her cheeks.  “Oh, yes.  Flawless.”

Anna lit up at the twinkle in his eyes, her face upturned to accept his tender kisses.  “I do have one request before we go.” Her lips twitched as he tore himself from her to pick up the iPod that rested on the breakfast bar beside them.  She quirked a brow at him curiously.

When the familiar sounds of Michael Buble started, she was amused at the thought of Harry picking a song like this.  He held his hand out for her to take, a cheesy grin gracing his features.  She took it and the air left her lungs as he spun her.  He brought her right back to him and she curled her left arm around his while her other small hand was held firmly in his grip.  With his free hand resting gently at the small of her back, she followed his lead as they began swaying and twirling.

There was going to be much dancing before the night’s end.  She had spent several weeks arranging for everything about tonight’s musical event to be perfect, designing every bit of detail from the arena to the musical guests.  Harry had given his input when asked, admiring the way she was able to put everything together in a small amount of time.  She didn’t have much connections, but she sure knew how to work around that.  The evening was originally planned for the end of August but with Harry’s jam packed work schedule, Paul had given her the okay to reschedule to just before his departure to Angola.

He wanted to dance with her.  He wanted to spin her around the ballroom, show to the world that she belonged to him, that he belonged to her.  He wanted to enjoy the success of tonight with her by his side, wanted to kiss and touch her in public.

But no one but a couple trusted friends of his knew about their relationship.  They had hassled him until he gave them information as to why he hadn’t been out with them.  He had given them the poor excuse of work filling his time, but they knew him better; they could always tell when there was a girl involved with Harry’s absence.

She hadn’t yet told her family, never mind her colleagues.  And although Paul had his suspicions that he didn’t dare share with his wife, he never commented or asked either of them.

Dancing with her at a publicized event would have to wait a little longer.  So instead he shared a dance with her in private, before the festivities began.

He brought his mouth to her ear and softly sang the appropriate words, the reason as to why he had chosen this song.  “

…And don’t forget who’s taking you home and in whose arms you’re gonna be.. so darling, save the last dance for me..“ He dipped her suddenly, her delighted eyes meeting his.He licked his lips when she bit hers.


Harry looked over from his laptop where he had spent a good amount of time replying to emails and confirming meetings with his private secretary for his upcoming trip to Angola as Anna sat in the chair across his desk.  He sighed in content, her black rimmed glasses adorning her freshly washed face.  She was nibbling on a piece of buttered toast while engrossed in a romance novel that was recommended by Kathie.  She had been busy splitting her time between shifts at the hospital, preparing the WWTW musical fundraiser, and spending time with Harry that she had neglected the books she had accumulated in her wishlist.

He cocked his head to the side, openly watching her.  She looked adorable with her curls falling freely around her face, occasionally being tugged behind her ear when it blocked her view.  She wore his running shorts and a loose shirt that he found at the bottom of his drawer.

A smile tugged at his lips as he thought of comfortable it felt to be working in his space with her in the room with him.  He would hear a quiet sigh or a light chuckle from her once every few minutes and he’d pause typing to glance at her.

“I can feel your eyes on me, creeper.”

He cleared his throat.  “I don’t have the slightest clue as to what you’re talking about, darling.”

She kept her focus on the tablet as she retorted, “Stalker.”

He snickered.  “You’re loony.”

That made her look up at his teasing smile.  “You’re calling me four eyes in that big head of yours, aren’t you?” She narrowed her eyes at his laugh.  “Henry, I’d think long and hard before answering that.”

“You’re out of this world, Caro.” Anna threw a piece of her toast at him, missing him by a long shot.  “You also throw like a girl.” She whipped another piece at him, the pitch even worse than the previous, landing on the floor.

“You’re gonna have to clean that up.”

She wrinkled her nose.  “Make me.”

He raised his eyebrows.  “Really now? We’re gonna play this game again?”


He smacked his hands on the top of his desk to push himself up, flashing a wicked grin.  She squealed and jumped up, sprinting to the door.  Harry stood back as he allowed her a head start to let her believe she was getting a fair shot at outrunning his long legs.

But when he stepped out of the room, he stopped dead in his tracks.  The first article of clothing that was once covering her bottom was thrown carelessly to the ground.  His gray shirt lay two feet away from the shorts.  He looked down the hall and saw the trail she left him; her black bra and lace panties all leading him back to his bedroom.

Fuck.  She was waiting for him in his bed.  Naked.

She stunned him.  She had all the qualities he had always been looking for without realizing it until this very moment.  She was sweet with an enormous heart; he doubted her ever hurting a fly.  She was shy and was easily embarrassed when they first met, blushing constantly in his presence.  But she also kept hidden a flirtatious side that only he got to see.


“Oh, Annalisa Caro.  You are a bad, bad girl.”

He broke out into a jog, shedding his own clothing on his way.

She shoved the remainder of her cranberry scone in her mouth.  “Sexy.” She wrinkled her nose at his sarcastic remark and opened her mouth to let him see the mashed up food.  Harry shook his head, “You are a class act.”
He was exhausted and his leg was slightly throbbing from all the exercise he had done during his Angola visit.  It was nearing the time he was expected to be up, the morning light hidden from blinds he kept shut.  It was the first chance he had gotten since the trip to facetime with her.

She swallowed enough to speak in between bites, “I can be sexy!”

He chuckled, shifting to find a comfortable position on the suite bed.  “Yeah? Let’s see sexy.”

She moved the phone back so she could throw him a sultry look over her shoulder.  “Oh yeah, baby.” She pursed her lips and squinted her eyes.  Harry laughed, “Oh, you’re killing me, peaches.” He loved how comfortable she was with him now, letting him see her many silly faces.

“It’s my best Renee Zellweger impression.” Anna straightened her shoulders before shrugging, crossing her eyes and puffing out her cheeks.  “This is my I-want-your-sex face.”

Harry growled.  “Now

that is what I call sexy.”He let out another animalistic growl when she chewed her lip, knowing it drove him mad. He was about to ask her to show him some skin when her buzzer rang out.  She held up a finger, “One sec, my sexy beast.”

Whatever he was going to say was forgotten as he laughed and winked at her.  “Oh my god, Harry!” His smile widened, knowing she had just received his surprise.  Her beaming face appeared on his phone screen again and he felt his insides warm up.  “They’re beautiful, Harry.  Thank you.” She leaned to inhale the scent of the peach roses that now decorated her kitchen.  Anna looked back at him with such adoration in her amber eyes, creating an intense ache in his chest.  “I miss your handsome face.”

He missed her too.  He dreamt about her every single night he was away; naughty dreams that made him wake up in frustration, sweet dreams of just her laugh or of her kind smile.  He was anticipating the day where he could finally have her in his embrace again.

“Miss you too, baby.”


“The children absolutely adore Nurse Anna…”

Harry stopped listening to Mellie, frozen at his spot at the doorway.  His arms rested awkwardly at his sides, his hands balled up into fists.  His fingernails were biting into his palms, he knew, but the only thing he could focus on was the fact that his heart was swelling at the sight of her.

She was in Winnie the Pooh scrubs with purple pants, her curls in a messy bun and a cat-eared headband on top of her head.  She was skipping, jumping around to an upbeat song about wanting to live free like animals in the jungle.  The small children were following her lead, each one giggling as they also wore animal ears.  They copied everything she did, raising their hands with her, waving them side to side and tapping their feet to the beat.  They looked happy, carefree.. healthy despite some pale faces and smoothed skin where their hair once was.

Harry wore his heart on his sleeve, he had always been known for it.  Once he cared for someone, he made sure to cherish it, to protect it as his mother had advised him and his brother.  And that had always caused him heartache in the past.  He was known as a playboy, the party prince.  But what the press didn’t write about was that when he loved someone, he loved.

And as he watched her patients sweetly gather their tiny hands, forming a circle around her as the song neared its end, he knew.

He was completely and utterly in love with her.

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