Chapter Twelve

How They Have the Talk


Anna walked back in her bedroom with two water bottles to find Harry leaning over her side of the bed with his chopsticks actively shoveling her pork fried rice from her Chinese takeout carton into his mouth.  “Busted.” He stopped mid-bite and winked, her heart melting at the sight.

“Ah, come on, peaches.. You know I’ll share some of mine with you.” She tossed his water bottle and was astounded at his ability to catch it with ease.

“Yeah, cause it’s mostly broccoli left.” She sat with one leg underneath her, facing him from the foot of the bed.  “Give it.” Harry handed her his carton and she took a few bites, eating the majority of the broccoli for him before switching again for her own.

Harry sighed in content.  He found himself doing that lately, ever since that day a week ago where they confessed their love for each other.  It was almost as if there was an elephant in the room before, their hearts knowing the truth and waiting for their heads to catch on.  And now that it was out in the open, they were closer.. more intimate.  Their lovemaking was more intense, more meaningful.. and more raunchy at times.

Anna caught him staring at her and smiled in return with her mouth full, cocking her head to one side.  She knew what he was thinking; she had been thinking it too.  She scooted closer to him and leaned forward to kiss him.  He took her carton and placed both on the nightstand so he could bring his hands up to cradle her face.  She sighed against his mouth, “I just want to stay here like this forever.”

Harry’s heart beat rapidly when he saw her tearful eyes.  “Me too, love.” He rubbed their noses together, his thumbs moving back and forth on her cheeks to catch the tears that slipped free.  He would be away for a little over a week, gearing up for the trek and taking up on a couple meetings.  “I’ll be back before you know it.  You won’t even realize I’m gone.”

She sniffled sheepishly at the emotions that were coursing through her.  She blamed it on PMS but she couldn’t deny how much she was going to really miss him.  Anna was used to him always being busy, balancing military duties, royal engagements, and charity events.  She never complained once, knowing how important all of those things were to him.  She cherished the moments they shared together but she knew there wasn’t much they could do with their relationship a secret from the press.

Harry could see her mind working, thinking something through before she found the right words to let him in.  He continued to press tender kisses to her sweet mouth, giving her time but he couldn’t stop the anxiety that was slowly rising in his chest.

Anna returned his kisses, moving to crawl onto his lap and wrap her arms around his neck and shivered when Harry’s hands traveled down to hold her hips, his hands intentionally pausing to apply slight pressure to her breasts that were covered by her top.  “I’m ready,” she whispered.  He gazed at her with hooded eyes and she giggled.  “Not for that…yet,” Harry pouted at her playful wink.  “I’m ready to talk about coming out to the public.”

Harry threw his head back and belted out,  “I’m coming out.. I want the world to knoow..gotta let it shooow.”

She smacked his chest, her body shaking with laughter.  “Come on, be serious, Diana Ross! I’ve been working up the courage to have this discussion, you dork.”

“Dork? Have I told you how much I love it when you talk dirty?” Anna squealed when he changed their position suddenly, his body covering hers as her back rested on the mattress.

“Henry! You imbecile.”

“Oh, baby, keep going.” She trapped him between her legs, biting her lip when his eyes darkened.  Two could play that game.  He growled when she arched her back and buried his head in her neck, nipping and licking the skin he found there.

“Mm, you are so ridiculous.” He bit her neck in response.  “Ah!” She brought her hands down to his bottom and squeezed.  “Okay, seriously, Harry.  We have to talk about this now before I lose it.”

He looked up at her and smirked.  “Well, that’s the point, darling.  My job is to make sure you lose it before I do.”

She smacked his ass in reply.  “Ha! Horndog.” He gave her a smacking kiss before sighing and shifting up to sit back on his feet.  He knew this was a pivotal conversation, something that was going to either make or break them.  Anna stayed on her back and grabbed hold of his hands, lacing their fingers.  “Okay, so.. now what?”

Harry chuckled.  “For starters, we have to tell our families.  My father and Will know I’m in a relationship so I just have to inform them that there will be reports coming out and that’ll make things a little.. crazy for awhile.  But you have to tell your family.” She chewed on her lip.  Harry swayed their entwined hands in a dance before continuing.  “You should warn them of phone calls they’ll be getting, some people may follow them occasionally.  Instruct them that they shouldn’t give out their honest opinions on any topics involving my family.  And to not comment on any story, specifical1ly the false reports that will be in newspapers and magazines.” Anna nodded, intently listening to every word.  It was pretty much common sense but she let him talk, knowing this was crucial and he wanted to make sure she was taking mental notes.

Harry pulled her upright to a sitting position­ and kissed her forehead sweetly.  “As for you.”

“Me?” She questioned in confusion.

“You are going to be hounded.  I don’t say that lightly.” He took a breath, becoming even more nervous with the possibility of her changing her mind.  “You shouldn’t take that lightly.  The press are going to dig for information, nothing is off limits.  They will exaggerate whatever they find and if they cannot find anything interesting, they will fabricate shit to get their name printed.”

“Is this the best time to tell you I’ve been whoring myself around to pay off my student loans? And I caused some drama between my pimp and his associate so I had to flee the States?”

He tapped her nose.  “Cute.”

She tilted her head to the side.  “O-kay, that’s your big speech? Is that all?”

Harry furrowed his brows.  “Is that all? Anna, I don’t want you going into this blind.  I should have gone through all of this before…” He paused and shrugged his shoulders, licking his lips and letting out a puff of air.  “What do you think? Are you ready for all of this?”

Anna grabbed his face with both hands and brought his lips to her, capturing them in a loving kiss.  “Let’s do this, Wales.”

He snickered before turning serious.  “One more thing.” She waited expectantly, her hands still holding him.  “You’ve been a military girlfriend but you’re about to be a royal girlfriend.  It’s much different.  You can trust me, always know that.  I’ll always be open and honest.” Anna was touched at how concerned he was and she knew it was for good reason.

“You can trust me too, Harry.  I know I have a tendency to… go mental but I want you to know, I need you to know that I’m in this for the long haul.”

He nodded, feeling jittery.  “You have to promise me that if this gets to be too much or something happens that bothers you.. promise me you will tell me immediately.” Her heart clenched at his words, almost as if he was terrified he wouldn’t be enough.  His eyes were frantic, searching her expression for any signs of regret.  “Promise me you’ll be open and honest with me too.. I don’t want you to get scared and keep it to yourself and then end up running away.  If you’re frightened, let me in and—”

“Hey,” Anna silenced his rambling, covering his mouth.  “Harry..” She looked him dead in the eyes as she spoke softly to him.  “I promise, sweetheart.” She replaced her finger with her mouth, pecking his lips.  “I promise.” She kissed his nose.  “I promise.” Each of his pink cheeks.  “I promise.” His eyes and forehead. “I’m not going anywhere.”

He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, his heart pounding wildly in his chest.  “Okay.” He shook his head at himself before a goofy smile formed.  “Alright, love.  We’ve been cooped up inside these walls for too long.  What would you like to do? Bowling? Go for ice cream? A swim at the beach?”

Harry looked at her curiously when a devilish smirk appeared on her lips.  “I now just the thing..”


Harry shook his head at her indecisive nature, spending a good hour going through the many shades of paint.  When she had suggested to him they go out to the local home improvement store to pick up cans of paint for her spare room, he laughed it off.  But she wasn’t kidding around.  And now instead of relaxing, he was spending his last day off before a grueling week laboring away.  If only she could decide on a damn color.

“Okay, here are some of the neutral and soft colors that are similar to the living room.” Anna handed the stack of samples to Harry and waved the second set.  “And these are more vibrant.” Harry cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders to ease the tense muscles that were caused from standing in the same position for a lengthy amount of time.  He was kicking himself in the arse now for agreeing to help her.  “It’s practically a music room so I’d go with this one.”

“Holiday Turquoise?” Anna cocked her head to the side as she contemplated his opinion.  “Yeah? You think so?” She paused.  “But what if one day I want to turn the room into something else?”

Harry rolled his eyes.  “Right, the piano and your massive collection of guitars will fit comfortably in your kitchen.  Love, you don’t have the space to turn it into something else.  And cool colors have calming qualities and can create a peaceful and tranquil environment.  It’s supposed to help with concentration too.  Plus, blue happens to be my favorite color.” He sighed when he saw her bite the inside of her cheek, her forehead creased in deep thought.  “Did you even listen to anything I said?”

She rolled her eyes toward the ceiling.  “Oh, stop being a woman.” Anna laughed when his eyes narrowed.  “Okay, yeah.. yeah, you’re right.” He breathed a sigh of relief.  “So which of these do you think?” Harry wanted to scream but groaned in frustration instead, lifting his cap to tug on his fiery locks before adjusting it back on.

“Anna, pick whatever you want.  We’ve wasted too much time here and we still have to get started with the first coat.”

“Fine, you grouch.  We’ll go with this one.” She, of course, picked his least favorite.  He pressed his lips tightly together to keep from giving his input, knowing it would delay them even further.  Her eyes twinkled at his expression.  She knew it was his least favorite; it was her least favorite too if she was being honest.  She was stalling, enjoying spending time out together, holding hands like a normal couple as they strolled in the store.

She was also having a pleasant time annoying the hell out of him, too.  Anna laughed and teasingly pulled his cap over his eyes.  “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.  Definitely the Holiday Turquoise.  So wise, my Captain.”

He smiled and leaned forward to murmur.  “That’s my girl.” He kissed her softly, feeling liberated that he was able to kiss her in public, where they could have an audience.  Sue, it was fun sneaking around, waiting for her at his place as he sent a driver to pick her up in black tinted windows; creeping into her flat right after work to get a few hours of sleep before she would get off work.  He had enjoyed their private time, taking it slow in the beginning as they got to know one another.  But was ready to show his girl off to the world.  He was ready to have her at his side, and vice versa.

Was he nervous? Without a doubt.  He wouldn’t deny that.  He knew what the media could do, would do when they found out about them.  It was inevitable; he couldn’t stop it, as much as he wish he could.  But right now, he didn’t give a shit what they thought, what they would say.  He could only anticipate it and continue to love and cherish this incredible woman that was in front of him.
They put the rest of the samples back in its holder and made their way to the counter to get the paint mixed, hands entwined.  “So hey, some of my friends are eager to meet you.  I told them we were free the Saturday I get back.  Tom’s having a get together at his new flat.” He instantly noticed the way she bit her lip and he squeezed her hand.  “It’ll only be a few there.  Very intimate.”

They stopped in front of the abandoned mixing station and Harry tapped on  the bell that had a ‘Ring For Assistance’ sign taped on the counter underneath it.  He turned to face her and raised his brows for her answer.  “Oh? You have friends?” He smacked her bottom without thinking and Anna yelped in surprise before swatting his arm, her eyes scanning the area to make sure none of the shoppers witnessed the act.  She bumped his side with her hip and leaned into him.  “Throwing me to the wolves already?” She giggled at his exasperated expression.  “I’d love to meet your friends, Harry.”

“You sure?” He pulled her into his arms, hugging her close.

“Absolutely.” They were quiet for a few moments, relishing in the comfortable embrace but Anna was the first to break the silence, voicing her concern.  “What if they don’t like me?”

Harry squeezed her tighter at the sound of her small voice.  “They will love you, baby.”


The swishing sounds of the paint brushes rolling the wet paint onto the walls echoed throughout the room.  It was mostly empty—apart from the piano and recliners that were covered with sheets—pictures and knick knacks that decorated the space moved out into the hall.

Harry sneaked a glance at her, shaking his head and chuckling in amusement at her attire.  She had changed into more appropriate clothing, baggy overalls with an old t-shirt underneath and a bandana covering the top of her dark hair that she had braided into two parts.  He found her incredibly sexy, even in that outfit.

“You missed a spot,” he teased.  She bent to roll the brush in the pan with more paint and looked over at him to stick her tongue out.  “Nice.. I can tell you what else you could do with that ton-”

“Get to work, Wales.  This has to be done by today.“  He watched her as she began to apply the paint again, smirking as his eyes roved over her heated skin.  He wanted to grab her, push her up against the wet walls and kiss the hell out of her.  She drove him mad with desire.
Anna could sense his attention on her as she made her way closer to where his assigned wall space was.  “You are such a slacker.  I’m almost done with mine and you’ve barely made a dent in yours.”

He playfully tickled her side, startling her and causing the brush in her hand to jerk to the left, abrupting her calculated up and down motion.  She gasped at the awkward streak.  “Henry! You made me mess up!”

He let out an evil laugh before dropping his paint brush on one of the old rags that served the purpose to wipe their hands.  Harry placed his hands on her hips and rested his forehead on her shoulder from behind, inhaling the peach shampoo she used just for him.  “You are so goddamn sexy in this farmer’s daughter costume.”

The lust in hoarse voice made Anna stop the task at hand, tossing the brush to lay beside his on the floor.  She turned to face him and reached up on her tip toes to close the space between them.  “You know what else is sexy?”


He noticed the glint of mischief in her eyes but before he could react, she lifted up a finger that was wet with the blue paint and smeared a line from his temple to his jaw line.

“Annalisa!” He growled, lifting her up by the waist and twirling her around as she laughed hysterically.


A few hours later, Harry was propped up on the stool in her kitchen as Anna chit chatted with her family on her mobile.  They were waiting for the paint to dry to start on the second coat when Harry had suggested that she call them and get it over with, especially since they were all together for the weekend in the same city for Sunday brunch.

Anna was working up the nerve to tell them, unsure of their reactions as they put her on speakerphone and got her caught up on the latest events.  She licked her lips and cleared her throat.  “So, I have some important news.” She waited for the hush to come, her eyes wide as she looked over at Harry for support.  He nodded for her to continue, offering a comforting smile.  “You know I’ve been seeing someone..”

“Yeah, when are we going to meet this handsome man of yours?” She rolled her eyes at Kathie’s interruption.

“Well, here’s the thing.  Harry is..” She swallowed, “He’s.. um-”

“Christ Almighty, spit it out!” Everyone voiced their agreement to Gabe’s outburst.

“Okay, God! Harry is.. from the Royal Family.” Silence.  “British Royal Family.” More silence.  “…Prince Harry?”

All at once the sound of laughter vibrated through the phone.  Anna held it away from her ear, cringing while Harry laughed quietly.  “You’ve lost it.  What have you been drinking over there?”

“This isn’t a joke, Luke.”

“Prove it.  Send us a picture.” After rolling her eyes and telling them to hold on, she searched through her photo album for a recent picture of him.  Harry sat back, trying not to laugh as she grumbled under her breath at how ridiculous they were.  He thought of how much easier it would be for her if he would just talk to them but he knew they weren’t there just yet.

After a couple minutes, she heard the frantic search on the other end for whose phone was buzzing with her message.  “You googled that shit!”

“Finn!” Her mother scolded and Anna could hear a faint apology from her brother in the background.

“Seriously? Guys, it’s Harry.”

“Bullshit! You could’ve easily gotten a photo from the internet.  We need solid proof.”

“Gah, you guys are impossible! Hold on, you crazies.” Anna walked over to him, setting her phone on mute and getting her camera ready.  “Ready to take a selfie?”

Harry let out a chuckle and pinched her side before he leaned down to kiss her, fingering one of her loose curls that hung from the bandana.  “How does my hair look?”

“Gorgeous.” Patting his head, she stretched out her arm and arranged it so they were both in the shot.  At the last second, she turned her head to place a surprising kiss on his cheek.

When Anna peeked at the picture before she sent it to her impatient family, she giggled at Harry’s thumbs up.

Harry and Anna both laughed loudly at the reaction that came pouring into the phone.  Her mother and grandma both gasping in disbelief and Kathie’s excited screech.  Her brothers “no ways” and “holy shits” and Gabe horrified “what the bloody hell are you wearing?!”.  Even the kids could be heard, asking what was all the commotion.

She let them have their moment, waiting patiently and answering a few simple questions.  When? How long? Has she met the Queen? Has she met his brother? His sister-in-law? His new nephew? Was he there with her at that moment? Does she curtsey to him? (She had Gabe to thank for that one.  He also knew she had to refrain from replying with a dirty joke.)

“So listen.. I know you’re all curious and want to know more but I just had to tell you now before the media caught on.  Harry and I have started going out in public and it won’t be long before the whole world finds out.  I just need you guys to be cautious of what you say when there are prying eyes and ears.  People will be calling you, just.. please be careful.”

They all agreed and told her they understood and were by her side no matter what.  The only person who hadn’t said anything was her father, and that made Anna’s stomach tighten.

“Daddy?” Her childlike voice prompted Harry to mock her, making a silly face.  But she ignored him, needing to hear her dad’s approval.

“Yes, Annalisa?”

Fuck.  He used his intimidating voice.

“Do you want to say something?” Harry comfortingly rubbed her back.

“What is there for me to say, Annalisa? I don’t know the guy dating my daughter.  How am I to know if he’s treating you right? How am I to know if his intentions are good?” Anna smacked her forehead in embarrassment.  “I don’t, Annalisa.  I don’t know.  So again, what is there for me to say?” The commotion died down, silence filling the background.  She could feel the tension around them without even being there.

She sighed heavily into the receiver.  “Dad, this isn’t the time to discuss this.”

“Marco,” she heard her mother’s warning.

“No, Lucille.  She asked me to say something.  You know how much I don’t care for secrets, Annalisa.  We are family; we do not keep life altering decisions from family.”

Anna rolled her eyes.  “Okay, well, thank you for the support.”

“Annalisa Lucille Caro.” She cringed at the full name and Harry became more uncomfortable with how it was playing out.  “Have you forgotten who you are speaking to? I am your father.  Show some respect.”  Anna turned away from Harry, walking to the other side of the breakfast bar for some space.  She was embarrassed, he could tell by the flush on her cheeks and the way she was tugging on the braids.

“Okay, you’re overreacting here.  I’m a grown woman, daddy.. I’m an adult and I’m in an adult relationship.  I love Harry.. and this is not the time to be talking about this with ears listening in.. I will talk to you in private some other time.”

“You don’t talk to me that way, Annalisa.  I am your fath-”

“Yes, you are my father.  Exactly.  So act like it and support me.  In the meantime, this conversation is over.  I will talk to you guys tomorrow after you’ve had some time to soak everything in.  You know how to reach me if you have any questions.”

After the awkward goodbyes and promises of more information, Anna hung up and took a few calming breaths, releasing all the negative energy.
Sometime during the intense exchange, Harry had stood from his seat and paced across the room, chewing on his fingers out of habit.  Now his eyes searched her face for any indication of what was to come.  That didn’t go as well as he originally thought it would.  But was he surprised? He couldn’t say he was.  She had just dropped a bomb on her family.  Everything that they had discussed earlier came flooding back.

She was dating a Prince.  The media was going to rip her to shreds.  Her family would be contacted from here on out.  Personal information would be aired out, not only about her but also about them.

Shit.  Her father hated him now, never mind when all of the chaos began.

“It’ll take him some time to warm up to the idea.  I wouldn’t worry about it.” Harry didn’t realize that he had zoned out until he heard her reassurance.

Anna felt awful.  After hanging up and taking a short time to collect herself, she grew curious to Harry’s reaction; when she looked up, concern was etched on his face, his forehead creased and his lips pressed in a firm line.  She made her way over to him and looped her arms through his to wrap around his frame.  With her cheek pressed gently over his chest, she inhaled his scent.  “I love you, Henry.”

The steady beating of his heart accelerated, bringing a smile to her lips.  She had been saying the words daily to him for over a week now but he still felt as it was for the first time every time.

It was then that he hugged her back.  “I love you, baby.”  Harry began to sway slightly, creating a giggle— another sound he adored.  “We got another hour before we can work on the second coat.  Any idea of what we can do in the meantime?”

She wiggled her eyebrows at him.  “What was it that you were talking about earlier? Something about a better use for my tongue?”

She slid down to her knees and Harry’s body reacted immediately to her sultry voice and her gracious movements, the bulge straining against his jeans.  He placed his hand on the top of her head, throwing his head back.  “I fucking love you.”

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