3 AM

3 AM

Harry is forced to hit a 24 hour store for a very pregnant Anna


Harry was grumbling the whole way down the staircase, cursing under his breath as he jumped off the last step. Heading towards the door, he swept up the keys on the way and pulled his hood over his head.

It was 3am, a time where the little sleepy town was deserted, not a single living soul awake at the ungodly hour.

Except for his wife. And now him.

Sighing tiredly, he dug in his pocket for his buzzing phone, an agitated huff blowing through his nose when he caught sight of the text.

I heard that.

His pregnant wife was going to be the death of him. And the cause of his insufferable attitude come dawn.

Rolling his eyes, he swiped a finger across the screen to open up the text in order to reply. Just as he was typing, another text popped up in the thread.

Don’t roll your eyes at me, mister.

A growl escaped him. Erasing his original reply, he typed, It freaks me the fuck out when you do that!!

Good. Now quit bitching and moaning and get a move on. I’m tired and Maisie’s gonna be up in a few hours.

“Yeah, you’re fucking tired? I’m fucking tired,” he murmured.

He had less than two hours before his alarm would be going off. And, unlike the majority of the population, he didn’t have the luxury of hitting snooze. Not if he didn’t want his Commander to spit expletives in his face, especially with the gag-worthy coffee breath he walked around with. Harry’s face twisted at the memory.

Is that you still bitching and moaning?

Biting his tongue, he replied with, No, dear.

Good. Don’t forget the whipped cream. 😀

A soft knock was heard from the other sound of the door, the unfortunate protection officer announcing his arrival. Harry wondered which poor bastard lost rock-paper-scissors this time.

Just as Harry opened the door to join the officer in the dark night, his mobile vibrated against his palm.

Trying to conceal the humorous twitch at his lips when a blurry eyed Dave came into view, he greeted his shopping companion, “Hey, sorry about this.”

“No need, Sir.” Dave smiled, knowingly. “This isn’t the first 3am call for cheesecake, I’m afraid.”

Harry snorted. He would have laughed if his remark hadn’t meant Anna had to turn to the protection officers in his absence during her first pregnancy. Guilt settled in the pit of his stomach, banishing the annoyance of having to hit a 24 hour shopping service that was over a half hour away instead of being wrapped up in the warmth of the bed covers. He had missed so much the first time.

Despite the pregnancy book Anna had presented him with where she documented everything – literally, everything – that had transpired while he was away, Harry still felt cheated. He had vowed to do everything in his power to keep her happy and satisfied the second they found out soon after their baby girl was born that they were expecting again. He refused to miss this one, too.

The consecutive buzzes brought him out of his thoughts.

“Give me a second,” Harry requested, looking down at his mobile.

Make sure it’s light whipped cream.

Dave cleared his throat, looking a little uneasy. “I would advise you to keep the second short, Sir. Your wife is…erm, rather impatient when it comes to dessert.”

Harry chuckled. Poor guy must’ve been the center of wife’s wrath enough times to experience night terrors.

Fuck it. Make it the most fattening, high calorie shit you can find.

Don’t forget the strawberries.

And see if they have the Milk and Cookies Ben & Jerry’s.

“Agh… Sir…We should…”

OH! And olives. The green ones. Please and thank you. 🙂

Harry’s brow creased, bemused. “Olives? What the fu-”


Eyes enlarged, his head shot up to meet Dave’s unsettling expression. “Shit. Right, yeah, let’s go.”

The two men scurried out of the house before Anna could waddle herself down the stairs, ready to shred them both to pieces.

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