Chapter Ten (Part II)

How the New Year Began


“I swear that balding man becomes more insufferable with each new year,” Harry joked as he entered the washroom, the steam of the shower taking him by surprise.  Anna’s laugh wafted through the glass door and Harry smiled.  He would always describe her carefree laugh as being a sweet melody to his ears.

“Maybe he’ll be nicer to you once he takes a look at your own hair loss.”

Harry gasped in horror while grabbing his toothbrush and the tube of toothpaste, content at the glimpse of the pink toothbrush that rested in the holder.  “Never joke about a man’s hair.. or lack thereof.”

“Unless he’s your brother.”

“Well, yeah.. Wills free for all,” he said, hovering over the sink.  The bristles scrubbed the bitter taste of the whiskey he had downed all night, replacing it with a fresh and clean feel.  He turned his head to the side and watched the blurred silhouette of her form, making out the bent of her arms as she washed her long dark locks.  He felt the familiar stir in his boxers and pressed down on it for some relief with his free hand.  Sliding the bristles over his teeth in quick strokes, he inwardly groaned when her head tipped back, her chest pushing forward.  The little vixen had no idea what she was doing to him.

“Before you know it, you’ll be two old men in rockers, fighting over who has the most false teeth,” Anna sniggered at his growl, unaware the low grating sound was far from innocent.

She turned and faced the spray of the shower, pumping the bottle of face wash before rubbing it between her hands to form a nice foam before scrubbing her pink face clean. She felt the rush of cold air before it was replaced by the warmth of a hard body behind her, smirking at the two strong hands that held her hips.  ”Hello, there.  What are you up to?”

Harry dropped a kiss on her bare shoulder, pushing aside the sopping locks of hair that clung to her neck.  ”Staying true to my word.”

His lips trailed along her neck, his tongue poking through to catch the droplets that rolled off her skin while his hands busied themselves by rubbing her sides in a slow up and down motion.  Anna hummed and tilted her head to the side to give him better access and he took full advantage of it, nipping her pulse point that quickened when his fingertips tickled down to the tops of her thighs.  “I love how honorable you are.”


Harry breathed harshly against the shell of her ear before tugging on her earlobe, his index and middle finger rubbing along her slit then slipping in between the moist folds. “And I love how wet you are for me right here..”

“Oh…” Anna moaned, her legs already trembling at his soft touch as he stroked her again and again.  He caught her weight as she fell back on his hard chest when his fingers sunk inside her core.  Between his arousal poking her back and the in and out ministration he kept, she grew hotter and hotter, the juices already flowing freely out of her.

“Fuck..” Harry groaned, pushing his erection more directly against the small of her back as it grew harder.  He was moving easily in her wetness by how aroused she was, and it didn’t help his erection as he imagined how slick his length would be as he slipped in and out of her.  “How do you get this wet so quickly, peaches?”

“Because of you,” she confessed, her breaths coming out choppy, already aching for the intense release she knew Harry would give her.  She swung her arms loosely up around his neck, her perky breasts pushing up from the different position, and felt his chest expand with his sharp intake of air.  Harry couldn’t resist touching more of her, lifting his free hand to cup her left breast, instantly molding it in his palm as he drew more pleasured moans from her, the hard pebble pressing deliciously into his skin.

Separating her legs further apart, allowing Harry to get deeper within her, Anna whimpered, desperate for more.. needing more.  “Please..”

Harry didn’t have to ask what she was pleading for, he could almost feel the throbbing of her clit as it begged for his attention.  The pad of his thumb pressed firmly on the bundle of nerves before rotating in slow circles as his digits stilled deep in her clinging channel. “How’s this, baby?”

“Mmm..” She hummed, swiveling her hips to urge his unmoving fingers as his thumb on her clit never let up.  Harry hissed at the sweet friction of her movements rubbing against his cock, sending jolts of pleasure down his spine to his toes.

“God, Annalisa.. Look at me, sweetness..” He demanded, squeezing her flesh in his hand as his fingers started up once again.  Anna gasped and tilted her head up, Harry instantly dipping his head to capture her pouty lips in a wet kiss.  Neither one of them could determine who had opened their mouths first but they both moaned together, Anna tasting his minty mouth and Harry enjoying the warmth of her tongue as it tangled with his.

Her inner walls contracted around him, milking him as the pressure build stronger in her lower belly and pushed all the way out.  It took just one more stroke on her clit before the pressure was released, her blissful cries trapped in his mouth.

After she came down from the first high of many that would follow, she turned to face him and squealed when Harry lifted her up effortlessly.  She giggled at his smug grin as he balanced her weight, her back firmly pressed against the wall and her arms curled around his broad shoulders.  “Are you ready for me, my love?” He asked, shifting into the appropriate position as Anna wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Show me what you got, Wales.”

Harry’s chuckle melted into a long, satisfying moan when he guided her to sink onto his throbbing cock, watching her face contort in gratification.  “Harry..” She breathed, her inner walls molding him as he began a slow and steady pace.  “Baby..”

Her hand slid down his slick back, his strong muscles rippling under her gentle touch. She caught his intense gaze and held it with her own, the emotion behind his eyes adding to the emotions coursing through her.  She scrunched up her nose and crossed her eyes.

There was nothing better than this.  Loving someone so immensely that during such intimate moments, both were comfortable enough to act silly.

Harry huffed out a laugh, momentarily faltering.  ”You’re crazy.”

“I kno-oh!” His jerky thrusts had sparked something inside of her, her toes curling at the intensity and her eyes sliding shut.  ”Do that again..”

This?” He asked, repeating the same motion over and over, rewarded with her increasing sounds of approval.

“Oh god…oh god…”

But her eyes popped open when his hoarse voice resounded in her ears.  “Do you like that? Hmm, baby? Tell daddy how much you like that.” She studied him intently, catching the glint in his laughing pupils before they both broke into a fit of giggles.

She was going to kill Maggie.

Anna hadn’t realized she had said the threat out loud until Harry snickered, leaning forward to kiss her softly.  “Love you, crazy girl.”

“Love you, big papi.”

She grinned proudly at his howl of laughter.

Their silliness was forgotten moments later when Harry quickened his pace, losing themselves in each other once again.  Not long after, Anna was reaching her second climax, Harry muffling her moans by slanting his mouth over hers, their tongues sliding wetly.

He was so painfully hard, his cock ached with the need to be relieved that he could almost cry.  But nothing beat watching her come undone for him and he had vowed to make love to her the way she deserved.  He was determined to have their fresh new start of a new year be a memorable one.

“One more?” The strangled question almost went unheard as she panted, the intense high subsiding.

More?!” She cried, half laughing.  ”I don’t think I can do more..”

He slid back in her in one fluid motion and ground his hips, her clit bumping his hipbone, profanity slipping past her swollen lips.

“Do you want me to stop?” He genuinely asked, his teeth grazing her earlobe.

“No,” she whimpered in response.  “Please, baby..come with me this time..“

He dropped his head on her shoulder, forcefully thrusting in and out and sunk his teeth into her flesh, causing Anna to break his skin with her fingernails as she repeatedly called out his name.  His control was slipping by the millisecond with her enthusiasm, choking on a moan when her legs tightened around him, holding him close.  He had to get her there again, concentrating on the task as he fought against the tightening of his balls by sucking on her shoulder.

“Oh.. Please..” She pleaded, her head thrown back on the wall, trying to reach the impending orgasm that was fast approaching.  She was so close.. so fucking close to letting go, to succumbing to the wave of pleasure.  “Oh, Harry..”

He angled his hips and swiftly thrust deep within her, grunting every time his cock filled her to the hilt.  Anna began to sob as he continued the same action over and over, hitting a sweet spot that only he could find as she came again, harder this time.  Harry growled as he finally allowed himself to catch his own mind blowing release.


Harry’s vision was white and he felt lightheaded when he came down from the high, Anna comforting him by rubbing his back up and down as they both tried desperately to even out their breaths.

“Happy fucking New Year,” she laughed out, Harry moaning in agreement.


Anna padded into the room wearing her favorite knee-high socks and one of his long shirts that hid her knickers, finding Harry crouched in front of the blazing fireplace with just a pair of gray boxer briefs, carefully adding a few twigs to keep the warmth alive in the chilled air.

The water had turned freezing cold by the time they were completely satisfied, both shivering under the harsh spray that cooled down their flushed skin instantly.  Anna helped Harry wash up quickly with chattering teeth and Harry took care of warming them up when they stepped out by wrapping both of them in heated towels.

Harry had suggested to climb in his bed and drift off into much needed sleep, Anna reaching the point of being awake for well over 24 hours since she had worked a double the day before to attend the celebrations.  But he learned that she made it a habit every year to wait until it hit 5am in London to send out the group message to her family when their new year began.  After a minute or two of bickering that consisted of Anna demanding Harry to get some sleep and Harry insisting on staying up with her, her mobile rang out from the hospital and she excused herself to take the call.

And that’s when Harry took it upon himself that he had won the round and made way to the living area to start up a fire.

“They allow you to touch the fireplace? God help us all,” she said with a teasing smile.

Harry turned and eyed her up and down, appreciating her lack of wear.  A slow smirk formed on his lips.  ”Do you doubt my abilities to tame a wild fire, love?”

Anna blushed, the heat of the birthing flames deepening the red tint of her cheeks.  ”Not at all, mister fire marshal.” Harry caught the flash of remembrance of their encounter at the party in her expression and chuckled.

He slowly stood up straight, a hand on his bare leg that ached, Anna catching the look of discomfort.

“I think you’re getting too old to tame wild fires in scandalous places, grandpa,” she giggled at his scowl before making way to him as he opened his arms for her.

“Shush.” He saw a slight wince when she took the first step and lifted a brow.  ”Are you sore, old lady?”

“It’s your doing.”

He closed his arms to hold her close, swaying her side to side in a slow dance, dropping a kiss on her head.  ”I’m not even a bit sorry.”

She looked up with a beaming smile.  ”Me either.”

“Thought not.” He ducked his head and pecked her puckered lips.  ”Everything okay at the hospital?”

“Yep.  Just some updates I had asked for when results came in.”

“Good news?”

Her wide smile and hopeful eyes said all he needed to know.  “Yeah, very good news.  I can’t wait to see their excited faces later.”

“I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to see you.”

They stayed that way for a few minutes longer, slow dancing to the tranquil crackling of the fire beside them, until Harry suggested Anna joining him on watching the sunrise on the first day of the new year.  She agreed immediately and took his hand as he led her to the windowsill, picking up a quilt on the way.

They snuggled close together, Harry’s arms securely around her with her hands holding the oversized together as they overlooked the stars that shone brightly in the dark sky. They relied on the chitchat to avoid the sleep that called out to them as time passed, talking about anything and everything in between yawns.

“Did you enjoy yourself tonight?” Harry asked, nestling her hair affectionately.

Anna snorted.  “I think you know I did.”

He poked her side in reply, chuckling tiredly at her squirming away from him.  “I meant at the party, you sex fiend.”

“Oh,” she laughed. “I did.  It was a great time.. Especially when you asked me to marry you right before you kissed me at midnight.”

“Ha! You wish.”

“Okay,” she sang.  “But you really did.”

“No, I didn’t,” he insisted, rolling his eyes at her attempt to make him sweat.

“You totally did but if you want to keep denying it, then okay.  Whatever helps you sleep at night…”

Harry’s brows furrowed together, thinking back to the night.  He couldn’t have.. there was no way he would have forgotten that.  Sure, he had downed quite a few tumblers of whiskey, expensive whiskey at that.  But he had a clear mind the whole night, chugging a couple bottles of water himself.

“I-erm.. N-no.. I..” He stumbled, unable to recall a proposal.

Anna bit her lip as she studied his confused state, enjoying seeing him uneasy as he fought to remember.  The wheels were turning in his head and Anna giggled.  He hadn’t proposed, she was thankful for that.  They weren’t quite ready for that jump yet.  But he had uttered his promise to marry her soon.


Harry felt his elevated heart rate slowly calm down to a normal pace, shaking his head as he let out a nervous laugh.  “You’re obnoxious.”

Her giggles filled the spacious living area of his apartment, turning her head up to kiss his cheek in a weak apology.  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you start to sweat so quickly before.”

He narrowed his eyes.  “Your ring just decreased in value for that little prank.”

Anna rolled her eyes, still chuckling.  “I don’t care about the ring.  I care about our vows, our commitment to each other.  Being your wife.”

He was beaming, her words tugging at his heart as he hugged her closer.  “Knock-off ring it is then.  More money in my pocket.”

She laughed, shrugging her shoulders in answer before a teasing smirk took over her features.  “I would’ve said no if you proposed tonight, anyway.”


“What?” She turned to him, her features softening at his hurt expression.  “Harry, you know we are not ready to take that big step.  We’re not there yet.” She paused, cupping his cheek before adding, “We will be someday.  Just not right now.”  The sadness never left his eyes, even after her reassurance and Anna began kicking herself for digging her own hole.  “I’m sorry.. Are you upset with me?”

His lips twitched.  “Bazinga.”

Anna shoved him, laughing along with him.  “Anyway, you jerk… going back to the party.. I felt kinda bad.”

“Why’s that?”

She wrinkled her nose.  “Liv wanted some advice on the dresses she had in mind for Jake’s wedding and I was too distracted.  I was clearly coming off as if I gave two shits.  I hope she doesn’t think I’m some sort of bitch.”

“I wouldn’t give it a second thought.  She seemed fine when we were outside watching the fireworks.”

“You think so?” She asked, making a mental note to text her friend later on that day when she got a chance to apologize.

“Of course,” he replied.  “But if you feel that remorseful, just mention you were distracted by my shmexy body and she’ll understand.”


Harry waited a moment before he continued.  “I don’t hear any denial.”

“Yeah, well.. You got me all hot and bothered then ran off,” she joked.  “Where’d you go anyway? You were gone for an awhile long time.” She could’ve sworn his posture became straighter and his muscles tensed.  But she thought nothing of it until she glanced up at him and saw his jaw tick.  “Harry?”

“Hm?” He hummed, his attention focused on the view outside the window instead of on her.

“Where did you disappear to earlier? When Tom came for you.”

“Oh,” he swallowed, his adams apple bobbing up and down, nervously.  “Just someone I hadn’t seen in a bit.  Wanted to ask about the trek.”

Anna couldn’t help the strange feeling that hit her gut at his change in demeanor.  But when his eyes finally focused on her concerned orbs, his charming smile brushed off any further questions she had about it and she stored them away for a later time.

“Speaking of, I inform you with great sadness that the beard is leaving us.”

Her eyes widened in mock horror before she pouted.  “What?! Nooo, this can’t be.”

“Afraid so.  I lost a bet at Christmas dinner.”

“Damn it, Henry!”

He chortled at her false anger, loving her reactions to the little things in life.  She was like a breath of fresh air.  “They cheated! I swear they ganged up against me to make me lose. I got them to give me a couple more weeks.”

She brought her hand up and ran it through the thick hairs of his face, already missing the way it scratched her sensitive skin.  Her face flushed as she pictured what the burn would feel like between her legs, wetness pooling at her still sore core from the nights activities.  Harry winked, knowing exactly what she was fantasizing.  He most certainly would make it happen before it wasn’t possible any longer.  “Maybe later if you behave,” he promised.

“Mmm.” Anna licked her lips and smirked at his groan.


A half hour went by and it was becoming increasingly difficult for both to stay upright and alert.  Anna was startled awake by his pinch on her side.

“You’re falling asleep,” he groggily said.

“I’m tired,” she whined, burying her nose in his neck.  “Just let me rest my eyes for a second.”

“Nope,” he denied her.  “Once you do that, you’ll be out and then who’s going to keep me awake?”

“The voices in your head,” she mumbled.

“Cute.” She yelped when he pinched her again.  “Let’s play a game.  Moon or stars?”

“Mmm..” She weakly thought.  “Stars.  They’re constant and don’t change shape like the moon.  We both know I’m not too fond of change.”

“You said it,” he teased.  “I say the moon.  I like how it changes shape.”

“Like you and your split personalities?”

“Someone is getting grumpy.  And it’s not me, surprisingly.”

“I’m so tiiiired,” she complained, the heat radiating off of him keeping her cozy.

“Come on, your turn.  There’s still 25 minutes to go.”

“Ugh.. ummm.. Apples or oranges?”

“Ha! That’s all you got? Lame.”

It was Harry’s turn to yelp when she grabbed hold of his arm hair and tugged.  “Shut up.  I can’t think right now.”

“Christ, woman! Apples!” He said, soothing his arm.  “Guitar or piano?”

“That’s a tough one.. Umm.. It really depends on the mood and song I’m playing.”

“I prefer the piano,” he said.

“Why?” She asked.

“Well.. if you recall, we made love on the piano.”

“Ha! Pretty woman style,” Anna snorted.

“Maybe one day we’ll take a holiday to California just so I could make love to you on a piano again.  Welcome to Hollywood, what’s your dream?”

“The fact that you can quote Pretty Woman frightens me a bit.”

“I’ve got a soft spot for Julia Roberts.  Redheads unite.” Anna giggled.  “Ah ha.. I made you laugh.”

“I love you, silly goose.”

“I know this,” he grinned.  “Ginger or brunettes?”

“Gingers.  But I may be biased.  How about you?”

“Brunettes,” he said without hesitation.  “But I may be biased.”

“Good answer.  Babies or toddlers?”

Harry’s face scrunched up before he replied.  “Toddlers.  Babies cry, sleep, or shit.  Boring.  You’re able to do all the fun stuff with toddlers like sports and playgrounds and the like.”

“Did you just say babies are boring?” She gave a half laugh, looking up at him from her spot on his shoulder.  “You’re a big ol’ meanie.”

Harry bowed his head to meet her tired eyes and pulled a face.  “I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.”

Anna snickered, her eyes squinting.  “I’m not a meanie.  I choose babies because they’re more dependent on you.  They literally cannot do anything for themselves and it’s nice to feel needed like that… and just the way a baby smiles at you, it’s adorable.”

She paused, catching Harry’s fond smile.  She knew he was imagining her holding his baby years from now, rocking the bundle of joy that they created together as he looked on with pride. “Plus they can’t talk,” she added.

Harry’s fantasy floated away by her words, belting out a laugh.  “You got me there, peaches.” He kissed the tip of her nose and squeezed her tighter to him.  “You’ll be the greatest mummy in the world one day.”

A wide smile spread on her face, envisioning herself doing all the motherly things her mom did for her and her brothers while they were growing up; kissing owies and wiping tears, bringing Snow White’s voice to life at bedtime, getting up at the crack of dawn each morning to make sure heart shaped pancakes and fresh fruit were ready on the table by the time they all got up.  If what Harry said were to be true one day, her heart told her it was because she learned from the best.

“I hope so,” she started, pausing a moment before continuing wistfully.  “If you’re right, our kids will be pretty spoiled.”

“What do you mean?” He asked, ecstatic that Anna was talking about their future family with him so openly.

“Because they’ll have the best daddy in the world who will always protect them and shower them with love and praise.  They’ll be so loved.”

Harry grinned with misty eyes, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat.  He longed for kids, for a family, and that desire had only grown stronger ever since he met the one that made his soul complete.  “You’re incredible,” he commented, rubbing his nose with hers lovingly.

“So are you, captain,” she whispered before placing her lips over his.

It wasn’t long before it was finally time to send out the Happy New Year group text, Harry making fun of all of the emojis she added to the end of it.  Anna shrugged it off and grinned, holding up her phone to show Harry that she wasn’t the only one that overused the icons.

Her phone buzzed in her hand, alerting them of a phone call.  “Aw, it’s my mama.”

“I’ll give you a few minutes,” he started to untangle himself from her but stopped short when she held his arm and told him to stay.

“Happy New Year, mommy!”

“Happy New Year, baby!” Her mother’s voice brought a broad smile to her face as it always did.  “How have the first five hours of 2014 been for you?”

She glanced back at Harry and blushed, rolling her eyes at his smug grin.  “The best so far.  Where’s daddy?”

“Oh,” Lucille laughed lightly.  “He passed out ten minutes before the ball dropped.”

“What an old man,” Anna teased, making her mother belt out a hearty laugh.  “How about nana?”

“She was in bed by nine.  It’s just me watching the New Year’s Rockin’ Eve.  I seem to remember the performances being better than as of late.”

“Still hoping for a Hall & Oates reunion in Times Square?” Harry chuckled behind her.

“Never giving up the faith!” Lucille sighed, tiredly.  “Maybe your father and nana were right about hitting the hay.  I’m exhausted.”

“You should get some sleep.  I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, baby,” her mother yawned.  “I love you and I hope you have a wonderful day.  Happy New Year, Harry.”

Harry was stunned at hearing her sweet mother speak directly to him for the first time, catching Anna’s equally shocked expression.  “Erm.. Ha-happy new year, Mrs. Caro..”

“Oh, no.. please, sweetheart.. call me Lucille.”

He nodded, being too much in a stupor to realize she couldn’t see him until Anna elbowed him with a soft laugh.  “Uh.. thank you, Lucille.”

Lucille held back the amusement that wanted to pour out of her, knowing her husband would get a kick out of her being able to make a prince stutter.  “Goodnight, darlings.”

“Goodnight,” they replied in unison before Anna ended the call.

“Well, fuck.. How did she know that I was here?!”

“We always said as kids how she had eyes planted everywhere to know what we were up to.” Anna’s heart melted at the beet redness of his face and hugged him tight.  “Come on, babe.  Off to bed we go..”


Anna cracked her neck and swung the door open to the locker room, making way to her locker to grab her belongings.  She yawned rather loudly, anticipating crawling into her comfortable bed to catch up on sleep.  It was her last shift of the week and she had the whole day to rest and focus on planning tomorrow’s dinner while Harry spent the majority of the day stuck in meeting after meeting.

She reached inside her bag to check her messages, Harry always sending her a good morning text.  She smiled when she saw it, quickly typing a reply that consisted of several emojis before she moved on to the other text she had received just a minute ago.

Emergency alert.  Call me when you can.

Her brows furrowed together at Maggie’s message, concerned for her friend that been MIA since New Years.  She quickly selected the call option on her mobile and waited for Maggie to pick up.  It didn’t take long; on the second ring, the device went into counting the duration of the call, Maggie’s panicked tone filling the silence.

“I did something so…horrible.  I’m despicable.  I can never look at myself in the mirror again.  Oh god, I don’t think I can go on..” Maggie rambled in one breath.

“Um… are you okay?” Anna asked, her worry growing by the second at how distraught her friend was.

“What do I do? What do I do?!” She cried.

“Okay, take some deep breaths..” She instructed, listening to Maggie follow her advice.  “Good..nice and easy… In and out..“

“That sounds dirty,” Maggie said with a hint of humor before she groaned again in disgust.  “Dirty.. Oh no..“

“What’s going on, Mags? I haven’t heard from you since New Years and you were nowhere to be found after midnight.  What’s happened?”

“I… I can’t even say it! It’s that..ugh!”

“That’s it, I’m coming over.  Name any Ben & Jerry’s and I’ll make it appear.”

“No!” She shouted before cringing and dropping to a low undertone.  “Erm, no.. It’s okay.. I’m okay.. Everything’s okay..“

“You’re starting to really freak me out.”

“I slept with Skip,” she confessed before she lost the nerve.

There was dead silence on both ends, so much so that a pin drop would be easily heard until Anna broke the ice.

“You.. slept with Skip?” She asked slowly, the words foreign to her ears.  “ sure??“

“Well..neither one of us had clothes on when I woke up in his bed so I’m fairly certain something of the like happened..”

“Whoa..” Anna was speechless.  “Um..Skippy?”


“I’m sorry! I just.. wow!”

“I know, I know.. I can’t believe it myself.  He convinced me to kiss him at midnight and the-”

“Wait!” Anna interrupted in disbelief.  “You kissed at midnight?! How did I miss that?”

“Because you and loverboy were too engrossed with each other to see anything else around you,” Maggie explained with a chuckle.

“Oh..” Anna blushed.

“Yeah, you two make me sick sometimes.. Anyway, we kissed at midnight and then we just kinda.. left together and I’ve been at his place ever since.” Anna paused, taking it all in before she guffawed, drowning out Maggie’s groan.  “This is not funny Annalisa Caro.”

“Yes, it is! We haven’t heard from you.. at all!  You missed our gym session when you’ve been on point with it, even dragging my ass there.. and it’s all because you’ve been fucking Skippy.  Skippy!” She howled with laughter.  “This is only the best thing.. ever.”

Maggie huffed in frustration.  “Why did I call you again? I should’ve called Harry.”

“Harry?!” Anna exclaimed.  “You really think Harry wouldn’t be doing the same? Mags, it’s Skippy! You can’t stand him!”

“Ugh,” Maggie said, annoyed.  “I hate you.”

Anna wiped her eyes, letting out a few more giggles before sobering up.  “I’m sorry,” she apologized.  “I’m really sorry.  Okay, I’m all ears.”

“I’m so confused, Anna.  He’s.. not what I thought he was.  I mean, I have known this guy for years and I never knew there was this other side of him that he kept hidden.  He’s actually really.. funny and incredibly sweet.”

“Aw,” Anna gushed.  “That makes sense though.  He doesn’t seem like such a terrible human being.  I mean.. he’s kinda weird but.. aren’t we all to some extent?” She chuckled, counting all of her quirks that Harry put up with.  “He’s a joker but he does come off as the type that covers up his sensitive side with humor in fear of rejection.”

“Wow,” Maggie giggled.  “Have you slept with Skippy?”

“Ew.  That’s disgu-” She pressed her lips together and cringed.  “Umm.. oops, sorry.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Her friend replied, sarcastically.  “I don’t know what to do, Anna.  I need your help.  Please, tell me what to do.”

“I can’t tell you what to do,” she laughed.  “But I can offer up some advice?”

“Yes, please.”

“If it feels right, then go for it.  Take it slow, talk it out, and just see what happens.”

Maggie pondered it.  She didn’t want to ruin their friendship, but they could never go back to the way things were before.  And she wasn’t even entirely sure she wanted to.  She sighed heavily, praying to the gods above that she wouldn’t regret this.  “You’re right,” she voiced.  “Now if only you were that smart with your own relationships.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Anna laughed, fully aware she deserved that.

They talked for a few more minutes, discussing Anna’s final meal plan for the next evenings dinner and dishing out sex details from the past couple of days.

“Shit.  He’s back with breakfast,” Maggie cursed.  “Hugs and kisses.  Tomorrow will go off without a hitch.”

“Wait, what? You’re wishing me luck now?”

“I, uh.. might be occupied for awhile..”

Anna laughed.  “Whatever happened to friends over sex?”

“They’ve clearly never had the best sex of their life yet.  Gotta go.  Bye!”

She heard the dead air before she could voice her own goodbye and was left staring at a blank screen, laughing to herself.

Maggie and Skippy.  Skippy and Maggie.

“Holy shit,” Anna muttered, going through her mobile to call her boyfriend.

“Hey, ba-”

“You’ll never believe what just happened.”

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