Chapter Five (Part III)

How Goodbyes Came Too Soon (Part 2)


Ever since the first time she watched him sleep, Anna knew there could never be anyone else she would want to share everything with.  She knew she could never find anyone more willing to be shaken awake by the loose cannon of a woman she knew to be in the dead of night; he always had to talk her down as her mind ran wild, or listened patiently as she rambled about this and that as it worked in her mind.  He never seemed to mind. Actually, she was certain that he genuinely didn’t mind.  And that was part of the reason why there was no doubt: he was the one for her, the only one.

She had spent the last hour just admiring his features; the freckles on his nose that were only visible up close and personal, his lashes that rested lightly on his rosy cheeks—the same cheeks that turned a deeper shade as his body temperature rose while he slept.  He always looked so peaceful, so angelic as he shut everything off, gifting himself the rest his busy mind needed.  He was a quiet sleeper for the most part, soft snores escaping him only when he was in distress.  She loved that she knew that small detail of him, something so personal and intimate.

Anna smiled softly to herself when his nose twitched from her breath fanning his heated skin when she leaned in closer.  She would have woken him up sooner, the giddy aura glowing around her sure enough to do the job for her, but he had complained of soreness in his right leg and lower back after the fourteen mile hike they accompanied Danny and Gabe on earlier that day.  He had passed out soon after he downed the prescribed pain reliever he kept with him in case of emergency.

She knew he needed the sleep as a distraction to the aches and pains she teased him were from old age.  She knew how much he valued the sleep whenever he could get it, even skipping out on dinner with the family.  And that was when she knew how serious his aches and pains were.  He rarely skipped out on any meals.  But Anna couldn’t keep the excitement to herself any longer.  She needed to tell him, wanted to share this with him; and that’s why she found herself blowing lightly on the crown of his head.

“Haaarry.” She shook him by the shoulder when her small gusts of wind didn’t cause any reaction.  Nothing still.  “Baby…” She shook him more forcefully and felt the glee spike up in her chest when he stirred.  “Wake up, sleeyhead.“

“Hmph.” Harry grumbled, sighing tiredly as the fog of sleep slowly vanished.  He carefully rolled onto his back with his eyes closed, wincing at the dull ache that traveled from his back down to his right thigh.  He didn’t have to open his eyes to know it was an ungodly hour by the lack of light behind his lids.  “What time is it?“

“I don’t know, like 2 something.” An amused giggle slipped through her lips before she smacked them together to stifle the sound; the last thing she wanted was to rouse his grumpy side.  But he had lines running along the side of his face from being burrowed in the pillow.  She couldn’t help but find it so damn adorable.

“Jesus.” His brows furrowed together at the sensation her light touch created on his skin and he brought his hand up from his side to his chest to grasp her hand, stilling her movements.  “What are you doing awake?“

“Camping.” Her lips pulled up higher as the moonlight cast a glow on his face and she caught his brows knit together further in confusion.

“What?” He croaked before clearing his groggy throat, his free hand reaching up to scrub the sleep off his face.  “Camping?“

“Yeah.  I was ten and my dad promised to take us camping for the weekend.” She paused, waiting until she saw the realization dawn on him as her words registered.  Harry willed his eyes to open then and turned his head to meet her sparkling eyes, his lips twitching at the elated expression on her face.  “Then there was some tornado watch and we had to cancel.  I was so upset.  Especially since we hadn’t been able to go all summer because of yet another short noticed move.“

Harry nodded, shifting in a position more comfortable, more open to hear the memory that had finally come to her—even in the dead of night.  He was thrilled, absolutely ecstatic that the hike had evoked a memory that would ease the pain, even if it was only slightly; he knew this mattered to her and was a tremendous milestone in the healing process.  In a way, it made him feel better about his impending departure.

“Go on, I’m listening..”

Anna scooted closer and smiled wistfully, speaking in a low melancholy voice.  “I was such a brat…moping around and being all broody.. I still remember my mother blatantly ignoring me as she watched the newscast, only angering me further.  All the sudden my dad strolls in the room and demands us to go to the cellar like the tornado was literally on the way and we only had seconds to get all down there.”

Anna chortled, recalling the frantic look on all their faces, her mother’s included.  She could hear the faint sounds of her mother telling her father the news hadn’t reported it just yet and the look of determination in her father’s eyes shutting her up.  Looking back now, she knew that was the moment her mother figured out her dad had something up his sleeve.“We all went to grab our stuff, bracing ourselves for this horrifying storm that we had never been through…until we scramble to the cellar and find a massive tent all set up..”

Harry chuckled at her wide and excited state, honored that she would rouse him out of his slumber instead of her mother or one of her brothers to share this memory with.  ”He couldn’t bring you camping but he-“

“Could bring camping to us,” she finished for him, her bright grin staring back at his.  “Yeah, he did.“

Harry lifted their clasped hands to his mouth for a tender kiss.  ”That’s incredible, love.  I bet it cheered you right up, no? And made you forget about the tornado.”

“It did!” Anna agreed, giggling.  “We told ghost stories and ate microwaved s’mores…” Her smile shifted to a triumphant smile.  “And I was crowned queen of Go Fish that night.“

“Ha!” He laughed, pulling her to him.  She went willingly, resting her head over his beating heart as his chest rose and fell steadily.  “Good to know you don’t completely suck at all card games.“

“Hey! I’ve gotten better at poker and rummy.”

“You’re right, you’re right,” he concurred, kissing the top of her head.  “Your skills did a complete 360 when you stopped calling it Romney.“

“Oh god,” Anna groaned with a half laugh and nestled her face in his chest.  “I’m such a geek.“

“Sure but…You’re my beautiful geek.”

She snorted.  ”Kiss ass.”

“Ha! Perhaps… So tell me more about this camping trip..”

And she did.  They stayed up until the sun came up, laughing as she retold memory after memory that sprang to mind as if they had always been there.


The day before Harry’s departure

“Oh,” Harry smiled, startled to see Lucille sitting at the kitchen table, sipping a cup of coffee with the crossword section of the newspaper splayed on the table.  “Uh..good morning.“

Lucille placed the pen on the table and greeted him with a warm smile.  “Good morning, darling.  Sleep well?”

“I did, thank you.” Harry stretched an arm up and rubbed the back of his head, holding back a yawn.  He glanced at the clock above the stove and noted the early hour.  “You’re up fairly early.“

“Out of habit.” Lucille moved to stand and brought her empty Mother of the Year mug over to the fresh pot of coffee.  “Marco was always up before dawn so we could have breakfast as a family before heading off to base.“ She paused and threw him a small smile.  “Would you like some coffee?”

“Please, if you don’t mind.”

“Not one bit, sweetheart.  Cream? Sugar?”

“Yes, please.”

His well mannerisms only made the smile pull up higher.  If Marco were here, she knew that would soften him up.  He had always been a man that appreciated the please and thank you and yes, sir behavior; instilling them in their kids wasn’t such a feasible task if she fondly recalled correctly.  ”Sit..” She gestured towards the empty seats with a hand before walking to the refrigerator to grab the cream.  ”I’ll whip up some pancakes and eggs before the sleepyheads grace us with their presence.”

“Ha! They do seem to get quite rowdy without mouths full of pancakes.” Harry joked.  He obediently sat at the table and took a peek at the half finished puzzle she was in the middle of doing, chuckling to himself at all the tiny markings of the ink as if she counted each square before filling it in with the correct answer.  He had seen Anna do the same countless times before.

Lucille laughed.  ”Why do you think it’s always ready by the time they come trudging down the stairs? Years of experience, I’m afraid.  It’s the only remedy for the morning Caro grumps.”

Harry smirked, watching as she attentively stirred the sugar in the fresh brew, the strong aroma waking up his senses.  ”Well, I can’t say I’m usually not the same.  Anna gets a kick out of pointing that out whenever she gets the opportunity.”

Lucille let out another hearty laugh and turned to wink at him over her shoulder.  ”That just makes you part of the family all the more, son.” Harry returned the warm smile, a deep appreciation filling his chest.

“I don’t know whether to be flattered or frightened…”

“Ha, I would probably go with the latter.” She handed him the steaming mug, playfully ruffled his hair when he quietly thanked her, and began preparing breakfast.

A deep chuckle vibrated from his chest before he took the first cautious sip.  “I was afraid of that.”

Harry sat back, enjoying watching the older woman whisk a dozen fresh eggs in a bowl as she hummed softly to herself.  It was such a normal, ordinary task but it was something he had missed for such a long time.  If he were honest, he wished he had seen his mother cook more often in the extravagant kitchen he grew up in.  He wished he could have more instances stored in the inner memory vault of her whisking eggs with a dusting of flour coating the counter space.  An ache formed in his heart, his throat closing up as he ran through every experience that was stolen from him and his brother at such a delicate age.  He had been emotional for the past few weeks, the passing of Anna’s father stirring up feelings he tried to stuff away.

Watching her family go through the loss whipped him back to his twelve year old self, feeling his heart break all over again at the painful memories of just how the world could come crashing down in one unexpected second.  Nightmares of that night had returned as of late, pictures of news clippings and news reports flashing across his mind when he would jump awake.  He was silently re-living it all and it was slowly but surely bringing him down.

But what kept him going, what kept him from sinking into a bottomless hole were the moments of witnessing a loving mother care for her grown children, freely hugging them and showering them with kisses, moments that thrust him back to the what-ifs he spent most of his life forgetting.  Tears sprang to his eyes at how easy it was for her to get out of bed and step right into mother mode: cooking breakfast, filling up glasses with orange juice, washing dishes she had used.  She did it all without making it seem like a chore, love pouring into everything she did.  He admired that.  He missed that.

“How are you feeling about getting back home?” Lucille asked, interrupting his thoughts.

Harry cleared his throat and blinked the tears away before answering honestly.  ”Quite nervous, actually.”

“Why’s that?” Her voice sounded so genuinely interested that it only made the emotion bubble in his chest.

“Um..honestly..” He stumbled, searching for the right words to say.  He knew why, of course he knew why.  He was nervous of leaving Anna, of leaving her family.  He didn’t know what exactly was going to happen for the upcoming weeks, but he had a pretty vivid recollection of what grief could do to a family—especially when Luke was already showing signs of masking his grief with his daily choice of vodka in his coke…several tumblers of it in fact.  He knew Anna would need him there for when it would escalate and spiral out of control.  He feared this.

To make matters worse, he was also terribly nervous about the distance.  Harry was no stranger to attempting a long distance relationship, even if it was temporary.  He had given himself to someone before, wholeheartedly…fearlessly.  He thought they were strong enough to face it all: his family, the public, the space between them.  It didn’t work out the way he thought it would.  While looking back now it was for the best.  His previous relationships didn’t work out for a reason and in the back of his mind he always knew it wouldn’t lead to what he desired the most.  But this time was different.  Anna was different.  She was the one.  She was it for him, and he was it for her.

Lucille could sense his hesitation and maybe could even smell the worry radiate off of him.  After a couple beats of silence, she turned to take a look at the young man and frowned at the disheartened expression that overtook his features.  She had raised four boys and lived with a man for the better part of her life.  She knew how to pick up on little things, such as the way Harry’s shoulders tensed up and his forehead wrinkled with cloudy skies in his eyes.  She took a breath and wiped her hands on a dish towel before approaching him.

Harry’s eyes flicked up at the startling realization that she had a hand on his shoulder and the tiniest smile at the corners of her lips.  ”It’s okay to be afraid, Harry.” When he didn’t move to speak, she continued on.  “We’re all a little afraid of risk, no matter how adventurous and bold we are made to be.  There’s always that little nagging voice that can’t be shut off or ignored.  But you know what helps giving it less power?”


His voice came out so small that it made Lucille’s eyes well up with tears.  She knew just how important it was for a boy to have a motherly figure, and the heartbreaking truth was that Harry had been without one for such a long time.  It broke her heart as the reality of it sunk in.  “Voicing it out loud.  Tell me, darling.  What are you afraid of?”

Harry inhaled sharply.  ”I’m afraid of not being here for when she needs me the most.  I’m afraid..” He shook his head to collect himself when she squeezed his shoulder in reassurance.  ”And I’m afraid of losing her with this time apart.”

“Oh, sweet boy,” Lucille cooed.  “Sometimes things don’t work out like we wanted.  Sometimes,“ she sighed dreamily with an infectious smile.  “Sometimes they work out better than you ever imagined, no matter the distance or the chaos in between.  You and Annalisa? That’s what I see for the both of you…together.”

Harry smiled, laughing lightly.  ”You think so?”

She pat his head, the same way he had seen her do to her own children, and nodded firmly.  ”I know so.  Mothers instincts never lie, you know.” She paused.  “You don’t just have Annalisa, Harry.  You have the whole lot of us now.”

“I hope so,” Harry said with a long sigh as the worry melted by her sweet reassurance and his voice took on a more determined tone.  “I love your daughter more than anything, Lucille.  I’m going to marry her one day…soon.”

“I know,” she responded with a carefree laugh.  “Oh, sweetheart, I know it and so does Annalisa.  Don’t you worry your pretty little mind.  You’ve got all of us on your side, capiche?“


Now.” She took a breath, a sparkle in her eye catching him by surprise.  “About this not being here for her.  Harry, you will always be here for her.” Harry stared at her in confusion and a soft amused sound slipped past her lips before she laid a hand over his chest; right where his heart beat strongly.  ”Right here.  Long distance may not be the ideal way of being with the one you love but—the heart knows no distance.  That’s all that matters.  Remember that.”

Harry sighed, nodding in agreement.  ”You’re absolutely right.  Okay, yeah.” He smiled, less tense.  “I feel better.”

“Good.” Lucille tossed her head back towards the stove.  “Now drink up your coffee before it gets cold and come help me with the fruit salad.“

“Ha! Yes ma’am.”


The night before Harry’s departure

April showers bring May flowers, Anna thought to herself while peering out the kitchen window, the faint sounds of the rest of the family in the middle of an intense game of Charades making her feel nostalgic for a time when her father and brothers were around.  Nothing rang more true than the old saying as the torrential rain washed away any signs of the stubborn winter, the snow melting at last.  She sighed and piled the dish she just dried off on top of the stack of others.  It was their last dinner with Harry around and everyone had been tiptoeing around her as the sadness consumed her golden eyes.  She hated it—the tiptoeing that is.  It always made her feel small, not strong enough, and like the weakling of the family.  Normally, this would have been the last pump of air in the expanding balloon for her, but with Harry’s time with her coming to an end in just a few hours time, she couldn’t be bothered to have at it with her remaining family.

A pair of strong arms tucked around her middle and Harry’s chin rested on the top of her head.  “Hey you.”

“Hi,” she said, melting into his embrace as she leaned back on his strong, hard chest.  “How’s it going out there?”

“Ha, your mom’s clinging to her champ title but Gabe and your grandma are catching up real close.” She smiled at how easy he got on with them; she knew how much it meant to him.  “How’s it going in here?”

“Just finished,” Anna answered, snuggling closer to him as he pulled her tighter and swayed her side to side.  “Mmm…I’m going to miss this.”

“Hm?” Harry asked, burying his nose in her curls and inhaling her scent deeply, immediately feeling the familiar pull in his belly.

“You,” she sighed.

The dip in his stomach only intensified by the single syllable that fell from her lips, pairing with the anxiety that coursed through his being.  “Me too, baby.”

She had been gloomy all day, his departure weighing heavily on her mind.  He had let her mope around, acting all frowny longer than he should have.  It was their last night together for awhile; he was determined to make it a memorable one.He took her delicate hand in his and spun her around once, grinning triumphantly at her elated giggle.  ”Walk with me?”

Her beaming smile as she tossed her head back to look up at him did wonders to his heart.  ”Sure..” Then her brows furrowed in confusion.  “Wait, in the rain?”

“Yes,” Harry insisted with a firm nod.  “In the rain.”

With an eyebrow lifted up high, she said slowly, as if explaining the obvious.  “It’s..pouring..out..Harry.”

“Yes,” he chuckled and widened his eyes.  “I’m well aware of that, love.  You see, there was this thing that was invented for..”

“What, for an insane man to drag his equally insane girlfriend out for a rainy walk?”

Harry winked.  “Exactly.”


The rain splattered down heavily against the canopy of the umbrella before rolling down to the edge and splatting on the wet ground.  Harry held the umbrella firmly above them as they huddled together, falling into the same step.  Their matching dark green rain boots—borrowed from her mother and late father—splashed through the puddles as they walked down the abandoned side street, bringing fond memories of carefree adolescents that would spend hours after a rainstorm jumping through puddle after puddle; competing against each other on who could make the bigger splash.  A nostalgic smile adorned Anna’s angelic face at the thought.  Memories were constantly distracting her as of late, pulling her attention to them as they flashed again and again in her mind.  She had missed them, each and every one during the months of her father’s illness and passing.  Now, she welcomed them with open arms and an open mind, letting them consume her and fill her with forgotten happiness.

“When I was a kid,” She began, filling the silence that had fallen between them.  “My brothers and I would spend the entire morning or afternoon jumping in the puddles.  Ben was the smallest out of all of them but he somehow seemed to make the biggest splash.  Of course, as a kid you see things bigger than what they were in actuality but.. I don’t know.” Harry leaned his head on hers and kicked a pebble that got in their way and listened intently as she continued to speak.  “It amazed me how this puny little boy could come out victorious over the other giants.  I always wondered what his secret was.”

“Enormous feet, maybe?” He joked, laughing lightly at her amused giggle.

“Ha! Well…That seems to be your secret, no?”

He lifted his head to glance at her with a smirk.  “Ah, ha! Not so secret, is it?”

“Nope.” She popped the last consonant and peered up at him adoringly.

She loved how even now, after all they had gone through, they could fall into such easy conversation after enjoying comfortable silence.  She loved how she felt—how he made her feel—being so near to him, grabbing hold of his arm and leaning into his side as they walked along the path.  That’s something she would always do, no matter how old they grew together: hang onto him like an infatuated woman.  She loved the simple act of his grasp, his fingers curling around or threading through hers.  She loved looking up at him and him peering down at her—a result of the several inches between them—with such love shining in both of their eyes.  She absolutely loved being with this man.

“Mm-hmm,” He hummed, guiding her around a tree stump.  “Yet you have this weird fascination with my feet.”

Anna half shrugged.  “What can I say? I like enormous clown feet.”

“Hey!” He protested.  “I never said clown feet.”

“No,” she retorted with a snort.  “But I did!”

“You are such a pain in my ass.”  A slow grin spread across her face, her pearly white and straight teeth greeting him.  His mock pout lifted upward at the sight of the creased corners of her eyes.  It was something she hated, the crows feet and the laugh lines, but he adored it.

Anna narrowed her eyes, knowing what he was thinking.  “Stop looking at my old age.”

“Ha, stop calling my feet clown feet.”

“Deal.” They continued on for a few moments before a sigh interrupted the quiet.  “Is it awful of me to hope your flight gets delayed?”

“No,” he answered honestly.  “I’ve been praying for the same, love.” She stopped walking suddenly, causing Harry to do the same.  “What’s the matter?” Moving slightly to face him fully, she brought her hands up to cradle his cheeks, her thumb stroking his skin tenderly.  She didn’t have to say anything, the sadness that reflected back at him saying it all.  “Baby..”

Anna shook her head to silence him before stretching up, Harry ducking his head to meet her halfway.  Their lips connected, rubbing together slowly and attentively.  They savored the small and intimate act, momentarily pushing aside the reality that these little moments were now numbered until god knew when.  Harry deliberately dropped the umbrella to the side, Anna’s giggles against his mouth making him laugh along with her as the rain soaked them completely in a matter of seconds.  They didn’t care.  The only thing on their minds was to relish in the feel of the loving kisses as her fingertips stroked his cheeks and jawline.

One of Harry’s hands went down to grip her waist tightly when her tongue snaked past his wet lips, moaning at the new contact.  His free hand made it’s way to rest at the back of her neck, assisting with keeping her head upturned and deepening the kiss.

Later on when the heavy rain turned into a light drizzle, giggles and boisterous laughs disturbed the peaceful neighborhood as the drenched couple made their way back home, Harry teaching her the proper way to stomp in each puddle they encountered.


“I have a surprise for you.”

Anna’s eyes peeled open at the childlike way he voiced the words, Harry never missing a beat as he continued to run the comb carefully through her knotted curls after the shower they had shared.  Through hooded eyes, she met his in the mirror and smiled seductively.  “Shower sex wasn’t it?”

“No,” he chuckled, threading his fingers through the strands of her still damp hair, proudly inspecting his work of untangling the stubborn mess.  “You were expecting that.”

“Mmm, more like hoping for it.” She said, bumping his front with her bottom.

Harry quirked a brow, halting his movements and warning her with a look.  “Careful.  I may just forget about this surprise and have my way with you right here on this fucking counter.”

“Tempting,” she purred and leaned against him, humming when he gathered her hair up and swept it to the other shoulder.  She tilted her head to the side, giving him permission to duck his head and place peppered kisses on her heated skin.  “Harry..”

“Hm?” His tongue poked out to press firmly against her racing pulse, making her bite her lip.  The familiar twitch in his boxers caused a groan to vibrate in his chest and he pushed his hips against hers for some sort of friction.  He was losing his mind, losing the ounce of control he had left.

“” Anna moaned, beginning a sensual dance against him with one hand burying deep in his hair.  They had been intimate minutes ago in the shower, but the need they both felt for each other was so strong, so intense that they couldn’t get enough.  “Fuck me.”

Her heated request resounded in his mind, getting him hotter and more needy for her soft skin.  But something clicked in his brain just as he was about to fulfill her demand.  The night wasn’t as young anymore and there were still things he had planned.  The sex could wait just a tad bit longer.  Harry pulled away abruptly and ignored her pout, jamming his fingers through his head as he breathed for self control.  “Fuck..” He cleared his throat before glaring at her.  “You are pure evil, woman.”

Anna turned around to face him and looped her arms around his waist, her lips twitching at the bulge that was visible in his boxers; the same bulge that had been pressed so sweetly against her lower back.  “You’re easily persuaded, Wales.. especially when it comes to sex.”

“Ha,” he tossed his head back and guffawed.  “Especially when it comes to sex with you, is more accurate.”

“Better be.” She smacked his bottom.  “Now what’s this surprise that can’t wait until after you’ve fucked me?”

Harry grabbed her fleshy backside and groaned.  “Jesus, stop talking like that.”

“Like what?” She batted her eyelashes, innocently.  But she was nothing close to being innocent in this flirtatious moment.  “Like I’m completely baffled that my boyfriend would rather do god knows what instead of pushing me up against the door and fucking me until I see stars?”

“I fucking hate you right now,” Harry muttered and grabbed her hand, stalking out of the living room.  Anna trailed behind him, giggling and chewing on her lip in anticipation.  “You don’t even deserve this after being mean to me.”

“Do I deserve a spanking then, captain?”

“Annalisa!” He exclaimed, laughing in spite of himself.  “Oh, you are a very bad girl.  You’ll be getting it later.”

“Promises.. promises.”

Harry stopped outside of a shut door, the same door he had pushed open several days before in the middle of the night to find her painting.  He glanced back at her over his shoulder and winked playfully, slowly turning the knob to reveal the big surprise he hoped would turn her to mush.  “You know very well how good I am about keeping my promises.”

Anna went to reply cheekily but her breath caught in her throat when she peeked inside the room that was used for when anyone in the family was inspired to create.  One side of the room was always cluttered with various art supplies and empty canvases thrown carelessly in the corner, while the other side of the room was used for musical storage, guitars and violins and the like neatly sitting upright.  This time, instead of stools and palettes of paint being in the middle of the room, a large family sized tent was set up.  The same way her father had set up a tent inside their home years and years ago.

Glistening eyes met his eager and hopeful blue orbs.  “Harry..”

“I really wanted to do this in the backyard but..” He shrugged apologetically.

“No,” she shook her head, stretching up on her toes to kiss him soundly square on the mouth.  “This is perfect.  Wow…Thank you.“

“You’re welcome,” he beamed, a slow grin spreading on his face.  “Shall we go in, peaches?“

Anna giggled and nodded excitedly, looping her arm through his offered one and approached the tent with his lead.  Harry unzipped the front area and gestured her to walk through before following and zipping it shut once again.

“Wow, it’s enormous!” She commented, scanning the spacious area that looked like he had spent a great deal of time preparing.

“That’s what she said,” Harry murmured but Anna didn’t hear him, too fascinated by the heartfelt scene he created for her—for them on their last night together.  There was a made up king sized mattress in the middle with pillows and blankets neatly draped over it.  Two long stemmed flutes were perched on a tray, sitting next to an unopened bottle of champagne that just begged to be popped open.  And a plate of microwaved s’mores.

“Wow, I can’t believe you did this.” She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly, tears pooling in her eyes.  “You’re amazing, do you know that?”

Harry wiped away the few stray teardrops and swept the loose curls away from her warm eyes.  “Just wanted to do something remotely grand for you tonight.”

“Well,” a smile graced her lips.  “You sure know how to make a woman feel pretty damn special, soldier.” She stretched up and rubbed her nose on his before pressing her lips to his.  “Come sit with me?”

“Of course,” he whispered, placing another kiss on her mouth before pulling away and bringing her over to sit on the air mattress.  He popped the cork of the champagne and poured the sparkling drink into each glass, Anna noisily munching on a s’more.  “A toast…” Anna smiled gratefully and took the offered flute, raising it to meet his as she wiped her mouth of the crumbs.  “To the most beautiful woman-”

“Oh boy,” she blushed, rolling her eyes upward.

Harry chuckled and continued on.  “-who not only knows how to drive me completely mad..”


“…but also knows how to love me like no other.”  Tears brimmed her eyes once more as her heart swelled and her insides melted at his words.  He took her hand in his and lifted it up to his mouth, the ring that was permanently on her finger catching his eye.  “I love you more than words could ever be said to justify it, my darling.”

“Aw, Harry.. I love you, too.”

“To us.”

“To us,” she echoed.  He threw her a quick wink as their glasses clinked together before they tasted the sweet bubbly drink… to them.

“Alright, what do we have here?” Harry asked humorously after he set his flute back on the tray, scanning the area he had set up without her knowledge.  “Ah!” He lifted a finger, grinning at Anna’s beaming and excited smile, before pointing to a spot hidden behind the tray.  Anna’s eyes followed the direction he was pointing to and she giggled uncontrollably when they landed on the stack of cards.  “Are you up for a real challenge, peaches?”

“Mmm,” She lifted her brows high up, mirroring his teasing smile.  “The real question here, my love, is are you ready to get your arse kicked by a girl?”

“Ha!” Harry laughed and reached for the deck before shuffling it thoroughly.  “Try me.”

“Oh, I won’t have to try very hard, Wales.  I’m queen at Go Fish, remember?”

“We’ll see about that, won’t we?”

“Bring it, bitch!”


The next morning came sooner than either of them would have liked, the screeching sounds of the alarm that went off on his mobile rousing them from their slumber.  They laid there tangled together, unmoving and savoring the last final alone moments before Dave barged in the room and called for him outside of the tent.

“I’ll be out in a minute.” Harry called out to his PO, regretting the harsh tone he took.  A sigh sounded out next and Anna snickered softly to herself.  “What’s so funny, chuckles?“

“Last night after you passed out-”

“I knew you were going to hold that against me.  It’s your fault for wearing me down,” Harry said pointedly and poked her side.

“I’m not complaining!” Anna said with a snigger, lifting her head from his chest to gaze at him through humorous eyes.  “I was saying after you fell asleep, I peeked at how late it was and guessed you would be grouchy this morning.  Turns out, I was right…per usual.”

Harry frowned and peered at her through slitted eyes.  ”I’m not grouchy.”

“You are,” she countered with a grin, lifting a shoulder in a playful half shrug.  “Don’t worry, you’re still attractive this way.“

“Very funny,” he said sarcastically before drifting to a more serious tone, the air shifting drastically.  “As cheesy as this is going to sound…I miss you already.”

“Oh, Harry,” Anna gushed, sliding close enough to easily reach up and caress the side of his face.  He leaned into her touch, kissing the center of her palm before inhaling deeply.  She could see the worry lines begin to form on his forehead and her chest began to constrict.  “Oh, baby.. We’re going to be okay.”

“I know, I know.. I just..” He stared deeply into the eyes that he was going to miss terribly.  The same eyes that could steal his breath away with just one innocent look.  “Shit, I just don’t know how I’m going to handle not being near you..” He curled his fingers around hers and brought their joined hands to his lips.  “I don’t know how I’m going to handle not touching you whenever I want.” Then he leaned forward and kissed her trembling lips.  “Or not kissing you..”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, stroking his face and leaning her forehead against his.

“Don’t be sorry,” he whispered back.  “As much as I want you to come with me.. I know you’re not ready to leave here just yet.”

“I do want to go with you, Harry.  I just..”

“Need to be here right now.” He finished softly.  “That’s okay, baby.. I understand that.  I encourage you to do that.”

“I love you.. so much.” She croaked, unable to hold back the tears any longer.  “I love you.  I hope you know that.”

“I do..I do know that.. and I love you.” His affections only made her weep harder, tears rolling hotly down her cheeks.  Harry’s breath came out shaky, his chest burning as he listened to her give in to the sadness.  “Don’t cry, love.  There’s nothing to cry over, alright? Come on, peaches…. Show me that gorgeous smile of yours.”

She helped him wipe the wetness away and forced a wide smile for his sake; knowing she would do anything he asked of her in that moment—even leaving with him.  But she also knew he wouldn’t ever ask her to do that.  In a way, she almost wished he would.

“Sir, sorry to interrupt but there are exactly two hours before we must head out.”

They both sighed this time as Dave’s stern voice filtered through the tent, voicing words that only pained them further.

“Thank you, Dave,” Harry said then turned back to a vulnerable Anna.  “Shower and breakfast?”

Her smile pulled wider in spite of the tears that brimmed her eyes.  ”Are you asking for a quickie?”

Harry cocked his head to the side and lifted a brow, a cheeky grin plastered on his face.  ”Do I have to ask?”

“Ha! Touché.”


After a quick family breakfast, Harry said his goodbyes to his newly found family; he had to swallow the emotions that threatened to rise from his chest at the tight hugs he received from each of them, Rosemary included.  Lucille held onto him longer than he expected, and his eyes slid shut to conceal the tears that had found their way to the corners of his eyes when she motherly rubbed his back; the same way she had done with Finn.

The entire ride to the airport was silent with the exception of Harry’s team going over the needful routine.  Anna sat back, playing with his hand that rested neatly on her lap as she watched him nod every once in awhile to appear as if he were listening.  He had them fooled, but he could never fool her.  She could see the mental wheels inwardly turning in his head, preparing himself for the goodbye neither one of them wanted to utter.

The only sign of laughter during the journey was when the confusion settled on her face when his team member handed her a card.  The reality of dating a prince never crossed Anna’s mind, seeing him as just her soldier above all else, so to say she was startled to be handed a security pass so she can be with him before he had to board at the last second was an understatement.  Harry had chortled and nudged her to come back from wherever her mind drifted off to as James stared expectantly at her with an outstretched hand.

Once they reached the airport, they continued to hold hands—never wanting to let go; not even long enough to go through the tedious security check.  They only had a few minutes left after going through the necessary check points, standing off in a secluded area for privacy as the other passengers filed in a long line to board the plane.

The plane that would take him away from her.

“Stay out of trouble, will ya?” He teased, ducking his head for another lingering kiss, an act they kept doing at any given chance.

Anna smirked up at him, scrunching up her nose.  ”Keep your flat ass out of the papers, will ya?”

Harry smacked her bottom, getting a rise out of her and she squealed, uncaring at who had caught the act between two lovers.  “I’m gonna try, smartass.”

She snickered, a watery smile permanent on her face as they gazed deeply in each others teary eyes.  It was harder than either of them thought it would be, wanting nothing more than to turn back time or fast forward to another.

Come with me.

The request itched on his tongue, demanding to be voiced.  But he wouldn’t.  Call it empathy for what she was going through.  Call it a wonderful boyfriend who didn’t want to push her into something she wasn’t ready to do.  Or call it a man that had too much pride and refused to beg on his hands and knees; even if he truly wanted to.

“You’re going to be late.” Anna teased, enjoying the way his body heat was felt through his light jacket and her cashmere sweater.  He was always so hot that any below zero wintery night would be forgotten when he cuddled her as they slept.  Of course she would have to roll away from him when the heat became overbearing, but even that she was going to miss.  She was going to miss everything.

“They can wait.”

“They cannot and will not, Wales.”

“I don’t think you’re exactly aware of just who I am, Caro…I’m kind of a big deal.”

“You are certainly are to me.” Her eyes softened and the way they sparkled at him hit him in the gut, along with her whispered words that made his heart soar.

Harry smoothed his hands up the sides of her arms, tickling the flesh of her exposed collarbone, and made the path to the back of her head.  Guiding her head up to catch her full attention—something he already had—he heaved a sigh.  ”I love you, Annalisa Lucille.”

Her response was as instant as the tears that formed at the corner of her eyes.  ”And I love you, Henry Charles Albert David.”

A satisfied and impressed smile greeted her.  ”Very good.  Well done.”

“I’ve been practicing for the real deal.”

He lowered his mouth to hers once more, his warm breath tickling her lips.  ”Bet you ten you jumble it up on the real deal.”

“Make that twenty,” she quipped on shaky breath.

Final boarding call for Flight 186 at Gate E27.  All passengers….


Harry cleared his throat and nodded at his security detail, his pleading eyes silently asking them for a moment longer.   They obliged, stepping back and impatiently glancing at their watches.  Harry turned back to her and swallowed the lump that had formed strongly in his throat.  ”That’s me.”

“That’s you.” Anna repeated, sullenly.


Anna giggled against his mouth, reciprocating the same as she pecked his mouth.  ”Have a safe flight, my love.”

“Have a safe drive home.”

She nodded as they pulled apart reluctantly and watched him pick up his backpack—guessing correctly he had a sketchbook and shading pencils thrown in it for the long flight home.  ”Call me when you land.”

“I will, love.” He promised as he stood up straight and cocked his head to the side, smiling brightly at her as she sniffled and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.  “See you soon?“

“See you soon.” She blew him a final kiss and he responded by laying a hand over his accelerated beating heart, his lips twitching as she did the same.

And then he nodded at his POs and followed their lead to the gate doors, leaving her standing there, alone.  A big sigh left her aching and more anxious to see him, to hear his voice, instead of calming her like it was intended to do.  No amount of big sighs would change the facts.

He was gone.

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