Chapter Nine (Part III)

How They Jump All In


Ba-boom ba-boom ba-boom

Anna’s eyes fluttered open, embracing the bright morning light that beamed down on the bed.  She sighed happily, her lips curving at the steady drumming of a heartbeat that roused her from a peaceful dream.  The bracelet that found home on her wrist less than 24 hours ago caught her eye and her smile widened at the engraved W that greeted her, remembering the H that was on his.

“You’re awake.” The vibration that rumbled under her ear sent shivers down her spine, chasing away the sleep her body still craved and replacing it with a hunger.  A hunger for him.

“You’re awake,” she echoed groggily.  Fingertips slowly ran down the bumps of her spine and Anna shifted to rub her nose against the tiny thin hairs she found on his chest.  She placed a soft kiss there and peered up at the grinning man that had given her the best birthday celebration just hours ago.  “How long?”

“Few minutes.”

“Mm..” Lifting her head up, she stretched up to meet his waiting lips in a slow, sweet kiss.  She couldn’t recall a time where she felt this complete and happy.  She didn’t know how he did it, how he could stir such emotions within her that she never thought were possible.  He made her believe, not only in herself but in them.  He made her believe in the power of love.

Harry’s heart thumped louder and harder in his chest when her naked breasts rubbed on his bare skin, igniting the fire in the pit of his stomach.  They had spent the majority of the night loving each other, feeding the desire and hot need to be as close as they could get.  Their hearts were already one, their souls eternally linked but he couldn’t get enough…he could never get enough of this amazing woman.  Especially now.

Anna squealed then giggled when he cradled the back of her head and expertly rolled them to place her flat on her back.  Their smiling lips met again and again, nipping and licking in a light teasing manner.  The waves crashed outside the window and a breeze blew the bed curtains wildly but the couple didn’t hear any of it, too caught up in the newly bliss.

Harry pulled back just far enough to look deeply into the amber colored eyes that were responsible for the emotions that were coursing through him.  “You are so beautiful.”

Anna’s eyes danced at the affection and love that shone brightly in his and she couldn’t help but lift her head off the soft pillow to peck his mouth, threading her fingers through his disheveled hair before whispering.  “Good morning, husband.”

“Mm..” Harry’s heart skipped a beat at the new title that rolled off her tongue easily.  He whispered back.  “Good morning, wife.”


The Reunion- Three Months Prior

The pounding in Annalisa’s heart was deafening as it beat wildly inside of her chest.  It had begun racing as soon as she had touched foot onto the UK grounds hours ago, the anticipation of seeing Harry again creating the most delicious excitement she had ever felt.  Wanting nothing more than to rush over to where he was, she fought against the urge to do so and stuck by her plan, Maggie bearing witness to her giddiness as she rambled how to proceed the next few hours.  It had been a long journey, one that seemed to drag on for more than just the few hours it took up in the air.  But after spending the morning at Maggie’s flat getting dolled up, she had finally gotten to the car that would take her to him.  To Harry.


Every time his name resonated in her head, the flutter in her stomach intensified and the anticipation was nearly killing her.  She couldn’t wait to see him.  Couldn’t wait to finally see the big goofy grin on his handsome face, couldn’t wait to be wrapped up in his strong and loving arms.  Just the thought of being near him once again made her insides jump.

Once she arrived in Cirencester, the polo match had yet to start.  Maggie escorted her to a grassy area where she was introduced to several people she hadn’t yet met from Harry’s circle.  It amazed her how many people he knew, how many more people she hadn’t yet met after a year of being with him.  Two important people being Peter and Autumn and their two beautiful girls.

“Anna, hello! So lovely to finally meet you!” Autumn radiated such warmth, smiling genuinely at Anna; it put her at ease just how normal they all seemed around her as if they had known her for ages.

“Likewise,” Anna politely replied, smiling back with the same gentle kindness.

“Harry is a real bugger for keeping us from you,” Peter teasingly said before greeting her with air kisses on each of her cheeks.  There was no mistaking the delicious twist in her stomach at his name being casually tossed out.

“Ha! Well,” she shrugged before continuing.  “I guess he’s a real bugger for many things, isn’t he?”

“Definitely.  A big child when it comes to not sharing, that’s for sure.”

Anna grinned.  “I’ve been trying to teach him the manners of sharing but to no avail.”

“Ha! That’s Harry for you.”

Anna was about to ask when the match was scheduled to start, anxious to see him, but a soft voice interrupted her before she could.  “Are you Harry’s girlfriend?”

Anna smiled at Savannah and knelt down to her eye level, careful not to let the breeze lift the skirt of her summer dress.  “I am,” she confirmed proudly.  “You must be Savannah.”

“I am,” the intelligent toddler parroted in the same proud tone and stuck her hand out to formally shake her new friend’s.  Anna was astounded by how smart the three and a half year old was, surely outsmarting her any day.

“That’s a pretty name.”

Savannah smiled brightly at the compliment before offering up her own.  “You’re pretty.  I like your hair.”

“Awww…thank you, sweetheart.” She ruffled her blonde hair and threw her a playful wink, creating precious giggles that made her miss her little birds.  “But I’m not nearly as beautiful as you.”

Savannah giggled again and pointed at her sister who was now clinging to her father.  “That’s my baby sister.”

Anna raised up on her sandals and offered the frightful child a welcoming smile.  “Hello, Savannah’s baby sister.” Isla clung to her father tighter and turned away, burying her face in the comfort of his neck.  “Aw, do I frighten you?”

“Sorry,” Peter apologized.  “She’s going through her stranger phase.”

“Oh, that’s okay.” Anna recognized it, becoming familiar with the phase with the experience of her very young patients in the past and niece and nephew.  She craned her neck to peek at the little girl that made her long for a little one of her own.  “You don’t have to be afraid, sweetie.  My name is Anna.  What’s your name?”

When the response was a firm shake of short blonde curls, the older Phillips child spoke up from her father’s side.  “Her name is Isla.”

“Isla? Why, that’s a very pretty name.  Hi, Isla.”

“Can you say hi to Anna, darling?” Peter asked.


The tiny stubborn voice pulled at Anna’s heartstrings and her lips curved up.  “Okay, I’ll wait for you to come around,” she said, rubbing the little girl’s frigid back before waving off Peter’s apology.  “We won’t be strangers for much longer…Am I right, Savannah?”

“Yep!” She exclaimed then blurted.  “Are you going to marry Harry?”

“Savannah, what have we discussed about asking questions that are none of your concern?” Savannah rolled her eyes at her mother’s authoritative tone.

“Oh, no! That’s a great question.” Anna said with a chuckle and nodded, eyes cast down on the wide eyed child that awaited her answer.  “Harry and I do plan to get married someday, yes.  That just means we’ll be seeing each other more often, I hope.”

“Good!” She clapped her hands excitedly before running off to play.

Autumn turned to Anna and shook her head with light laughter filling the air as Peter chased after the active toddler with the quiet one still in his arms.  “Careful, Savannah! Wait for daddy!” Once they were out of earshot, Autumn turned to Anna with sympathetic eyes.  “Harry told us about your father.  I’m very sorry for your loss.”

“” Anna stumbled for a moment, still not used to receiving condolences.  It always took her by surprise, momentarily paralyzing her  as she blinked before uttering the same response.  “Th-thank you.”

“If you ever need anything—anything at all—don’t hesitate to ask.”

“I appreciate that very much.”

“Even if it means taking Harry off your hands for awhile…” Anna tossed her head back and guffawed.  “The girls know how to keep him busy.”

“They are really beautiful girls…So smart for their age.”

“Thank you,” Autumn said with a wide smile, glancing at her husband as he tickled the two precious miracles in her life.  “You and Harry will too, one day….soon…”

Anna caught the glint in the blonde’s eyes and giggled before teasing.  “Now I know where Savannah gets it from.”

“Ha!” Autumn laughed loudly, nodding guilty.  “Can’t deny that one!”

“Annaaaa!” Both women turned to the curly haired man who was sprinting towards them with a toothy grin plastered across his clean shaven face, Maggie trailing behind.

“Don’t be rude! They were having a conversation!” Maggie scolded after catching up to Skippy, eyes narrowing when he ignored her and opened his arms to their mutual friend.

“Hey, Skip.  Longtime no see.”

“Hello, darling.” He gave her a warm hug then pulled away and faked a pout.  “You stopped responding to my joke of the day messages.”

Anna cringed inwardly and pulled a face, glancing at Maggie who stood with her arms folded.  “There are only so many dirty jokes a girl can take from her friend’s boyfriend before it becomes borderline creepy and inappropriate.”

Maggie rolled her eyes and smacked his arm.  “You didn’t tell me they were dirty jokes, bastard!”

Skip’s eyes widened in defense, throwing his hands up and leaning away from the abuse.  “They were supposed to cheer her up!”

Maggie clicked her tongue.  “You’re disgusting.”

“Would you have me any other way, baby?” Skip asked with a cocky smirk.

“Actually, yes.”

“Ha! Bull—” Maggie cut him off with a death glare, cocking her head to the side in the direction of the kids.  “Poop.”


Anna stood back and enjoyed the banter she didn’t know she had missed until now.  “How do you put up with these two?” Autumn asked in exasperation while the couple continued to throw insults back and forth.

“I don’t have a clue,” Anna joked.  “But I sure did miss them.”

Anna caught the twitch in Autumn’s lips just before they lifted up.  “I know a certain ginger who sure did miss you..”

The blush crept on her cheeks, Autumn chuckling at the way her features gave away her embarrassment.  “Oh god, has he been talking about me?”

“Ha! Only because he stopped by to say hello before heading out to change into his gear and I asked when you were returning.” She quirked a brow.  “Although he said it wouldn’t be for another week.”

Anna bit her lip, nervousness taking over.  “Do you think he’ll be surprised?”

Autumn placed a comforting hand on her arm before answering.  “Pleasantly surprised.  He’s eager to see you.”

The goofy grin that pulled on her mouth should have been embarrassing but she didn’t care.  She was too ecstatic and elated.  “I’m eager to see him too.” She looked to the abandoned field.  “When is it starting anyway?”

An announcer then came over the speakers, welcoming the audience and introducing the two teams along with the charities that were being played for.

“Now.  Enjoy the match.” Autumn winked before leaving her to sit on the little picnic her family had set up to watch the game.

Anna swallowed, her heart racing once again.  She just was moments away from finally seeing him after almost three months.  Her breaths came out in short pants and her palms began to sweat despite the unusual chill in the summer air as she watched player by player, horse by horse make way onto the field.  She couldn’t pinpoint why she felt nervous all of a sudden.  Maybe it was because he wasn’t expecting her to be there and she didn’t know what his reaction would be.  Nay.  There shouldn’t be any doubt that Harry would be over the moon at seeing her, she knew this.

Something struck her just moments before he galloped onto the field.  She was leaving her old life behind.  Things were about to shift to a new world she was unfamiliar with.  Life was going to change drastically, she was going to be different and so was their relationship. She was going to be his wife.  She was going to be royal, responsible for keeping a likeable image to his family.  Hell, they were going to be her family, too.  Thoughts swirled around her head, creating a whirlwind as she came to the realization just exactly what being with him meant.  A new life.  A new name.  A new Annalisa.

And that would all begin right when they reunited.

Was she ready for all of this? Was she good enough to live up to the expectations of not only of his family but of the public as well? Was love really worth going through all the ups and downs that were ahead for them? Was Harry really worth it?

Yes.” The single syllable slipped past her parted lips with such confidence that it struck her with emotion as Harry made his grand entrance onto the field.

All of her previous nerves melted at once as she watched him play, the air rushing out of her lungs.  He looked good, riding the horse with undeniable confidence and working up a sweat.  Her eyes roved over his flushed face, longing to lick the beads of sweat that began to roll down from the crown of his head.  Then his broad shoulders and toned arms caught her attention, so strong and manly as he swung an arm back and forth to hit the ball forcefully with the mallet, sending sparks down her back.  Anna bit her lip to keep the moan from escaping her at how incredibly hot and sexy he was, the passion for the sport and cause oozing from him as he kept his sole focus on winning.

And he was all hers.

A thrill went through her at that, wetness pooling between her trembling thighs.  It took all of her strength to not stomp her way over to him and have her way with him in plain view.


Throughout the whole match Harry had felt a peculiar pull in his belly that he couldn’t reason.  Even though his team had come out victorious, he had almost lost the game due to the unshakeable feeling of something.  Toweling his damp locks, his mind ran a mile a minute trying to figure out what was going on with him.  Anna crossed his mind, as she often did, and the same tug in his abdomen caught him off guard.  If he didn’t know better, he would have guessed that she was there in the crowd, watching his every move without his knowledge.  “Christ, Har.” He cursed aloud, chuckling at how ridiculous he was being.

Deciding it was just him missing her immensely that was making him crazy, he grabbed his mobile after dressing and quickly typed out a message.

Miss you

Her response came almost instantly.

Miss you more

Harry tapped on the screen with a deep sigh, mentally counting down the days before he could hold her in his arms again.

Where are you?

His phone buzzed seconds later.

Home 🙂


The butterflies in her stomach were multiplying every second that ticked by as she watched Harry stand with his teammates.  She caught the way his brows kept furrowing together and his eyes scanned the crowd as if he were searching for her.  For a moment, she thought that maybe he was and just as she was about to turn to Maggie to question her about it, her stomach twisted and she stood there frozen.

Harry had found her.

There was no mistaking the air that rushed out his mouth when he did, Anna physically feeling the ache in her chest as he grabbed his before he broke out in the biggest grin she had ever seen.  The blood rushed to her ears, deafening her as he continued to stare at her with dancing eyes that sparkled so brightly.  It almost looked like they were glistening with tears, but that could have been her own that were clouding her vision.

She gave him a short wave then blew him a kiss before giggling at the way he shook his head as if he were in disbelief, laughing himself.  He pat his chest to let her know his heart was about to combust from happiness, just like hers was, and she nodded in understanding.

They had been apart for seventy-five days but those twenty minutes where they kept their gazes locked together without being able to rush to each other were unbearable.  But Anna realized how worth it it was when Harry began the journey over to her, breaking out into a jog in front of everyone.  She met him halfway, ignoring the sandals that pinched her skin because nothing would ruin this moment for her.  Nothing would stand in her way of getting to him.

“Crazy girl.” Harry laughed and caught her when she crashed into his chest, her face immediately burying in his sticky neck.  He sighed and shut his eyes, relishing in her soft body being pressed against his.  “Be still my heart.”

Anna smiled against his neck and giggled when he lifted her feet off the ground, twirling her around twice before setting her back down.  She pulled back, his arms still firmly wrapped around her frame, and grinned.   “Surprise!”

Harry let out a burst of laughter, his stomach still performing somersaults at the feel of her in his embrace.  “You lied to me.  You said you were home.”

She beamed up at him, tugging him closer—needing him closer.  “I didn’t.  I am home.”

“Oh baby,” he breathed through a delighted laugh.  “Oh, I have missed you.”

“I missed you, too.”

Not wasting another moment, Anna reached up at the same time Harry dipped down.  They melted into a long savoring kiss, uncaring of the flashes of the cameras and the hollers of their friends in the distance.  She was home.  She came back for him.  For them.  Nothing else mattered.


Once they made their way to the car, Harry held the passenger door open for her and tickled her side playfully as she slid inside.  Anna grew curious when he stalled getting in with her, chatting in a low tone with Dave before his protection officer got into another black SUV instead of getting in the driver seat to drive them home like she thought was the original plan.  He was up to something, that was for sure.

“What was that about?” She asked when he got into the drivers side and turned the ignition.

He glanced at her with a permanent smile.  “What was what, peaches?”

Anna quirked a brow.  “Don’t play dumb.  You’re up to something.”

“Am I?” He teased, throwing her a wink and leaning over to kiss her pouty lips.

“You are.”

Harry shrugged and pulled out of the parking space, following the car infront of him.  “You’re not the only one full of surprises.  Speaking of, you would choose to come back the same day I head out for a tour.”

Anna knew that was coming.  She scooted closer to where he sat and cuddled into his side when he threw his free arm around her shoulders, holding her close.  “I know but I really just wanted to get home and today was the earliest flight I could get when I decided to come back early.”

“What changed your mind?” He asked, his eyes focused on the road ahead.

“Honestly, I was ready for awhile.  I guess I just needed a little nudge to finally take that step.”

“The nudge being…?”

Anna pondered it for a moment before answering.  “Now that I think about it, it was a lot of nudges.  My fight with Luke, driving around New York, the hospital needing me.” Her head turned up and his eyes briefly flicked to hers.  “You needing me.”

Harry’s chest constricted and he pulled her tighter to his side.  He couldn’t deny that that was true.  He had needed her for so long, work weighing heavily on his mind, but he knew she had things to work out on her own.  He didn’t want to take that away from her.  “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Me, too.  Although I wish you didn’t have to leave tonight.”

“You could always come with me.”  Anna laughed at the suggestion.  “What?”

“You’re crazy if you think that’s possible.”

“Well, why the hell not?” He feigned anger, turning the wheel into an area Anna didn’t recognize.  If he was trying to distract her from trying to figure out where they were headed, he was failing; she kept close eye on every turn and every sign they passed along the way.

“Because I’m not your wife, Harry.”

Yet.” Harry finished for her, a grin spreading across his face at her sweet laughter that did crazy things to his chest.

Yet.” She confirmed, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek.  “Where are we going?”

“Nuh-uh.  Not telling.” Anna huffed and pursed her lips into a pout.  “That’s not going to work so quit it.”

“You’re no fun.”

His brows lifted up high.  “Really? What’s fun about spoiling a surprise?” He hummed triumphantly when she didn’t retort back.  “That’s what I thought.  Besides, we are nearly there.”

It took another five or so minutes before the car reached it’s destination.  Anna’s brows knitted together in confusion when Harry stopped the car on a secluded sandy beach that reminded her of the place Finn took her to months ago to reminisce.  “Where are we?”

“The beach, genius.” Harry said with his eyes wide, mocking her.  He chuckled when she stuck her tongue out and gestured to her feet.  “Take your shoes off.”


He rolled his eyes.  “Do you always have to question everything?”

“Yes,” Anna answered as she slipped her sandals off, catching Harry removing his own loafers and socks from the corner of her eye.  She turned to wait for his next command, knowing it wasn’t far behind, and smiled inwardly when he spoke up.  “Come with me.”

They walked barefoot through the sand to the shore with hands entwined together.  Anna wiggled her toes and hissed at the shocking cold temperature of the water that reached their feet.  “Ay, that’s cold!”

Harry snickered and turned to face her, grabbing both of her delicate hands in his.  They stood face to face, the small waves crashing around their feet.  Anna looked at him with curiosity etched across her features.  “What are we supposed to be doing?”

“Nothing,”  he replied, simply.  “Just…feel.”

“Feel what?” She asked confusedly, cocking one head to the side.

“The water..the coolness and the unexpected waves…feel the slight breeze blowing your hair and the sun on your face…just feel, Anna.”

Anna’s mind went back in time to one of the nights where they stayed up talking after her father passed.  She recalled revealing to him how much she missed having the sunshine on her face again, confessing how she had been living in the past ever since losing Ben.  She had told him that she was tired of living in the past.  She was tired of not feeling the warmth of the sun on her face.  She was tired.  Anna’s eyes welled with tears as she took in what his intentions were.  He had remembered all of that.

Be here now,” she managed to get out in the smallest voice he had ever heard.  Blinking rapidly, Anna inhaled deeply with her head upturned, smelling the fresh air of early summer.  Summer.  Where everything that was once dead with the cold bitter winter and chilly spring became officially alive again.

A small smile tug on the corners of Harry’s mouth as he cocked his head to one side, watching her closely.  He had missed her tremendously the past two months, fighting with himself to be patient and let her have her own time to grieve.  The last thing he wanted to do was rush her to come back home to him.  But during that period apart, he was frightened of what would happen.  He had been fearful that she wouldn’t return back, that she would come to the conclusion that Boston was where she wanted to be.  And as the weeks accumulated during their separation, the reality of her not returning were becoming more likely.

But she did.  She came back to be with him, to start anew, ready for the challenges that were up ahead, riding the waves together instead of being guarded and going at it alone.  He was so proud of her, so very proud of the admirable woman that stood before him, smiling softly to herself.

“How does it feel?” He asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

Anna squeezed his hands in answer, her smile never wavering.  “New…”

“Good new or bad new?”

Her eyes peeled open and her lips pulled wider at him squinting through the blinding sun.  “Very good.”

When they returned back to the car, Anna stopped him from switching gears into drive by placing a warm hand over his.  Harry looked to her expectantly and immediately smiled when he caught the twinkle in her eye, something he hadn’t seen in months.

“Thank you for bringing me here,” she said before adding in a ramble.  “And for being patient with me during all of this…and for loving me even when it’s not easy to…and for always being the—”

Harry cut her off by covering her mouth with his in an understanding and loving kiss.  She didn’t have to thank him, he didn’t want that.  What he wanted was to see her smile again, to see her big warm eyes fill with joy and excitement.  All he wanted was to have his Annalisa back…and he had achieved that.

“I love you so much,” he mumbled against her mouth.

Anna’s arm snaked up around his neck, her fingers twirling the hair at the nape of his neck as her lips caressed his.  “I love you, too.  So very much.”


He couldn’t keep his hands off of her.

Anna pushed his grabby hands away, eyeing the protection officer that stood in front of the shut lift doors with his back facing the frisky couple.  The journey home was all the same, Harry caressing her exposed legs with his free hand, exciting her after being without his touch for so long.  Too long.

Harry smirked devilishly, his hard body shielding her from view in case Dave went against his agreement to give them all the privacy Harry had requested.  “Harry…” She warned when her back hit the corner of the lift, trying to appear unaffected but failing miserably when she licked her lips from the ache that was in her core.

“Shhh.. He won’t see anything.” He whispered.  Her control was slipping when his strong hands smoothed over her backside before he grabbed a handful of her covered flesh.

Harry dipped down to tug on her lower lip with his teeth, pushing his hips firmly against hers.  Anna groaned involuntarily when his erection poked her belly, wanting nothing more than to reach down his trousers and stroke him until he came apart in her hands.

“You….have….to be…very…quiet…” His hot breath fanned her heated face, causing Anna’s pulse to quicken.

Placing peppered kisses on her collarbone, Harry pushed up her skirt and smirked when her arms tucked around his waist, her breaths coming out in short pants.  He wondered how far she would let him take the maddening foreplay right there in the lift, several floors away from reaching the top.  Testing the waters, his palm smoothed over her soft skin before reaching inside her panties, his other hand lying flat against the wall beside her head.

“Are you aching for me here, peaches?”

Anna bit down hard on her lips, eyes rolling back when he cupped her.  A whimper tumbled out of her mouth when he ground his palm on her, her own hips circling to the same slow torturous rhythm.  Harry’s head raised to gaze at her pleasured expression, his erection growing harder at the sight of her worrying her lip, breaking the skin from the relentless sucking and biting.

“Fuck, Anna.. you’re so sexy.”

Anna gripped his shirt in her fists and tossed her head back against the wall in a thump when he boldly parted her lower lips and ran a finger up and down, her juices coating him.

“ warm…and wet…”

“Please.” She plead softly after releasing her bruised lip.

Harry took the opportunity to sweep his tongue across her lips and dip inside her mouth as two fingers sank inside her core.  “Jesus, I need you.” They swallowed each others moans and growls as their mouths devoured what the other had to offer, drinking up like they had gone without a drop of water for years.  Anna arched her back, allowing his digits to sink deeper when he began a slow in and out motion, his thumb firmly pressing down on the bundle of nerves that shot electrical sparks through her entire body.

The ding of the lift arriving on their desired floor paired with the loud clearing throat interrupted them.  Harry slipped his fingers out of her clinging channel, giving her a crooked smile in apology when she whimpered and fixed her dress.  He kissed her square on the mouth, licking her swollen lips.

“Don’t worry, baby.. I have six hours before I have to board a plane and I plan to spend every minute making love to you.”

“Harry..” Anna moaned, the throb and wetness between her thighs only growing with his promise.  She stumbled when he tore his body away from hers, cursing when he had to steady her.  “I don’t think I can walk…”

Harry chuckled and kissed the corner of her mouth before lifting her up in his arms and carrying her straight to the bedroom.


Drawing invisible patterns on his glistening chest, Anna sighed as her eyes landed on the clock that rested on the nightstand.  He had eighteen minutes left before he would have to untangle himself from the sheets and her.  She didn’t want him to, enjoying the way it felt feeling his caress on her back while she did the same to his chest.  Not to mention how amazing it was finally having him back, only to let him go again.

“What is it?” He asked, feeling the shift in the air as her puff of air blew on his skin.

“You have to leave me soon.” Harry sighed the same way she did just moments prior.  His heart already ached at the thought of being away from her again.  “Stay.” The whispered plea tore through his insides, feeling the desperation behind it.

“Come with me,” Harry whispered his own plea.  They both knew it wasn’t possible; he couldn’t stay and she couldn’t go with him but that didn’t stop the need to voice their desires aloud.

“Can’t,” she murmured.

Harry felt like someone had punched him in the gut when he felt the tears fall on his skin.  “Oh, baby.  Don’t cry.” He pleaded with her, gathering her tighter in his embrace and kissing her tangled curls.  “Please, don’t cry.”

“Can’t help it,” Anna sniffled, hugging him just as tight.  “I miss you already.”

“I miss you.” He said, placing more kisses on her head in an attempt to calm her.  He absolutely hated seeing her cry.  “It’s six days.  What’s six days to us?”

“A lifetime,” she muttered, creating light chuckles to fill the space.

“Six days is nothing.” Harry’s lips twitched when she huffed and puffed in response.  “We have a whole lifetime, darling.  Six days is nothing to cry about, yeah?”

“Okay.” Anna peered up at him and smiled gratefully when he wiped away the stubborn tears.  “Promise me something?”


“Bring me back a t-shirt from the World Cup?”

Harry broke out into hysterics, not expecting a silly request to come out of her mouth.  He nodded in between laughs, tangling his fingers in her hair and bringing her down for a kiss.  “Is that all you want?”

“No,” Anna giggled through the emotion that was still bubbling inside her chest, pecking his mouth again.

“What else do you want then?”

A devious smirk formed on her mouth and Harry lifted his brows when Anna shifted on top of him, showering his chest with open mouthed kisses.

“Oh yeah? Is that what you want, peaches?”

“Mmhmm..” She hummed, her assault on his skin never letting up.  “Twelve minutes…”

“Well, then,” Harry started, grinning while he grabbed her bottom and flipped her over, winking at her aroused expression.  “Let’s make it a mindblowing twelve minutes, shall we?”

Anna’s moan paired with the suction sounds of his mouth on her lower belly before his head got lost somewhere deep under the sheets.

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