Chapter Seventeen (Part III)

How Thanksgiving Held Many Firsts



A time to be grateful; giving thanks to life’s blessings and of those we hold dear to our hearts.  It’s a time of offered peace, forgiveness, and acceptance.  A holiday that is focused around family and friends, feasting on all the trimmings and celebrating the special annual traditions that differentiated between families.

That’s where Anna’s thoughts lied as she pondered the holiday, keeping her focus out the window at the open body of water they flew over.  Thanksgiving was a big holiday for the Caros, as many were.  It was a day always full of laughter and friendly sibling rivalry, an insanely amount of food covering the table that was prepared by her mother.  For as far as she could recall, she had been her mother’s assistant in the kitchen while her father and brothers did whatever excuse they came up with that year to be far away from cooking duties.  If she closed her eyes, she could bring herself back to that long table, the sweet aroma of the pumpkin pie baking to perfection in the oven, and the weirdly pleasing texture of the stuffing being meshed between her fingers in cared preparation.

A smile graced her lips.  She would get to experience that once again in a matter of hours, making her way back to Boston to spend the holiday with her family.

The smile that appeared on her face quickly faded.  She had missed five Thanksgivings since moving to London.  Regret plagued her – ate at her when the haunting realization that she hadn’t been there to hug her father, thanking him for giving her everything she needed as an adolescent.  She hadn’t been there, sitting beside her brothers to watch him expertly slice the delicious turkey that her mother stuck in the oven before the appearance of dawn.  She missed muttering grace; she missed watching her niece grow into the mini chef as she mashed the potatoes.  She missed her father’s last Thanksgiving.  She missed everything.  So much wasted time, impossible to ever get back.

It was the first without him.

A thousand unanswered questions ran through her mind, the anxiety bubbling inside of her chest.  Who was going to carve the turkey? Who was going to referee when the teasing transitioned into an argument around the Caro children? Who was going to fill the seat at the table?

A soft snore startled her and she blinked the tears that had begun to form in her saddened eyes.


The weight on her chest eased at the sight of her sleeping husband.  He had his head on her shoulder while he slept, the abandoned sketchbook splayed across his lap.  He was still recuperating between his trip to Abu Dhabi and getting thrust into endless meetings upon his return, throwing his sleeping schedule completely off.  Careful not to disturb him, she folded her arm to touch the other side of his head, lightly playing with the strands of hair she could reach while she rested her head on his.  A sigh escaped her, inhaling a deep cleansing breath and exhaling all the negativity that had consumed her moments earlier.

He was here with her, sitting at her side on the journey, supporting her on a challenging trip.

A brighter, more light realization dawned on her.  This would be Harry’s first Caro Thanksgiving, and hers as a married woman.  In fact, it was their first holiday as husband and wife.

That would be the one piece of happiness that would help her get through the remainder of the flight, cuddling with her husband as she let sleep overcome her with a small lift of a smile.


The early morning rays of the sun shone through the windshield, beaming straight to the back of the seven-seater SUV where three women huddled together in excited conversation.

“Oh, she’s the cutest thing ever!” Anna grinned like a proud mother at her sister-in-law, swiping the screen with the tip of her finger to reveal more pictures of Betsy.

“Too bad she wasn’t able to come,” Lucille frowned.  “The kids would have had a blast with her.“

“I know,” Anna agreed.  “But we weren’t able to get in her vaccines before traveling.  Definitely next time, though.“

Lucille smiled softly at Anna’s casual use of we instead of I.  Something was different, Lucille could feel it – right from the moment they had come into view fresh off the plane.  She had seen Harry be a perfect gentleman to her daughter before, carrying her bags and walking beside her with a protective hand low on her back, but the two had a glowing aura around them; almost like they were in their own blissful bubble.  Lucille remembered what that was like when she and Marco were in their honeymoon phase.  She wondered…

“Where is she staying?” Kathie asked, putting a stop to the thought.  “Awwww,” Kathie cooed, laying a hand over her heart when Harry’s broad smile as he held the pup in his arms came across the screen.

“Right?! Isn’t he adorable?” Anna gushed, glancing at the seat in front of her.  Harry didn’t stir with the escalating chatter, having fallen back to sleep within five minutes of sliding into the heated vehicle.

Anna lovingly tickled the short hairs at the nape of his neck, secretly smiling at how he could sleep anywhere.  She flashed a shy smile at the way the two women looked at her when she turned back to answer.  ”She was going to stay with Will and Kate but they’re preoccupied with…many things.” She chuckled at the memory of the chubby cheeks of her now nephew – who had begun to refer to her as his Auntie like he knew – wreaking havoc on his expecting parents.  “So she’s with Maggie until Tuesday.”

“I can’t even handle how cute she is,” Kathie said.  “Maybe I’ll get the kids a puppy for Christmas.  Lift their spirits a little…”

Anna caught the way the blonde trailed off in discomfort.  Things weren’t getting any better, according to Gabe’s updated gossip.  Her brother’s poor coping with grief was turning ugly, excessively drinking and isolating everyone around him.  It was past normal concern, but his wife and mother had done everything they could to try to convince him to seek help.  Now, they could only offer him their support while they – and the kids – walked on eggshells.

“Everything okay?” Anna asked softly, albeit knowing every detail of the problems at home.  She reached for her dear sister’s hand when her sad eyes began to tear up and Anna noticed for the first time how the stress and constant worry was wearing heavily on the once lively woman’s appearance.

“Kathryn…” Lucille joined her daughter in an attempt to comfort her.

Blonde hair swung from side to side as Kathie waved them off, sniffling and wiping her eyes.  She laughed lightly, trying to shift the gloomy mood.  This long weekend was about celebration, not about dwelling on what she couldn’t fix.  It was about having a good time together, or trying to at least with a new absence.  ”I’m okay, I’m okay.” She breathed out slowly then forced a wide trembling smile.  “So, Anna, we haven’t really talked much since your trip! You look like you still got a nice tan going on.”

It pulled at Anna’s heart, seeing how hard her sister-in-law tried to lighten the conversation while inwardly crumbling.  They had been through so much together – her and Kathie – but the light had always shined in her close friend’s eyes…until now.

“I’m dying to hear all about Botswana.” Her mother added, pulling them both in for a group hug.

Anna hesitated, uncertain if she should let the issue at hand be swept under the rug.  The pleading look in Kathie’s eyes urged her to do just that.  Her lips curved slightly and she sighed.  ”It was…magical.”


“Good morning, good moooorning, to me!”

Anna paused whisking the eggs in the bowl when Finn’s booming voice came from the other side of the kitchen door.  A grin spread wide on her face and a giggle escaped her.  He was home.  Safe and sound.  Granted he had been back from Afghanistan for nearly two weeks now, and she had been under the same roof for about two hours now, but she didn’t want to barge in his room and shower him with sisterly affection when he had company with him.

“Someone is awake bright and early,” Lucille commented with a laugh, not once stopping the task of peeling the potatoes.

“You know Finn; the first one up on any food holiday.  He’s like a child on Christmas morning.” Kathie said, stealing a taste of the cookie dough before placing the remaining on the baking sheet.

Finn swung the door open and immediately spotted the three Caro women working in the kitchen, a wave of warmth passing over him at the sweet memory of childhood.  He inhaled deeply, savoring the aroma he had been without for so long and closed his eyes at the comforting sizzling sounds coming from the stove.  “Ahhhh… A Caro Thanksgiving.”

“Good morning, baby,” Lucille greeted him with a big smile on her face.  She couldn’t help the proud Mama grin that was home on her lips whenever he was in the room, gratitude filling her chest at having her baby boy back home in one piece.  “Happy Thanksgiving.”

He flashed the women his signature Finn Caro lopsided grin and wished them a happy holiday, receiving the same well wishes.  Then, he turned to his sister who looked like she was trying to contain her excitement at seeing him.

“Hey, sis.  You made it.”

“Eeep! Finny boo-boo!” She couldn’t hold back any longer, sprinting towards him like a child and crashing into his welcoming embrace.  “You’re home.”

“I am,” he said with a chuckle.  “I’ve been home.  We talked when I did, remember?”

Anna laughed, releasing him and smacking his chest.  “Shut up.  It’s just different.. seeing it with my own eyes.”

“Well, it’s good to see you, too.” He ruffled the top of her head, then looked around in search of the security detail he knew should be there with Harry’s presence.  “Where’s Prince Charming?”

She rolled her eyes and shoved him before going back to whisk the eggs.  “You just missed him.  He went downstairs to grab a shower.”

Finn nodded and strolled over to his beaming mother, patting his stomach.  “I’m starving,” he said, dropping a kiss on Lucille’s cheek.  “When do we eat?”

Lucille giggled like a schoolgirl, completely obsessed over her son and his charm.  “Soon, baby.”

“It’s six forty-five.” Kathie snorted.  “You’ve got a long ways to go before we eat, buddy.”

Finn pouted down at his mother, working the puppy eyes.  “But I’m a growing boy.”

“You’re in your thirties!” Anna cried.  “You’ve been full grown for over ten years now.”

Finn gasped, feigning a wounded expression.  “Mom! Anna’s calling me old!”

Lucille crooned while patting his cheek affectionately.  “Of course you’re not old, sweetheart.  Just older.  Be nice to your brother, Annalisa.”

Finn grinned and hugged her, sticking his tongue out childishly at his sister and sister-in-law.

“Big baby,” they both muttered while rolling their eyes.

Ten minutes later, Finn sat at the table devouring a bowl of cereal, adding his two cents on the girl talk taking place in the kitchen every once in awhile.  The rest of the clan would be up shortly, and the room would be filled with laughter and louder voices.  But for now, he was enjoying the rarity of partaking in the light chatter between them, never realizing he would ever come to miss it as much as he had.

“So, when do I meet your leading lady?” Anna asked, her smirk turning into an amused smile at the way his lips lifted up at the mention of his girlfriend.  He was smitten, it was clear to see.

“She’s here now,” he said, clearing his throat and bringing his empty bowl to the sink.  “She’s a late sleeper.”

“Later than you?” Kathie asked with a cocked eyebrow.  “That’s unusual.”

“Yeah,” Finn’s grin spread wider.  “She’s a bit unusual.”

“Clearly,” Anna chimed in.  “If she’s in love with you.” She squeaked when something flew at her head, then quickly searched for something to throw back at him.  She settled on a dripping eggshell.

“Hey!” Finn exclaimed, picking up another piece of the potato skin and whipping it at her.

“Stop!” Anna laughed, reaching for another eggshell.


The door slowly swung open in the middle of Lucille’s half-hearted scold, and all pairs of eyes turned when a startled young woman in pajamas appeared in the doorway.  “Um.. hi.” She said, tightening the hair tie that held her strawberry blonde locks up.

“Morning, baby.” Relief brightened up her green eyes when she found Finn striding over to her.  “We were just talking about you.” He tossed her a wink and dropped a chaste kiss on her full lips.

“Oh..” She flushed when her eyes settled on his family, particularly the dark haired woman she assumed was his sister.  “Hi.. Good morning..”

“Good morning, dear,” Lucille greeted her, flashing her a comforting smile, followed by Kathie.

Finn gestured towards Anna, giving her a curious look when he noticed her shell shocked demeanor.  “Keri, this is my sister, Anna.  Anna, my girlfriend, Keri.” He introduced the two, in hopes it would spark some sort of life back to her frozen state.

Anna cleared her throat, embarrassed by her blatantly rude behavior.  She offered Keri a warm smile and walked over to politely shake her hand.  “Hi, sorry ‘bout that.  Nice to meet you, Keri.”

Keri returned the smile.  “Likewise.”

“Finn’s spoken very highly of you,” she smirked, ignoring her brother’s looks of disapproval.  “I’ve never seen him so head over heels before.”

Keri went to reply, but was interrupted by Harry waltzing into the room from the basement door, freshly showered and more awake.  The blush on her cheeks deepened when she recognized him.

“Hey, mate.” Harry approached Finn and gave him a half hug.  “Good to see you.”

“Hey, man,” Finn clapped his shoulder.  “How’s it goin’?”

“Good, good,” Harry answered.  His eyes shifted to the nervous and wide-eyed girl that stood awkwardly at Finn’s side.  “Hi, I’m Harry, Anna’s… erm, boyfriend.”

“Yes.. I mean, I know.. I mean.. hi.”

Snickers sounded out in the kitchen and Harry nodded with a chuckle.  “Okay, I’ve been spotted.” He joked to the women behind him.  The shared laughter eased the tension that filled the room before Finn spoke up.

“This is my girlfriend, Keri.  Keri, Harry.”

“Wow,” Harry’s features twisted, eyeing Finn.  “This is your girlfriend? How old is she?”

“Harry!” Anna scolded, turning a deep shade of red.

“What?” He asked innocently.  “She’s really young looking.”

“Oh, my god!” Lucille and Kathie both bowed their heads, hiding their embarrassment at Harry’s boldness.

Finn tipped his head back and howled with laughter, soothingly stroking Keri’s straight back.  “Man, at least you have the balls to come out with it.” He eyed his sister, pointedly.

“I’m twenty-one,” Keri answered, softly.  She turned to Finn and muttered, “you didn’t tell me your sister’s Harry was Prince Harry.”

“Oh, yeah.. My bad..” He shrugged.

“O-kay.  So this is a way to start the Caro Thanksgiving..”


Anna stood at the doorway of the living room, watching her husband and brothers noisily watch the football game on TV.  Harry looked so adorable, joining in on the fuss when a pass would be missed, or when the opposing team would score a touchdown.  He only had basic knowledge of the sport, Anna recalling a double date with Mike and Zara; she had talked about the Pats animatedly with Mike while Harry and Zara discussed polo.  But there he sat, hanging with the guys, trying to fit in.  By the looks of it, he was succeeding effortlessly.

Her eyes shifted to Luke, surprised to see he was already looking at her.  She offered him a stiff smile, having yet to have a talk about their fallout.  Truthfully, she didn’t know if she could out of fear of what would happen.  Her breath caught when he returned the gesture with a slight nod of acknowledgement before his eyes flicked back to the game.  She noted he held a glass of amber poison and frowned.

“Boys, lunch is ready,” she announced.

“Be there in a minute,” they said in unison, all distracted.

She chuckled and slowly made her way to sit on her husband’s lap, careful to keep the hem of her sweater dress over her knees.  “How’s it going in here?”

“Good,” Harry answered, tightening his arms around her waist.

“Are you even really watching?” She said in a low enough voice for only his ears.

“More or less,” he said with a long drawn chuckle.  He nuzzled her curls, moving them with his nose to reveal the spot on her neck that made her putty in his arms.  He kissed it once, then twice, and felt the vibration of her discreet purr.  “Have I told you how stunning you look today?”

“Mhm..” Anna leaned further into him, wrapping an arm around his neck to murmur in his ear.  “If I remember correctly, you’ve promised to fuck me with just my boots on tonight.”

Harry groaned, shifting uncomfortably on the cushion of the couch.  “You cannot say things like that with your brothers within killing reach.”

She smirked in reply, pressing a wet kiss to the shell of his ear.  “Things like what? Like, I’ve been incredibly wet for you since this morning..?”

“Annalisa,” He warned, pinching her side and groaning a bit too loud when she squirmed on his lap.

“Ohhhhh! Touchdown, motherfucker!” Her brothers shouted, startling both of them back to reality.


As predicted, loud chatter and several different conversations filled the dining room during the lunch hour.  Two candles lit brightly at either end of the table, with one newly candle making home in the center.  They represented the three missing family members.  Her grandpa, brother, and now father.  Anna caught her mother’s lost in a daze stare on the candle for her father, sighing deeply at what must be running through the widow’s mind.  Lucille must have felt the attention being on her because not long after, golden eyes met hazel ones.

Lucille pressed two fingers to her lips to blow her daughter a kiss and smiled when a hint of a smile twitched on Anna’s lips.  “Love you,” she mouthed.

“Love you,” Anna mouthed back.

“Who’s carving the turkey?” Benny asked, haltering all the talk that was going on.  A stillness filled the air, everyone frozen with sadness.  A pin drop could be heard.  Their eyes flitted to the empty spot at the head of the table where the deliciously browned turkey rested.  After a few more moments of silence, the disturbance of a chair being dragged back against the flooring caused them to jerk.  They looked towards the sound and found Luke rising from his seat.  They all held their breath, waiting to see what he would do.

He had been the only quiet one, sitting at the table with whiskey in his glass and avoiding conversation.  Anna had never seen him so cold and distant out of all of her years living at home.  She had never seen him so broken.

A sigh of relief was evident when Luke grabbed the carving knife and fork on the counter and made way to his father’s spot at the table.  After slowly and carefully carving the bird, the same way he had watched his own father handle it, he looked up at his expectant family and tried to smile and speak through the frog in his throat.

“So, how about them Pats?”

Teary laughter paired with the scraping sounds of several chairs on the floor as they stood to embrace him in a family hug, the Caro’s grateful to hear Marco’s opening line to Thanksgiving lunch coming from Luke.

During the remainder of the lunch, Harry made an effort to keep Luke involved in conversation.  Anna squeezed his hand from under the table in a silent thank you, Harry tightening his hold on her hand; it was his way of silently letting her know he was there.  Always.  That they were his family too now.  That he cared for Luke, even after being upset with his mistreatment to his sister and the rest of them.

Anna did the same with Keri, keeping the conversation flowing between them in hopes they didn’t leave the weekend on the wrong foot after a not-so welcoming introduction.  She felt poorly about it, approving of Finn’s choice in his first serious girlfriend the more she got to know her.  She loved seeing the love shining in her brother’s eyes whenever they met Keri’s equally loving expression.  It warmed her heart to see him happy, fully knowing he deserved to be.

They all did.

“Is anyone going to bring up the startling fact that these two morons are bringing in two redheads to the family,” Rosemary said, referring to Anna and Finn.

Anna clicked her tongue and shook her head, leaning on Harry possessively while Finn lifted his brows and gave his grandmother a cocky grin.  “Jealous?”

Rosemary furrowed her brows together in response.  “What could I possibly be jealous of, Finny?”

“That you were once a redheaded beauty like Keri.. and Harry..”

“Ha! Thanks, mate.” Harry said.

“I got you, bro.”

“You know, I could always dye your hair back to it’s natural ginger,” Gabe suggested, ignoring the elbow from his husband.

Rosemary huffed and broke off a piece of a bread roll before shoving it in her mouth while the rest of the table howled with laughter.

“Speaking of ginger..” Lucille began, smiling suggestively at the two couples.  “Isn’t it known that there’s a greater chance of some ginger babies if the gene is somewhere in the family? Harry’s family is covered, obviously.. and well, Anna.. Both your grandmothers were redheads.”

“Oh, dear God..” Anna laughed, glancing at Harry’s dancing eyes.  “I don’t think we are quite ready for children..”

“Soon, Lucille.. Promise,” Harry winked at his mother-in-law.

Lucille squealed happily then shifted her attention to her son and his sweet girlfriend.  “And you two.. Tell me, Keri, what are your thoughts on children?”

“Mom,” Finn groaned, rubbing Keri’s shoulder in apology.

“What? I have two lovely grandchildren, whom I adore.” She smiled gently at the two kids that were paying no mind to the adults as they played on their mother’s iPad while shoveling the homemade mashed potatoes in their eager mouths.  “But I would like to have a herd more.”

Keri cleared her throat and placed a shaky hand on Finn’s knee.  “I would love to have kids.  Absolutely.”

“Good!” Lucille exclaimed.  “Now..” She turned to her eldest.  “You..and you..”

Everyone caught the staring match between Daniel and Gabe, both pairs of eyes widening as they shared a conversation without voicing the words aloud.  Daniel gave his husband a slight nod before accepting the attention.

“Actually, Ma.. Gabe and I started adoption classes a couple weeks ago  We have a few more weeks before we are placed on the waiting list.  Our social worker is already working on the wait so we don’t have to wait too long after getting approved.”

Cheers and congratulations chorused while Lucille raised from her seat to hug her son and son-in-law with joyous tears in her eyes.

“Your father would be so happy for you both.” She kissed each of them, wiping away her son’s tears at her sweet yet devastating words.  “Finn, break out the champagne, will you? This calls for a toast.”


“Stop laughing! You’re distracting me,” Harry scowled, stepping to the side away from his giggling wife.  He nearly collided with Keri, who swiftly glided away from him to continue dancing.

“I can’t!” Anna gasped a breath in between her relentless laughter.  She tried to keep up with the dancing, but failed miserably.  It was just too humorous watching Harry try to look like an expert dancer, studying and mirroring the steps that appeared on the TV screen as he faltered and looked awkward.

“Ohhhh!” Finn raised his arms in the air, turning towards the other three competitors when the song ended and the score popped up.  “And the Just Dance Champ holds onto his title! Suck on that!”

The room erupted with boisterous sounds, Kathie and Gabe holding onto their aching stomachs.  It was such a sight, watching the two youngest couples competing in the game like it was a life or death match.  Harry continuously yelled and complained about Anna while she laughed hysterically, for unknown reasons as she could barely speak to explain herself.  And Finn dominated the game, song after song, Keri easily following in second place.

“I wanna play next! I wanna play.” Sarah chanted, jumping over to take Keri’s place when she sat down for a breather.

“Me too!” Benny shouted, taking Anna’s hand to escort her to the vacant armchair, causing another round of giggles to escape her.

“I’m taking Auntie Lee-lee’s spot! Uncle Finny’s scary.”

“Alright, Sar,” Harry said with a laugh, pointing at the excited girl jumping up and down in place beside him.  “Are you ready to kick some American arse?”

She giggled and rolled her eyes.  “I am American arse, silly goose.”

“Sarah.” Kathie said disapprovingly while hiding her amused smile.  She was loving seeing her kids having a carefree time, ignoring the crushing pain of her husband refusing to join the family in the annual Caro Thanksgiving fun as he retreated back upstairs to the bedroom after he finished his meal.  She saw a glimpse of hope earlier at lunch – they all did.  It was refreshing; it was exactly what they needed.  What their kids needed.  Their father was still there – somewhere beneath the grief.

“Sorry, ass,” the little Caro corrected herself.

“Sarah! That’s strike two.  Get to three and your turn is over before it’s begun.”

“Erm, let’s go with bum, shall we?” Harry chortled.

“Okay, Benny, listen up,” Finn said, clasping his nephew’s shoulder.  “Get in my way, and you’ll find yourself crying like a whiny baby on the floor.”

“Finn!” It was Lucille’s turn to shake her head at her son.

“What’s with all the scolding in here?” Rosemary’s annoyed voice piped up from the doorway.  “For the love of all things holy.. Can’t a woman get her beauty rest?”

“Sorry, Nana..” The group chorused.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.. You all should be sorry,” she muttered before glancing at the TV.  “Is this that awful game you kids are always playing? Dancing Queens or something?”

See that girl, watch that scene.. digging the dancing queeeen..” It was hard to tell who had burst into song, a variety range of voices filling the room.

“You wanna jive, Nana?” Daniel asked in a highly amused tone.

Rosemary quirked a brow, knowing a challenge when she saw one.  She began to remove her jewelry then pushed Harry to the side after depositing her rings onto his hand.  “Let me show you youngsters the real art of dancing.”

“Ha! Alright, Nana Rosemary!” The room filled with applause as she took position, ready to take Finn’s champ title.


The day grew later, darkness surrounding the backyard behind the window Anna peered out from.  Dinner had been served, everyone going for seconds and thirds until majority of the feast had been eaten and they were completely stuffed.  They did the ritual of rock-paper-scissors to determine who would be in charge of cleaning up the kitchen, Anna being called out for cheating and earning an automatic loss.  Now, she listened to the joyful sounds of the last game of the night happening in the living room while she did the dishes.

A strong pair of arms snaked around her waist while Anna scrubbed the casserole dish and she instantly smiled.  She leaned back into his warmth and sighed deeply, savoring the rare quiet moment upstairs in the usual busy kitchen with her husband.  She couldn’t wait to retreat back downstairs to their sleeping quarters.  “Hey, baby.”

“Hi.” His voice held a sullen tone to it, surprising her after hearing his loud laughter just minutes ago while he dominated the family game of Charades.

“Everything okay?” Stilling her hands in the suds, Anna turned her head up against his chest and felt a bit of relief wash over her when he grinned down at her.  He nodded once, but a sadness clung to his usually twinkling eyes.  “What is it? You’re worrying me.”

He stepped back to allow her to wipe her wet hands on the dry dishtowel before pulling her back into his arms.

“Don’t.  You don’t have to worry about me.”

“I do.  You’re my..” She dropped to a low whisper before continuing, “..husband.  I can’t help but worry about you and your well-being.”

“It’s not about me,” he vaguely said, sighing with a frown.  “Your mum..”

Pain stabbed her chest, knowing where this was going.  She had seen it all day.  The frown lifting to a sad smile while she overlooked the table, eyes settling on the empty seat.  The quiet, monotone way she would answer when spoken to at dinner.  The cradling of her husband’s wedding ring that hung around her neck.

“She took it hard today,” Anna murmured, tears brimming her eyes.  Harry kissed her nose lightly, then rubbed it with his own.  “I should talk to her tonight.”

“Or maybe you should wait for tomorrow.  Give her time tonight to grieve in her own way.. then tomorrow you could have some girl time while Black Friday shopping..”

Anna pondered it for a moment, knowing he was right.  She needed the alone time, to grieve openly and let the tears flow without any hold back.  Her mother always tried not to fall apart in front of them, putting her children’s hurt before her very own.  In fact, she put them above everything.

to grieve in her own way.

Luke entered her mind as the words echoed again and again.  A pang of regret tore into her chest and she shut her eyes tightly, willing herself not to cry.  She should have a talk with him, too.

Harry saw the torment twist her features and felt his chest tighten at her crumbling.  He would let her grieve tonight, as well, offering his arms and wiping away her tears.  But he wanted that to occur when they were alone with no possibility of being interrupted.  “Last time we were here like this, it was our last night before I had to go back to London.”

“I remember,” she whispered wistfully, sniffing away the emotion that bubbled in her chest.  “We had a splash contest in the puddles.  Then you surprised me with an inside camping night..”

He tightened his hold on her.  “And we made love all night.”

A flutter could be felt in her tummy at the memory and the way he was looking down at her with such love and admiration in his eyes.  “Yeah,” she said with a soft smile.  “We sure did.  That was a beautiful night.”

“I enjoy being here with you,” Harry confessed, pressing a kiss at the crown of her head.  “In this house… This city… I love all the family photos hanging on the walls.. Seeing you grow up in them..”

She grimaced.  “Me at my geeky stage?”

His mouth curved up.  “Our little girl will be the spitting image of her beautiful Mummy.”

Anna’s heart swelled.  Children.  At one time, the thought of being a mother frightened her.  She had pushed Harry away, caused them both a great deal amount of grief over the insecurities that plagued her.  But now, the mere thought of tiny feet padding against the flooring.. it awakened her dreams.  She wanted it, badly.  She yearned for a family with him.  Their family.

Anna grinned up at him.  “And our little boy will be the spitting image of his handsome Daddy with his red hair and rosy cheeks and all.”

Harry lowered his head to reach her lips, his own twitching.  “We survived our first Thanksgiving together.  I hope you know I am so thankful for you.  Most thankful for you, in fact.”

“I’m most thankful for you, too.  Happy Thanksgiving, my love.”

“Happy Thanksgiving, baby.” He whispered back before capturing her lips in a savoring kiss, full of tenderness.

“You know,” Anna pulled back and flashed him a seductive look, batting her eyelashes at him.  “I remember something…” She moved her hands slowly over his shoulders and down his chest.  “…about wearing these boots…and only these boots..”

She bit her lip and batted her eyelashes at him.  Harry growled and crashed his mouth to hers, kissing her like a starved man.  Anna felt the same hunger, desperate to feel his skin on hers and his love healing her.. like only he could.

“Are you finished here?” His husky voice shot tingles down her spine.

“Give me ten minutes?” Her own sexy voice effected his groin area.  “Go say goodnight to the family.. I’ll follow you in ten minutes.”

“You know, the last time you said to give you ten minutes..”

She giggled at the memory despite the narrowing of his eyes.  “I know, I know.. You came looking for me and I was snoring away on the plane.. I’m sorry!”

Giving in to his need to feel her, he snaked his arms around her waist tighter and pulled her flush to him, their moans filling the space at the contact.  “How can I ever trust you again?”

She pressed her hips firmly on his then whispered darkly.  “I guess you’ll just have to give your wife the benefit of the doubt.”

“Damn.  Okay, ten fucking minutes.  At eleven minutes, I’m going to start without you.”

“Kinky,” she winked.  She tried to pull out of his embrace but he stopped her and pressed his mouth on hers again and again.

“I love you, Mrs. Wales.”

“And I love you, Mr. Wales.”

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