Chapter Thirteen (Part III)

Mr. & Mrs. Wales



“I was wondering where you ran off to..”

The smile that had found home on her lips pulled up higher at the sound of his masculine voice, his barefeet padding against the floorboard as he drew near to the open deck.

“You’ve found me,” she replied in a chortle, craning her neck to peer up at her husband.

“I suppose I have…” Harry ducked his head to place a gentle kiss on her puckered lips before straightening up and turning his attention to the sun that had begun to set; glowing reds, orange, and yellows painting a paradise that warmed his heart.  He inhaled deeply, breathing in the salty air from the crystal clear ocean and smiled when he felt his wife cuddle into his side from her spot on the lounge chair.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Anna asked in a low tone, the serene scene that stretched out for miles stealing her breath.

“Mm..” His gentle touch created shivers down her back and formed the sweetest goosebumps on her skin, fingers absentmindedly threading through her dark strands while he stood beside her.

“Everything okay back home?”

Reality came flooding back to him at the mention of home.  He had tried to push away the concerning condition of his sister-in-law and the unborn baby that she was nurturing, had tried to banish the gloomy voice of his brother after they had said their goodbyes on the phone, but it all hit him hard in the chest and he couldn’t ignore the slight panic.

“Harry..?” Anna grew worrisome at his lack of a response, her stomach twisting into knots.  “Are you here with me?”

“Yeah, yeah..” He cleared his throat, rubbing her shoulders soothingly.  “Sorry…I’m here…”

“No progress.” It hadn’t come out as a question, but more of a statement; she could tell judging by the way his posture seemed to tense up the moment she had uttered home.

“No, but it hasn’t gotten progressively worse so there’s that.” Anna nodded in agreement, tucking into his side more firmly.  “But let’s not bring that here if we don’t have to..” Harry cast his eyes down on her, guilt hitting him hard at the way her forehead creased with concern.  He smiled gently at her in attempt to chase away the anxieties.  ”Let’s just enjoy what’s left of our honeymoon, wife.”

“Okay, hubs,” she agreed, lips twitching at the chuckle that he let out from the new endearment she came up for him.  “Watch the sunset with me then?”

“Of course,” he quickly obliged.  Anna scooted forward to allow him to occupy the spot behind her, immediately melting into his embrace once he was settled on the seat.  Harry folded his arms more securely around her and rested his head against hers, his troubles almost instantly evaporating as he held her close.  ”Mm..this is nice.”

She knew he was talking about the body of water and sunset ahead, but her mind went straight to being in his arms.

“It’s always nice.” She felt him smile into her hair.

The first day of their newly committed union was drawing to an end, and while she was a bit saddened they were one day closer to leaving such a special place, elation coursed through her.  Once they left the island, once they said goodbye to the bungalow that held the first memories of Mr. and Mrs. Wales, they would fall into a new routine of married life.

They would embark on a new journey, a new lifetogether.

For eternity.

“What were you doing out here by yourself?” Harry asked after several long minutes of peaceful silence.

“Reflecting,” Anna answered softly.

“…on?” He inquired, albeit knowing the answer.

Anna’s eyes slid shut as she nestled deeper into his welcoming embrace, sighing in content; the vows of yesterday still fresh in her memory.

Our wedding.”


18 September 2014 – One Day Prior


The small breeze offered a slight chill, providing temporary relief from the humidity that hung in the air.  For miles, the wide sand cascaded across the land, meeting the shore of crystal clear waters.  The sun – still shining brightly – reflected off the peaceful waters, the squawking of the seagulls pairing with the slight crashing of the gentle waves against the rocks.

It was absolutely enchanting; dreamlike.

Anna’s heart pounded strongly in her chest as her barefeet met the heated white sand with each calculated step, mindless of the deserted shells she occasionally came into contact with.  In the near distance, standing between the wooden poles that were dressed up with flowy white curtains and adorned with peach and white frail flowers that matched her homemade flower crown, was the faithfully waiting groom; the groom who had set up the entire magical ceremony in just the few hours it took to get from the safari lodge to their own private destination in tropical Maldives, eager to pledge his undying love to her.

She inhaled sharply, taking in the man who had been so overcome by his love for her, his spontaneity was gifting her with one of the happiest days of her entire life.  He looked neat and clean in his crisp white shirt and natural colored linen trousers, fidgety and wringing his hands together with a grin plastered on his sun kissed face.  Anna returned his blissful expression with a wide smile of her own as she continued on, anxious to reach him.

Anxious to be with him.

What they were about to do, what they were about to vow to one another, was something she had only dreamed about when she was a little girl; so many dreams of fairy tales and everlasting love that had begun to fade with the loss of her innocence.  A year ago, never would she had guessed she would be here—they would be here today, turning a childhood dream into a reality.

Her eyes immediately began to well up, mirroring his glistening blues that never ceased to make her pulse race.  Now that she was merely feet away from her promising future, the soft melody of the acoustic guitar drifted to her ears, setting a deeper romantic mood.  Where it came from, she didn’t know, nor did she care to.  Because in a matter of time, they would be completely bound together—he, her husband… and she, his wife.

Harry’s lips were moving, whispering his awe of the stunning vision before him.  He couldn’t tear his gaze away, warmth rushing through him as he dug his toes deeper into the sand.  The sleeping gown she somehow turned into a wedding dress on short notice was an asset to her natural beauty; an elegant yet sexy floor length gown that was V-necked and flowed freely with the wind.  Her face was freshly washed – the only color being the flush that crept on her cheeks naturally from the tropical climate.

She was angelic…and all his.

His palms were sweating, not just from the heat but also from rubbing them together in an attempt to restrain himself from pulling her to him and kissing her tempting lips she kept biting.  The breeze that blew through her curls wildly and the sun rays that kissed her naked back created a jealous streak within him, wishing he was the reason for this glowing bride.

But what he didn’t know – or lacked the appropriate confidence to admit – was that he was the reason she was glowing with happiness.

The minute walk seemed to go on longer than actuality, but when she came face-to-face with her love, she gasped at the intense emotions that were rushing through her, stealing her breath.

“You’re so beautiful,” Harry said as he ducked his head to reach her ears above the romantic setting of the beach.

“Thank you,” she whispered, blinking back the tears and offering him a shy smile.  ”You’re very handsome.”

Harry’s wide grin – a grin that accelerated the gallop in her chest – was the only reply she received before the ceremony began.

“Harry and Annalisa, today we celebrate an unique abiding love for one another…”

The male officiator – all dressed in white – continued with a lovely opening, filled with sweet, romantic words that made the happy tears pool further in their shining eyes.  They held hands, facing one another, and mirroring the same joyful watery smiles.

“Harry,” the older man gestured gently.  “You have chosen a reading to recite to Annalisa.”

Harry cleared his throat before beginning, threading his dancing fingers through hers in an attempt to calm his shaky groom nerves.

       “I love you.  You are my best friend.

       Today I give myself to you in marriage.

       I promise to encourage and inspire you,

       to laugh with you, and to comfort you in

       times of sorrow and struggle.”

The slight quiver in his voice resulted the tears she kept at bay to freely roll down her pink cheeks.  Harry wiped every single one away in a promise that he always would for the rest of their days.

       “I promise to love you in good times and in

       bad, when life seems easy and when it

       seems hard, when our love is simple,

       and when it is an effort.”

Anna let out a quiet sob when the first teardrop escaped him.  She quickly untangled one of their entwined hands and lifted up to his cheek, swiping the wetness away.  Seeing him cry always pulled at her heart and caused her to tear up instantly, even when they were joyful tears; right now was no different as they cried together.

Harry took a shaky breath, and then added with firm assurance:

       “I promise to cherish you, and to always

       hold you in highest regard.

      These things I give to you today,

       and all the days of our life.”

Her lips twitched to a pucker, mimicking a kiss that she knew she was banned to do at the moment.  A grateful giggle slipped past her lips when he scrunched up his nose in reply, and she wiggled hers to create the same kind of reaction; succeeding.

“Annalisa, you have also chosen a reading to recite to Harry.”

Anna’s lips formed a small O shape to rush air back into her lungs, her palms that he clung to beginning to sweat, but Harry didn’t seem to mind.

       “How do I love thee?..”

His thumb stroked the back of her hand in support, encouraging her to go on when it dawned on him that she was struggling to keep herself together, breaths coming out in pants rather than the counted breaths he found her doing at certain times.

“Let me count the ways.”

She could barely form the words she memorized in her heart, the chosen poem that reminded her of him and their love escaping her mouth in above a whisper, pairing along with the sounds of the sea behind them.

       “I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.”

He squeezed her soft, gentle hands and swallowed the ball in his throat as he witnessed the love shining in her amber eyes; a love that he had once hoped to see reflecting back at him when he vowed himself to another.

       “I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints.”

She took a moment to sniffle at the beautiful and true meaning, all of her fears that they had worked through to get here coming forth.  They had come so far, she had overcome all the obstacles her anxieties threw at her.  They had grown together, turned a new leaf..

Love had won.

       “I love thee with the breath…Smiles… tears,..of all my life…..and, if God choose…”

Harry, in a moment of comfort when the remaining words caught in her throat, pressed his lips to their joined hands that held their mixed tears, providing her with the strength to continue on.  As he always did.

“I shall but love thee better after death.”

He mouthed he loved her back, gripping her hands tighter, refraining from kissing the lips she nipped at out of habit.

“Today, you join yourselves together for life, as friends and lovers, Husband and Wife.  As the surface of the sea is sometimes calm and often storm tossed, so also, is a marriage.”

The officiator immediately began to speak, continuing with the ceremony as they looked deeply into the soulful eyes of the one they held such deep, pure affections for.  Not once did they dare to look away, soaking up in the private moments and the heartfelt words that resounded around them.

“Harry, repeat after me.”

Harry narrowed his eyes playfully at his bride.  ”Don’t laugh when I stumble.”

The small company erupted into laughter at his teasing demand.

“What?!” Anna said, incredulously.  ”I would never-“

“Carry on,” Harry hurriedly said, chortling when she yanked on his hands in reply.

“Ha! If you’re ready..?”

“Oh, we’re ready.” They both said in unison, more chuckles sounding out from the trio.

“Very well.. Harry, repeat after me.  I, Harry, pledge to you, Annalisa.”

“I, Harry, pledge to you, my darling Annalisa.” His eye flicked in a wink at her soft giggle.

“That my love and my loyalty will weather the storms of life.”

“That my love and my loyalty will weather the storms of life.”

“Today, tomorrow, and always.”

“Today..tomorrow..and always.”

“Well done, Wales.”

“Thank you, love.” He grinned.


“Annalisa, repeat after me.  I, Annalisa, pledge to you, Harry.”

“I, Annalisa, pledge to you,” she paused in suspense before finishing in emphasis.  ”My charming Harry.”

“Ha! Very nice.”

“That my love and my loyalty will weather the storms of life.”

“That my love and my loyalty will weather the storms of life.”

“Today, tomorrow, and always.”

“Today..tomorrow..and always.”

Just when they thought their smiles couldn’t get any bigger, they did.  Harry lifted their hands to place over his chest and Anna’s heart skipped a beat at how hard his own was pounding in his chest.  He loved her, there was no doubt about that.  He had done all of this for her – for them; expressing how happy she made him.

But right there – in that moment – it all became real to her; Harry had chosen her above all others.  He found her to be the one.  And that…that made her heart thump harder and her chest swelled with such appreciation for the forces that may be above, the forces that were responsible for bringing two compatible partners together.

“I love you so much,” she blurted in a trembling voice.

Harry choked, taken aback by not her declaration, but the strong feelings that heated up his insides of the faithful woman before him.  ”I love you, baby.”

A throat clearing grabbed their attention.  “The rings.”

“Oh,” Harry said and reluctantly released her to fish around his back pocket.  ”Um.. I don’t exactly have..erm..rings just yet but…” He pulled out a square box and met Anna’s curious eyes with a half-shrug.  ”I-I thought these would do for now..”

A half-laugh, half-sob escaped her and she covered her mouth.  Harry, being the most imaginative and thoughtful man she came to love, had purchased the beaded bracelet she spent on their shopping day fawning over and turned them into a sign of their connected union.


“They’re engraved,” he explained, showing her the newly imprinted H and W.  ”I figured if we can’t exactly have others in the know, it shouldn’t mean we can’t have our own version of wedding bands.”

“You’re amazing,” Anna said in a rush of a breath as her fingertips swept over the letters.  ”Absolutely amazing.”

“Yeah? Do you like it?”

Her eyes flitted up to his and she nodded.  ”Harry,, I love it.”

He let out a breath he had been holding, relief washing over him.  ”Okay, good cause I wasn’t sure if you’d prefer the ring now or if-“

“Hey,” Anna cut him off, her hand finding home again over his erratic heart.  ”This.  This right here is all I want.  It’s all I’ll ever need.”

Harry, too caught up in the moment to pay mind to the watchful eyes of the man in front of them, curled his fingers around hers while the corners of his mouth lifted up.

“You already have it.  Anna, it’s forever yours.”

After sharing a long, passionate glance, they both turned their heads to the throat being cleared and proceeded on.

“Will this do?” Harry asked.

“That works perfectly fine.  Harry, place the bracelet on Annalisa’s wrist.  Do you take this woman to be your wife? To love and honor… In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for as long as the wind blows and the sea meets the shore?”

Harry pulled a face and her brows lifted.  ”Mm…” He pretended to mull it over with his head cocked to the side and eyes looking up at the clear blue sky, avoiding her mock angry expression.


“I do,” he said firmly after a brief snigger.  ”Of course I do.”

“You better.” Anna murmured jokingly, causing a round of amusement to travel around the beach.

“Now, Annalisa, place the bracelet on Harry’s wrist.  Do you take this man to be your husband? To love and honor… In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for as long as the wind blows and the sea meets the shore?”

“I do…” Harry crossed his eyes to crack her up, succeeding in doing so.  ”Oh god..I really do, don’t I?”

“Can’t take it back now,” the officiator joked along with the couple, enjoying how they were able to take a sentimental and serious occasion and add their own comical personal touch.


“Watch it,” Harry warned, amusement etched across his glowing face.

“Sir, yes, sir.”

“Ha! Cute.”

“I thought so.” She shrugged with a teasing wink before they both sobered up.

“Harry and Annalisa, you have taken the vow to allow your undying love to conquer all.  It is with great pleasure to pronounce you…” He looked between the two happy persons in front of him before adding, making it official.  ”…husband and wife.”

A big puff of air could be heard whooshing from the pair at the announcement before an elated squeal echoed on the beach, Harry twirling Anna high up in the air around and around.

“Harry,” the man laughed.  ”You may kiss your bride.”

“C’mere, wife.” Harry demanded, settling her back on two feet with his hands planted on either side of her hips.

“Come get it, husband.” She challenged back, looping her arms loosely around his neck.

He took a moment to let it soak in, taking his sweet time and savoring the first few seconds of a new life and title, and then ran his palms up her sides and smoothed up her arms to untangle from him.  Taking a single step forward with his mouth curving upward, his knees bent and hands released hers to cup her rounded cheeks.  Her palms immediately lay over the back of his and her fingertips caressed his heated skin back and forth lovingly, butterflies present as she returned his blissful gaze.

And then, with his head bent to her and hers upturned to him, their vows were sealed in a slow and soft tender kiss.


Although the ceremony had been absolutely perfect and a magical dream, it didn’t compare to the moments they shared after politely thanking the officiator for flying over to the tropics on such short notice and saw him on his way off the beach.

They were alone, relishing the privacy of the secluded area Harry had sought out.

It was no secret that when Harry planned something, he did it with his whole heart and went all out.  A strong desire to please her and make her deliriously happy showed and was the reason for all the little things he had done to complete the day.

He swept her off her feet continuously.

Like he would until their last breath.


They walked along the oceanside, hand-in-hand, Annalisa’s dress blowing in the wind behind them.  When they reached an area that was decorated with another romantic scene, Anna fought the tears that choked her and covered her mouth to muffle the sounds.

“Welcome to the private party.”

A table was set with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries, an unopened bottle of champagne with two long stemmed glasses, and other items she couldn’t make out in the distance.  Flowers (white and peach colored) were pinned all along the two wooden chairs that were reserved for them, and music that was inspired by unconditional love was playing through two wireless speakers.

“Oh, goodness… Harry, did you do all this?!”

“I had a little assistance with the display but..yeah, I guess you could say I did.”


Her clouded vision landed on another small table that held a display of various pastries, towering up to meet the groom and bride figurines.

“Our celebration continues, my darling wife.”

“How’d I get so lucky?” Anna turned to him and shook her head, baffled by it all.

Harry ducked his head down to look at her glowing face.  He sighed, happily.  ”I’m forever the lucky one.  Don’t ever forget that.”

“Harry..” She stretched up on her tiptoes and planted a sound kiss on his twitching lips.  ”Thank you.”

“For..?” He asked, snaking his arms securely around her waist and lifting her an inch above the ground.

Everything.” Anna simply answered, trusting him wholeheartedly to not drop her as she kicked her feet up.

“You’re welcome.” He planted her back on her feet after pressing his lips to hers again.  ”Let’s go have ourselves a party, yeah?”

Anna pulled him by the hand to the table that housed the makeshift wedding cake, noticing three long necked bottles she hadn’t been able to make out before.  The middle glass bottle was empty, but the other two were filled with sand; one with a blue tint to it, and the other pink.

“What is this?”

“Ah, this,” he paused mid sentence to reach for two seashells.  ” to complete our binding..”

“Like an unity candle?”

“Mm..similar to it.”

Quietly watching Harry scoop up sand from below their feet using the seashells, Anna could feel her heart about to bust out of her chest by how wildly it was beating.  He had overdone himself, per usual.  And she couldn’t be more in love with him and the day he perfected.

He stood back up and poured the tropical sand into the empty bottle.

“This is a symbol of us building the foundation of our relationship.” He handed her the pink sand and picked up the blue for himself.  ”Now, you pour yours into the foundation and I’ll do the same with mine simultaneously, symbolizing our two lives combining into one.”

Together, they did as he instructed quietly, their free hands clutched together at their sides and attention glued to the task.  The colors blended well together, as did they, and it was undeniably one of the most sacred performances either one of them would ever do.

Once it was filled completely, Harry stuffed one of the seashells inside the top and twisted it like a cork.

“Now we have a memento of our special beach.” Harry sneaked a concerned glance over at her when a sniffle drifted to his ears.  “Hey..You okay, baby?”

“Yeah,” Anna croaked instantly, chuckling at how overly emotional she was.  ”Sorry, I’m just so…overwhelmed with everything you’ve already done and now this?” She shook her head, averting her eyes to the open water.  ”My heart is beating so fast and it’s filled with such…amazement and gratitude.. And love.”

After taking a moment to breathe in and out slowly in an attempt to collect herself, she dared to look up at him.  His eyes were glistening and darting between hers, forehead creased.

“Harry..we’re married.  I’m..”

“My wife,” he finished hoarsely when her sentence faded, his voice thick with emotion.  He cleared his throat to add, “You’re my wife.  And I’m-“

“My husband.” She cut him off, letting it roll off her tongue with a gentle smile that grew with each passing second.  ”You’re my husband.”

The ball of his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, tossing the extra seashell on the table to grab hold of her sides.  He immediately dived for her mouth, tasting the salt from her tears and the air.

The keepsake that symbolized their life as one would always remain on the mantle of their home, decorated with the pressed white and peach flowers from her flower crown and engraved with their wedding date.


“Open wide,” Harry commanded in a singsong nature.  Anna curved her hand around his wrist and obliged, anticipating the sweet sugary treat to touch her waiting tastebuds.  A moan tumbled out of her mouth as soon as it did, instantly melting and hitting her sweet tooth.

“Mmm yumm..”

“Is it good?” Harry chuckled at her blissful expression, her eyes fluttered shut and a look of pure bliss painted on her face.

“Mhm..” Her lips curved upward and leaned towards him to kiss his mouth.  “Want some?“

Harry licked his lips and hummed.  ”I can’t exactly say no when you look like you’ve just had the second best orgasm.”

One brow quirked up at his observation.  ”Second best? Who says that doesn’t hold the number one spot?”

“Because..” The deep, masculine voice against her ear that was lowered caused her toes to curl into the sand.  ”Only I could ever possibly hold the number one spot.”

“You’re pretty smug about that.”

“Not smug,” he said, pecking her lips after taking his piece of the white frosted pastry from her offered hand.


“Mm-mm..” He swallowed before adding.  ”Confident.”

“Ha! Whatever you say, soldier.”

“I do say.” Taking her hand to randomly twirl her around, he laughed with her when she stumbled in surprise, catching her against his chest.

“Are you going to prove it?” She said beneath her lashes, the familiar challenged glint in her eye.

He pushed his hips on hers and Anna gasped at the stirring that was going on behind his zipper.

“I don’t have to prove anything but I will for your sake.”

“Ha! Just for my sake then?”

“Mmhmm.. But right now..” His lips pulled high and Anna knew what was coming.

“Harry..” She warned in an attempt to stop his plans from going forth, but it was to no avail.  He swung her up and carried her with an arm secured under her knees and booked it for the temporary relief of the cool water.

“My dress!” Were the last words that echoed around the beach, quickly being replaced by her squeals and his boisterous laughter.

There wasn’t a soul to be found other than theirs for miles and miles, but if there were, the hollers of happiness and playful splashes of water would cure a spirit in deep despondency.



“May I have this dance, Mrs. Wales?” He asked, wide grin that reached ear to ear fixated on his face.  Permanently.

Anna mirrored the same expression, happy and so deep in love with the man who took her hand..and her heart.


They danced, right there on the beach as the sea breeze blew around them, almost as if it was pulling them closer together.  Harry sang to his bride, a fresh round of tears catching in both their held gazes.

I believe in us..nothing else could ever mean so much, you’re the one I trust..”

They swayed side to side with their toes digging deep into the warmth of the white sand, their whispered vows to each other still lingering in the air.

Our time has come..we’re not two people now, we are one…you’re second to none.”

They moved rhythmically to soft music with the warm colors of the sun setting casting on them, reflecting the heat and comfort of their everlasting love.

“Forever we will be together..a family..”

They danced…as husband and wife.

For the first time.

“You know I really love you and nothing can compare…with all of my life you know I’ll always be right there…”


The sun had gone completely down, but it didn’t do much to the humidity, nor did it weaken the spell the couple were under from the day.  They sat on a beach towel together, gazing up at the glittering sky, a plate of strawberry stems and two empty flutes beside them.

“You know what I was thinking?” As soon as the words slipped off her tongue, she felt his mouth smile against her forearm and his fingers pluck at the beads that adorned her wrist.


Anna peered up at his glowing features from her spot between his parted knees.

“That dream I had months ago.. Us, at the beach… On the warm sand…”

“Oh yeah?” Harry fought a grin, knowing exactly what she was trying to insinuate with the twinkle in her eyes.

“Mm..” She nodded and twisted herself around, rubbing his bent knees while cocking her head to the side and biting the corner of her lower lip.

“I do believe you still owe me..”

“I do owe you one..” Anna giggled, aware he was referencing the plane incident.  ”Harry..”

“Yes, Mrs. Wales?”

She moaned at the unexpected tingles the new name brought her.  ”I love hearing you call me that.”

“Get used to it.  I’m already quite fond of it, so it’s staying.”

“Good, because I’m quite fond of it, as well.  Now, husband of mine..” Leaning forward to reach his ear, she dropped her tone down to a one of seduction and lightly raked her nails against his scalp.  ”Make love to me.”

Harry, never one to turn down the opportunity to shower her with affection, shifted them to gracefully lay her on her back, her soft spoken words awakening a hunger in his belly.  ”With great pleasure, Mrs. Wales.”

And he did.  He loved on her all night, starting with there on the sandy beach and ending on their king sized honeymoon bed.  It was slow and tender.  He cherished her and worshiped every inch of her skin.  It was exactly the way a husband should show his love for his wife’s beautiful curves…

With his mouth and hands and body.

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