Chapter Twelve (Part III)

How They Jumped All In (Part 4)


September 15 – Four Days Prior
Harry would have cringed like he always did at the thought of turning thirty years old, the last twelve months leading up to this milestone in his life being spent doing just that.  He would have groaned at the realization of what was ahead for the day—the abundance of over-the-hill jokes from his brother and mates being too excessive to dodge.  He would have stayed tucked under the comforting covers longer than normal, wearing a frown as the obsessive hard truths of getting old weighed heavy on his mind.

He would have….if it weren’t for her.

Harry couldn’t help but grin, the sunlight that shone brightly behind his closed eyelids announcing the arrival of the day.  He had never felt any happier than he did the morning of his thirtieth, getting roused out of a deep sleep by the woman he adored after months of little to no sleep.  She was singing softly against his ear, her breath tickling him as she hovered over him to pepper the outer shell of his ear with kisses.  Not an ounce of a frown could be found on his features, only the lovely sight of a lopsided grin while he relished in her warmth.


It was a day for sulking for many, definitely something he wasn’t a stranger of doing over the course of the past few months as the impending day neared; a day of reflecting on the now gone youthful days, wishing for a rewind button.  Regrets of things never done.  Mistakes and mishaps never to be righted.  It was a day to wallow in self pity.  It was a day to be crippled with the truths of mortality.

While it had been a dreaded and depressing day for many he had been in contact with over the years, it didn’t necessarily mean it was to be for everyone.  For others, thirty was about turning a new leaf.  It was about the foreseeable future; taking on new adventures.. Really living with a new perspective on philosophy, love, and family.

And for Harry, it was no different.

Happy *kiss* birth *kiss* day *kiss* to-”

Me,” Harry croaked, popping his eyes open and smacking his hands on either side of her hips.  He brought her flush to him, savoring the quiet morning hours with her before they began their travels.

“Harry!” Anna giggled through a surprised squeak before pushing off his chest, eyes sliding off to the side in worry.  It was then that he noticed she had an arm outstretched, her hand holding a single cupcake.

“Mm…Is that sweet for me?”

She clicked her tongue and held the orange frosted treat between them, tantalizing him as she waved it before his eyes.  “Isn’t that a bit presumptuous?”

“Nope.  It’s most definitely for me.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Hmmm..” He hummed in mock thought, the crinkle at the corners of his eyes from his smile exciting her.  ”Maybe..just maybe.. It has something to do with today being my birthday.”

“Hm..fair point,” she mused, her own lips lifting up in a crooked smile.  “But I did already give you a special birthday treat at midnight, no?”

His eyes sparkled, giving away he knew what she was implying, despite the way he lifted his brows to play dumb.  ”Huh, I don’t know…did you? I’m an elder now… You may have to refresh my memory.”

A big burst of laughter tore from her lips as she shook her head.  She leaned a bit forward, a mischievous twinkle shining in her eyes that stole his breath.  Before he knew it, too caught up in the incredible swelling of his chest at the love he felt for this crazy woman, she tilted the cupcake closer to his face.

“Don’t even thi-” The tip of his nose was decorated with frosting, creating more giggles and chuckles to sound out in the early morning along with his shocked expression.

“Did you just put frosting on my nose?”

Anna pressed her lips together to suppress her laughter.  ”Mhm.”

“Well, then…there’s only one thing to do about that.”

She waited a second, panic briefly settling in her chest at the torment he would use for payback (usually tickling her mercilessly), but when she saw his tongue poking out between his lips, she couldn’t help the amusement burst out of her.  Harry’s face twisted as he tried—and failed—to reach his nose with his tongue.

“Your face is going to get stuck that way,” Anna warned when his eyes crossed.

“Ith eh cloeth?”

“No,” she giggled, pecking his cheek affectionately.  ”Not even a little close…but you look pretty darn cute, old man.”

He gave up and wiggled his fingers at her side to make her squirm before replying.  ”That must make you my old lady then, yeah?”

“Yep.” She popped with a dazzling smile that showed off her pearly whites.  ”Here, let me..”

Harry groaned and his pelvis pushed against her soft body that lay over his.  Her lips nipped the tip of his nose, capturing the sugary frosting, her stare never straying from his.  He swallowed the moan that threatened to spill from his mouth at the seductive way she was looking at him, her enticing lips that were now smudged with sugar curving up.

“Yummm..” Anna purred, her spine prickling with sexual desire at the darkening of his eyes.  ”Would you like a taste?”

Her throaty voice did wonders to his entire being, a thrill washing over him that began from the very top of his head and traveled down to the tips of his toes.

“Jesus, Annalisa,” he growled her name, crashing his mouth to hers.  Anna hummed in approval, the vibration shooting shocks down to his groin as she met every one of his hard kisses.  She didn’t feel the cupcake being plucked from her loosening grasp, couldn’t form a single coherent thought with his tongue licking and teeth nipping at her.


“Mmm..” His lips tore from hers unexpectedly, creating a wet suction noise.  “Got it.” He was breathless, as was she, but that never stopped his stubborn nature from coming forth to taunt her just as she had previously.  He flashed a cocky grin and licked his lips, suppressing a moan when her taste still lingered on his mouth.

“Bastard,” Anna chided when her eyes landed on the cupcake now being in his possession.  She went to reach for it, only to huff in defeat when his much longer arm stretched further away from her.  ”Give it.”


“Don’t make me twist your nips.”

“Hey now….Is that a way to treat the birthday boy?”


Harry quirked a brow.  “Now you’re having a giggle at my expense? Tisk, tisk.. I guess we’ll see who gets the last laugh tomorrow, hm?”

She stuck her tongue out childishly.  “Shut up and eat your damn cupcake, birthday boy.”

“Bossypants.” He muttered, bringing the sweet up to pause at his mouth.  “On second thought… I rather much eat it..” He trailed off, only to trace her still swollen kissed lips with the frosting, coating them.  “..this way.”


A slow, devious smirk was the last thing Anna saw before her mind began to reel by the raunchy way he decided to consume his first of many birthday sweets.


The celebration was an all day affair – Anna made sure of that.  Harry was prepared to spend it very low-key, the big fuss not appealing to him as all he wanted was to relax with the ones who mattered most after an insanely busy past few months.  While Anna did respect his wishes, she couldn’t deny him an excitable day.

After untangling from the sheets, they began the day early.  Harry perched himself up on the kitchen counter like he had done many mornings, devouring another freshly baked sweet while watching Anna whip up what she declared a special birthday breakfast.

“That looks more like an ordinary breakfast to me.”

“It is not,” Anna denied, coming down on his hand with the spatula when he went to reach for another cupcake.

“Hey!” He rubbed the sore spot and grabbed the cupcake before she could react.

“That’s for Jake’s later and I am not letting you spend your birthday morning in a sugar induced coma.”

“It’s my birthday and I’ll-“

“..cry if I want to,” Anna cut him off to sing.  She giggled at his narrowed eyes and expertly flipped the French toast slice over to brown the other side.

You would cry too if it happened to yoooouuu,” Harry dramatically belted out before biting into another sweet and flashed her a cheesy grin, enjoying the loud sounds of her hearty laugh.

Anna shook her head.  ”You’re impossible.”

“You love it.” He tossed a wink in her direction, causing her stomach to perform somersaults; she was bewildered that even after all this time, his charming self captivated her as he did on that fateful first evening.

Anna turned down the heat on the stove and shifted away from the sizzling grill to slip in front of him, a surge of needing to be close to his warmth rushing through her.  She planted her free hand on his bicep and squeezed affectionately, gazing up at him with dancing eyes when he returned the same attention by tucking his arms around her waist.

The truth was that she did love it.  She loved him.  She couldn’t go a day without his stubbornness and the way it was useless to bicker with him half the time as he always manipulated the argument to come out on top; always having to be right.  She adored how he never admitted to being wrong when he clearly was, even with his lips tilting to one side in a guilty smirk.  There was no other grump she would rather wake up beside every morning.  She loved everything about this man; faults and all.

“I do love it,” she confessed and stretched up to meet his sugary lips while he ducked down, tasting the chocolate sweet he consumed.  “Mmm… I love you, heehaw.”

“Love you, too,” he mumbled against her mouth, fingers wiggling at her sides.

After digging into the stuffed French toast she had prepared, they showered and dressed in light and easy conversation, occasionally interrupted by Harry’s obsessive need to gather up as many hints of his birthday gift.  Anna – keeping mum – found herself to be elated at how wide his eyes would get when he would throw out several guesses, not surprised in the slightest by his childlike behavior as he accurately called out what she kept under wraps.

But nothing made her heart swell more than seeing his youthful reaction when she parked the car at the animal shelter.

“Happy birthday, darling.”

“A dog? Did you…” Harry asked, albeit knowing the answer.

“I did,” she nodded, enthusiastically.

“Ha!” He laughed in disbelief.  ”For real?”

“Yup.  For real.”

He flashed her a cheeky grin.  ”I knew I was right.”

She clicked her tongue, the smile on her face never faltering despite the eye roll she granted him.  ”She’s about six weeks old, so she’s not quite ready to leave the litter yet,” Anna explained while getting out of the car.  “But she will be when we get back.”

“She?” Harry asked on bouncy feet, reflecting the spirit of a child picking out his very first pet.

“Yeah,” she nodded with a chortle, intertwining her fingers with his when he reached for her hand at the front of the car.  ”Her name is Betsy.  Come on… She’s waiting to meet her daddy.”

“Thank you, baby.” He dropped a kiss on her head and followed her lead into the shelter where their arrival was expected.


“Here we are..” Ellen, the rescue volunteer, announced their entrance at the play area for pending adoptions.  The white husky was wiggling around in the woman’s arms, trying to break free.

“Oh, hello little mama.” Harry bent at the waist to greet the new addition to their family, a toothy grin plastered on his face when he reached eye level with the puppy.

“Looks like someone’s happy to see Dad and Mum, yeah?”

“Aw,” Anna cooed at being called parents, a new thrill sparking down her back at the realization that they were new parents to this precious pup.  ”Hello, baby girl.  Aren’t you adorable? Yes, you are.  Oh, yes, you are!” She said in a baby voice, joining Harry in scratching behind the active puppy’s ears.

“Can I hold her?” Harry asked with wide eyes.

“Of course!” The blonde haired woman exclaimed and handed the squirming Betsy over to her new owner.

“Hi, sweet baby,” Harry said, stroking her smooth coat and tickling the patch of gray on her head.  A tiny squeak erupted from her mouth, causing the trio to ‘aww’ and love on her more.

Harry noted the two different eye colors and fondly recalled Anna explaining how it was the reason behind why she had picked Betsy out of all the others in the litter; memorizing blue like the cloudless sky such as his own and golden hazel to represent hers.

“She has gorgeous eyes,” he commented, throwing a wink at the smiling woman that was tucked close to his left side.

“They most certainly are,” Ellen agreed, passing a hand along the dog’s back who had begun to climb up Harry’s chest, determined to reach the top of his shoulders.

“Where are you going? Where are you off to, huh, mama?”

“She’s been quite the handful of the bunch,” Ellen remarked with a laugh.  ”Always into something.”

“Oh, boy,” Anna chuckled, placing a hand on her boyfriend’s back while he focused his sole attention on kissing his new best friend.

“You’ll have loads of fun with this one.  She’s a bit of an entertainer.  Quite the fighter, as well.  She doesn’t stop until she’s won or gotten what she’s after.”

“Ha!” Anna tipped her head back and barked a laugh, ignoring Harry’s glare.  ”I guess you can say they both are.” She turned to the puppy and added, “you’ll fit right in, baby girl.”

Within five minutes, their very first baby was attached to the couple who spent well over an hour playing with her at the shelter.  They scrunched up their noses and tossed out amused chuckles when she showered them with wet kisses and tickled her belly when she yawned, too exhausted from all the attention.

Once it was time to say goodbye, Harry took the wheel and drove straight to the pet store to cheer them up a bit.  She hadn’t yet come home and Betsy was already spoiled; the trunk of the car loaded with various supplies and toys.


September 16 – Three Days Prior

“Hey….” Silence.  “Anna…”

“Mmm..” Anna stirred awake, unable to find the strength to open her heavy eyes.

“Wake up, sleepyhead.”

“Why?” She whined, slowly shaking her head from side to side.

“‘Cause there’s something I want to tell you.”

She felt Harry lean over, his minty breath tickling her face.  ”Happy birthday.”

“Hmph.. Am I twenty-nine again?”

“ such luck, love.”

“Leave me be then,” she grumbled, burrowing deeper into the neck pillow.

A soft chuckle made the corners of her mouth tremble, Anna fighting the grin that threatened to appear.  She didn’t know how long she had been asleep, exhausted from the fun-filled evening.  After spending a ridiculous amount of money at the pet store, they made way to the gathering at Jake’s flat, celebrating the remaining hours before their flight with a highly competitive game of Rummy 500 (to which she came in second to last with Harry on top) and toasting to a new decade that held such promise.

By the time they had boarded the plane and settled in their coach seats, the pink champagne Anna had consumed knocked her right out, leaving Harry awake to share photos he took of Betsy with the two POs that were accompanying them.  But once it hit midnight, Harry shook her awake to not miss granting her the first birthday wish.

“Well, alright then.  I guess I’ll return this magnificently wrapped present since it’s not wanted.”

His nonchalant tone as he uttered the magic word present piqued curiosity within her and Anna peeled her eyes open to find a cheshire grin painted on his face.


He let out a light laugh at her lazy smile and reached into his knapsack.  “Knew that would get you up.”

She didn’t respond, exhaustion paralyzing her as she rested back on the reclined seat, watching him rummaging through the bag with sleepy eyes that begged to close.  When worry lines creased on his forehead, an amusement sound escaped her.

“Did you lose my present, Wales?”

“Could’ve sworn I pu—ah!” He pulled out a neatly wrapped rectangular shaped object and shook it deliberately.  “Found it.”

“It appears so.”

“Go ahead and open it.” Harry said, handing it over.

The sharp gasp briefly caught the attention of the officers on duty before they tore their gazes away and back to the film on the telly.  Anna peered down at the sage green cloth-like book that lay delicately on her lap.

“Harry..” She gushed, still unaccustomed to the way he surprised her with sentimental gifts.  ”This is—”

“First edition of The Secret Garden,” he finished when she trailed off.  ”Yep.”

“Wow..this must have.. Jesus, Henry.  This must’ve cost you a fortune!”

“Nah,” he said dismissively.  It had cost him – that was no lie – but it was worth every single dime seeing the way she lit up and touched the timeless novel with such care and patience.  Each page was turned slowly, her fingertips rubbing along the words that thrust her back to warm childhood memories.

“Wow,” Anna repeated softly.  ”Thank you so much.”

“Well,” Harry licked his lips.  ”I know how much the story means to you and I thought, since we are on our way to starting our own herd of children…” He paused to share a snicker with her.  ”We could start a tradition.”

“Bedtime stories every night.”


Anna shut the book and patted the cover affectionately before turning to him.  She cupped his cheek and held his gaze with sparkling eyes, then brought him down to meet her lips in a sweet kiss.  ”I love it and I can’t wait to read it to our babies.”

“I can’t wait to watch you read it to our babies,” he said back, rubbing his nose along hers before capturing her mouth in a lingering kiss.

Anna was the first to pull back, mock curiosity furrowing her brows.

“What is it?” Harry asked, his tongue running along his lower lip.

“You think Betsy would enjoy a read or two?”

Harry tipped his head back and belted out a loud belly laugh, his entire body wracking by the force.  ”Of course, love.  Of course.”


A loud, drawn out yawn tore from Anna and she sheepishly apologized, rubbing her eyes.  She had been reading for only thirty-three minutes – with the occasional doze off – before the words began to blur and jumble together.  Harry, aside from jiggling his leg to keep her awake, had been flipping through a comic Finn had sent him a week ago for his birthday.

“Are you going to fall asleep on me?”

“Probably,” she said sleepily and stifled another yawn.  ”I’m tired and still a bit tipsy from Jake’s.”

“Who’s going to keep me company? There’s still eight hours until we land.”


“Too wired,” he pouted, folding his lower lip over his upper.

Anna sat up and stretched her legs underneath the seat and sighed, not being able to deny him after his puppy eyes.  “Okay, I’m up.  What do you want to do?”

She smacked his chest with an amused smirk at his quirked brows and suggestive grin.

“Why did I bother asking?”

He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.  ”Whaddya say, Caro? Join me in the mile high club?”

“Oh, God.  The mile high club even sounds dated.”

“Shush.  I may be aging but I haven’t given up my youthful coolness.”

“Ha!” She barked.  ”I think you just killed it, darling.”

“Is that a no?” He asked, expertly snaking his hand onto her side and rubbing her jean clad thigh.  Anna sneaked a glance in his direction with a playful lift at the corners of her mouth, her breaths coming out in pants.

Harry took that as a go and instructed her to meet him in five minutes, eagerness and sexual excitement hurrying his movements.  Anna couldn’t help but guffaw as he hurriedly pecked her mouth repeatedly and sped down the aisle towards the restroom area.

Ten minutes later, an unhappy Harry stood back at the assigned seat, blowing a frustrated puff of air out his nose.  He discreetly adjusted his trousers that had gotten a bit too tight.

“Two glasses of champagne and she’s out like a light,” Harry complained to no one in particular.  Chuckling to himself, he reached for the fleece blanket she had packed earlier in the carry-on bag and plopped back down in his seat, shifting uncomfortably.

“You owe me, peaches…” He whispered in her ear, getting a low hum from her.  ”Big time.” He opened up the neatly folded blanket and threw it over the sleeping form beside him, cuddling underneath the warmth as well and resting his head on top of hers.

The next time Anna opened her eyes was of Harry’s doing once again, this time not purposely.  He was leaning in front of her, a small smile tilting his lips as he peered out the window with a dazed look in his eyes.  Anna placed a hand on the curve of his shoulder and her smile grew wider as he turned to her, grinning brightly.

“Welcome to Botswana, baby.”


Harry was determined to make Annalisa’s thirtieth birthday an unforgettable one filled with gleeful moments to keep her spirits uplifted.  It was a big birthday, and he knew it killed her secretly that she wouldn’t be able to share the experience of becoming older with her twin.  But he had done it.  She was smiling throughout the whole holiday, a frown never making its way to her face.

They spent two whole days in the African country and Anna was absolutely smitten with the culture and the fond memories that would last a lifetime.


Upon their arrival, Harry had taught her the most common words of Setswana as they sped through the streets of Botswana’s capital, Gaborone.  The tall buildings and shops they passed piqued her interest and Anna paid close attention to the history retold by her own personal guide, speaking like he knew the city as if it were the back of his hand.

After freshening up a bit at the luxurious hotel, they spent the rest of Anna’s birthday doing a keen activity of hers: shopping.

Harry took her to some of the independent shops he was familiar with, acting as her tour guide with not only the historical sightings, but with also the handcrafted jewelry that caught her eye.

When a wooden-carved rhino called his attention, he briefly left her to soak in all the precious gems the roadside shop had to offer.  By the time he had gotten his fill of the talented craftsmen work, he strode back over to join her.

“It is feared these spectacular species will become extinct sometime this century, but with the success of Rhino Force International, the population has slightly increased.”

“That’s fantastic.”

“It is! Yes.  Just over five thousand black rhinos survive in nine African countries now.” The shop owner gestured to the wristband Anna held.  “The white, red, and black beads are beaded by hand and separated by a coconut bead that represents the hard exterior of their horns.  And the colors all represent the rhino, of course.”

“I’ve always wanted one.” Anna said, eyeing the Rhino Force bracelet she had been chatting about with the woman at the checkout counter.

“Copy cat,” Harry playfully muttered over her shoulder, earning an eye roll from his girlfriend and an elated smile from the owner of the store when he greeted her in the native language.  ”What? You clearly are.” He said, flashing Anna the matching bracelet that he kept around his wrist.

Anna turned to face him with raised brows.  ”What makes you think I didn’t want one before knowing you? Hm?”

He smirked in reply, cradling her cheeks and slightly dipping his head down to capture her lips in a slow, tender kiss.  “Mm.. I love how feisty you get.” His hot breath fanning her cheek sent sparks down her back, and his earthy voice that came next made her toes curl.  ”Very sexy.”

“Harry..” The low rumble that came from his chest didn’t help put out the fire he ignited in her belly, nor did the trail of kisses he placed along the shell of her ear.  She let him love on her for another moment, her willpower waning with his teeth pulling on her earlobe, until her eyes landed on the woman behind the counter who had gone back to business.

“Stop.. We’re in public.”

Harry pulled back when she pushed on his chest—just enough to look deeply in her soulful eyes with his lips permanently lifted up.  Anna was taken aback by how relaxed and worry-free his demeanor was, never noticing he had been ever since stepping off the plane.

“Baby,” he chuckled.  ”We’re in Botswana.  Nobody cares who I am, or who you are here.  We can do whatever we please.  It’s just you and me.”

You and me.

The words resounded in her head, rolling them around and recognizing the accuracy behind them.  No longer did she have to think of the prying eyes that seemed to always be on them while they were out and about.  No cameras, no social media keeping tabs on their whereabouts, reporting on the items she had purchased in the shopping bags; no nothing.

Just him, and just to relish in a private holiday with citizens that respected them as regular tourists.

“You and me, huh?” Anna giggled at his answering grin.  She bunched up his shirt in her fist and pulled him down to her once more.  “Kiss me, Wales.”

“My pleasure, peaches.”


September 17 – Two Days Prior

The following day, Harry and Anna made the journey to the lodge close to the safari attractions.  They got ready quite early and ate a quick breakfast, eager to get to the sightings of the wildlife.

Once they met Tau, who had greeted them with the Setswana hello dumela, the trio climbed aboard the open safari truck and partook in Anna’s first real life African Safari.

“Right here, on the left you can find what we call kubu – hippos.”

“Goodness.  They’re massive!” Anna commented while snapping a photo with her camera.

“Yes, they can weigh up to half a ton.” Harry informed her.

“Indeed, sir,” Tau nodded before adding additional information on the third largest living land mammal.  ”Great care has to be taken not to get too close to the hippos.  They are very territorial and do not take kindly to tourists.”

“Oh, just like the Brits,” Anna joked brazenly, giggling at Harry’s exaggerated eye roll.

Tau laughed lightly.  ”Yes, madam, I believe so.”

Harry glared at her through narrowed eyes.  “Careful, loudmouth American.  You’ll disturb the hippos.”

“Ah-ah..” She shook a finger.  “I’ll be a Brit snob soon enough.”

“God help us all,” he muttered from the side of his mouth, smiling crookedly when she pushed at his arm.

The car jolted unexpectedly as the wheels turned along the dirt road, coming close up to a rhino.  Anna gasped in delight and shamelessly snapped more photos.

“Rhinos! They’re such pretty creatures.”

“Oh, yes,” Tau agreed.  ”We call them tshukudu.”

Tshukudu,” Anna repeated, pulling a face in Harry’s direction at her poor pronunciation.  Harry rubbed her back to soothe her pout when he chortled.  He would always get a kick out of her mispronouncing any language she wasn’t familiar with but was fond of how she always tested it on her tongue, unafraid to sound silly.

“How much can their weight get up to?”

Tau met Harry’s eyes in the rearview mirror and shared a respectable smile.  ”Sir, would you like to take this one?”

“Oh,” Harry shook his head from side to side and squinted his eyes, wracking his brain for the facts.  ”Anywhere from 1,500 to just about 8,000 pounds, I believe.”

“Right, the white rhinos are the largest of the species,” the tour guide nodded, astounded by Harry’s knowledge.  ”Seems like we have a backup career waiting here for you, no?”

“I wish,” Harry half-joked, his eyes roaming the acres of green life.  ”I would love to do this all day, everyday.”

“You and Tau could be a team,” Anna chimed in.  ”A two for one bargain deal.  I would highly enjoy seeing that!”

“Sounds like a marvelous plan, madam.”

“You’re both mad,” Harry chuckled, holding onto Anna’s arm to steady her as the car took another rocky sharp turn.

“Why don’t you take over, sir? I could use the mini break and solely focus on the safe driving.  I only ask to refrain from the lions and tigers and bears jokes.”

“Ha! Very well, then.. Oh, lookit here, great adventurers! A party of black stripers called pitse ya naga to your left!” Harry tried out his best guider’s voice, ignoring the humorous sounds that caught the attention of a group of zebras they were coming up on.

“Oi! I regret to inform you you’re already fired.”

“Hang on to your hat, Tau.  You’re in for a real treat,” Harry said.

They went on to see elephants, crocodiles, buffalo, fish eagles, monkeys, iguana, and different sorts of antelopes, capturing inspiring photos of them all in their natural habitat; photos that they would go on to share with their children and grandchildren.

Tau bid them goodbye at the end of the day with sala sentle – the literal translation being ‘stay well’.  Anna was awestruck and touched when Harry explained goodbye brought great sadness to the natives.  Sala sentle felt like a better sendoff to the travelers, in hopes of a future return.

Anna was already mentally preparing for a future family holiday.


Dinner was served for the couple outside their sanctuary, right underneath the starry night sky with the moon shining down.  It had been a fun day, shaping the holiday into a successful one.  Their chatter hadn’t stopped throughout the day or while they ate pap en vleis – a meat stew that Harry insisted was delicious.  The pricey red wine had washed it down smoothly, and Anna couldn’t help the moans of approval for the exotic taste, Harry’s chest puffing out in triumphant.

After sharing a piece of chocolate cake for dessert, Harry feeding Anna’s guilty pleasure, they sat back at the small table and took in the sounds of the African jazz being played in the distance.  Anna kept her gaze up at the magical view while Harry couldn’t tear his off of the beautiful woman sitting before him.

“I love it here,” Anna whispered, twirling what was left of the wine around in her glass before tipping her head back and depleting it.

“Do you?” Harry asked, the sides of his eyes crinkling up.  He leaned forward and rested his folded arms on the white tablecloth.

“Mhm.  Tranquil and..”

“A fresh breath of air?”

“Yeah,” she smiled at the way he was always able to finish her sentences accurately.  Like he held the gift of reading her most inner thoughts.

“I know,” Harry cleared his throat.  ”I’m glad you’ve had a good time here.”

“Mm..I’ve had a wonderful time here.  Can we come back soon? Maybe with a couple kids tagging along…?”

“We can come back whenever you want to, love.  Say the word and I’ll make it happen.  Kids included.”

“Prince Charming,” she murmured with a chuckle.

“Peaches,” he retorted, recalling the first time they had called each other the pet names.  It felt just like yesterday, but yet like a lifetime ago at the same time.

A hush came over them for a few minutes before they broke the comfortable silence.

“What a gorgeous night.” Anna commented, staring out into the night with a faraway look in her eyes.  She sighed and a peaceful smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “Perfect.”

It was almost perfect, Harry thought; only one thing was missing to complete it.  To complete him.

It struck him without warning, completely knocking the wind out of him.  He didn’t know what brought it on.  Maybe it was the way the moon made her skin that had been kissed by the beating down sun all day glow, or maybe it was sharing this special haven with her where he felt the most himself.  Or the fact that she let him be himself and now proved she would never second guess her gut feeling that told her a life with him was the life for her.

She made him so happy, so fulfilled and free to be open.  She respected him, she encouraged him, and lifted him up when he was down.  But most importantly, she loved him like he was worth such an unconditional love.  She made him feel like he was worth it, that he deserved it.

Anna was the one and he was determined to never let her slip away from him.

“Dance with me.” Harry requested, the beating of his heart surely loud enough for her to hear.  But she didn’t reveal that to be true as she smiled normally at him while taking his offered hand.

“Of course.”

Harry didn’t wait long to make it happen, never would he wait a single second for something as great as this.

He felt like he couldn’t wait any longer.  He was ready.  She—he hoped—was ready, too.

This was their time.

Harry twirled her and dipped her, ducking his head to meet her halfway, his lips curving into a smirk at her delighted squeal.  ”I have a question to ask you.”

Anna clung to his bicep to keep her balance while her grasp tightened in his hand.  She caught the way his pupils dilated and the small beads of perspiration that formed below his hairline.  His eyes were darting between hers, almost as if he were nervous and it created a flutter in her belly.

“Yes, you’re getting lucky tonight.”

Harry chortled and lifted his amused brows.  ”I love how you immediately go there.”

Her owns lips lifted to match his grin.  ”Yeah, well..I’ve become familiar with the way you think.”

“Mm..true.  But while that is on the agenda, this is about something slightly different than that.”

“Oh?” She questioned, pursing her lips.  ”What would that be, captain?”

With wide eyes fixated on the woman he held at a dip, he blurted out what he wanted more than anything. “Marry me.”

Her answered laugh gave the sense that she thought he was joking, the constant question being thrown out every now and again for the past few months.

“I’m serious, Annalisa.  Marry me.” The look on his face crushed any signs of this being their typical conversation.  He was actually proposing.

Anna struggled to straighten her back until Harry assisted her, watching her with expectant eyes.

“Are you feeling okay?” She asked, concerned he was coming down with something.  Bringing her palm to feel his forehead and his rosy cheeks, she frowned.  He felt fine, just a little flushed.

“Annalisa,” he took both her hands in his. “Baby, for the first time I can honestly answer that I am better than just okay. You’ve made me better, a better man.. Better in my own skin.” He took a sharp intake of air. “This is it for me.  You’re it for me.  I don’t wanna wait any longer.  Let’s just do it.”

Her eyes welled with tears, but her response was caught in her throat.

“Let’s get married.” He paused, letting his words sink in before he said the last word with such finality.  “Now.”

“Today?” Her question came out in a whisper, unable to steady her voice enough to speak louder.

Today,” Harry confirmed with a slight nod of his head before cringing.  ”Or early tomorrow.”

“How.. How can we eve-“

“It’ll take a few hours, no doubt.  But I can make it happen.  Being a staff officer in the army and coordinating the games has upped my game on getting shit done with limited time.”

Anna eyed him with frantic eyes, reading him for any signs of doubt. “You’re…serious.”

Harry nodded, threading his fingers through her curls and then stroking the side of her cheek with his knuckles.  ”I want you.  I want us.  I want to wake up to you every morning and kiss you goodnight.”

“We do that now, Harry,” she pointed out, reeling from what he threw at her without warning.  ”I mean, we’re practically married.”

“See, that’s exactly it.  We are practically married and one day soon we’ll have this massive wedding, vowing to love each other forever in front of hundreds of people we barely know in a church and letting the entire worlds population witness it.  But I know that’s not the kind of wedding you’ve envisioned having..”

“Harry,” she halted his speech, pressing on his chest.  ”What I envisioned was the man waiting for me at the altar.  I don’t care that we have to go by what’s expected of a royal wedding or-“

“Annalisa,” he tried again, praying to have her jump on board with him.  “We could have our own private ceremony.  A spiritual binding ceremony.  Just us..”

It sounded so tempting, so dreamlike marrying the man of her dreams without the pressures of other personalities offering up their suggestions and opinions.  She wanted to marry him – without a doubt.  She wanted to wake up to her husband every morning, too.  She wanted to kiss the lips that belonged to hers – completely.

But the repercussions of anyone finding out…his family, her family, and the public.  It was a risk, the greatest risk either one would ever take.

“Nobody has to know.” Harry said softly, brushing a loose strand and tugging it behind her ear.

“They will,” Anna said, worriedly.  ”They always do, Harry.”

“And if that happens – which it won’t – so what? It’s our life.  It’s our marriage.  Anna, it’s not about them.  It’s about us.”

She knew he was right and he could see her mentally cross the bridge over to where he stood waiting patiently for her.

“Let’s just jump…all in.  You and me, baby.”

She was quiet for a few long seconds, thinking it over and figuring out how he would be able to pull this off.  ”How are we even going to do this? Is there anyone around that could..”

Harry cradled her face and kissed her hard on the mouth before pulling back, laughing with her.  ”When in doubt, Google.”

“You can’t google this!”

“Sure you can,” he argued.  ”I’ve gotten some useful information from google before.”

She cocked a brow.  ”Like how monkeys peel a banana?”

“From the opposite side of the stem!” He exclaimed.  ”Who knew monkeys held all the genius genes?”

Anna giggled, patting his chest.  ”You are a monkey.”

He imitated the animal, rubbing his face all over her as she laughed hysterically, squirming away from him.

“You’re crazy.. Do you know that?”

“Crazy for my woman.” Harry grinned ear-to-ear at her sweet laughter that spoke directly to his heart.

“Oh, is that so?”

“Yes, madam, it is.” He pulled her flush to him and tilted his head to the side while peering down at her.  Anna could feel his heart pounding strong and erratically against her hands that rested on his chest.  “Annalisa Caro..”

Her stomach fluttered.  “Yes, Harry Wales?”

“Will you be my Mrs. Monkey?”

Rushing some air through the nose and out the mouth, Anna nodded and suppressed a laugh at his expression.

Harry waited a beat before asking, “Is that a yes?”

A genuine smile graced her lips as she gazed up into his sparkling blue eyes, then she tipped her head far back and belted out.  ”Ooh-ooh-ahh-ahh!”

And then, with open hearts and devotion for each other leading the way, they jumped all in.

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