Chapter Twenty-one (Part III)

How Secrets Slowly Get Revealed (Part 4)


Buckingham Palace.

Anna had dreamt of what it would be like stepping foot into the historical palace for the first time as Harry’s spouse.  Taking precious time to admire the timeless architecture.  Be allotted sweet private moments with Harry as he intelligently told of the history that these walls had seen, of the extraordinary art that hung proudly at every turn.  It created a sort of nervous excitement within her when she thought about it.  To explore with him, travel back in time to his childhood memories, to fantasize of what the future held.

Sometimes dreams and fantasizes were just that.

They had been at Buckingham Palace for twenty minutes now, and none of those twenty minutes were spent the way Anna had expected.

Almost immediately, they were ushered into a room where they found Charles, William, and Kate impatiently waiting for their arrival.  Charles had been pacing the floor, while William stood tall with his arms crossed next to the seat Kate was quietly perched on.

Upon their entrance, Kate had smiled at Anna; a smile that Anna depicted was out of sympathy.  And she knew right then and there, this wouldn’t end well.

Charles had hurled his entire body towards the sound of the antique door opening and the announcement of their arrival.

“Your Royal Highness, His Royal Highness Prince Harry and Miss Annalisa Caro.”

Harry clung tightly to Anna’s hand, refraining from correcting her surname.  The shade of red that covered his father’s face was intimidating, but he opened with a lighthearted line, “Looks like we have a party waiting.”

Not one person found it humorous.

When the door shut, leaving the foursome alone, Charles had wasted no time.  “What on earth were you thinking?!” He said in a fierce voice.

Harry’s chest had puffed out defensively but he still tried a calm and collected approach.  He had recounted their fantastic holiday, from the inspiring safari he had taken numerous times, to the magical Botswana night where his emotions got the best of him.  He talked of love, of devotion, briefly mentioning words that Charles knew of.

It had done nothing to soften the blow Charles had been preparing from the moment the news had reached him.

It had been a draining, disheartening twenty minutes of the older Windsor berating them – throwing out every frustration thought that had been plaguing his mind for over a day now.  He showed no restraint.

“Irresponsibly impulsive!” Charles spat.  “Do you have any idea the frenzy your little stunt has created? Christ, Henry!”

“It’s not a stun-” Harry’s defense was cut short by his father coming to a halt two feet away from them with a stern hand raised up.

“Silence!” Charles shouted, causing the silent company to flinch.  “Your running mouth will not stand here.  You will speak when I ask you to speak.”

Anna could sense a retort about to fly out of her husband’s mouth, could almost hear the anger boiling his blood.  It wouldn’t help any, especially with the murderous look in Charles’ eyes.  To stop him, she released his hand and cupped both of hers around his arm, her thumb stroking over the fabric of his long sleeved shirt.

Harry kept his mouth shut, fighting against his instinct to shout back in matched anger.  His father was treating him as a boy; an adolescent that deserved to be reprimanded.  But he was no boy.  He was a man.  A soldier.  A husband.

“You never think before you act.  Never.  I hoped to god after serving your country and seeing the world it would help you mature; to stop being so bloody reckless! You are thirty years old, Harry.  When are you going to start acting like it?!” He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.  “If your mother were here…”

Harry took a step forward, but two things held him back: the fire in his father’s eyes and Anna’s strong grip.

“For once, Henry Charles..for once think of your family…the legacy you were born into.”

Harry could hear his father almost pleading with him – trying to get through to him.  It was the same old speech he had heard countless times.

Harry fucks up.  Harry’s selfish actions affect the family image.  Harry never learns.

And just like with every incident that had occurred to bring them here, Harry barked out the same response, hoping he could get through to his father’s own head. “I didn’t ask to be born into this.”

Tough.  You were.  You are not a normal boy, Harry.  I know you’ve longed to be and your mother tried to give you that…but you are not a normal lad.” Charles paused, his head beginning to ache.  “You play the hand you’re dealt, son.  That’s just the way it is.  For the love of God, please start playing right.”

“Pa,” Harry began with a frustrated sigh.  He waited for an interruption and when he got none, he continued, “I am playing right.  That’s what it comes down to, doesn’t it? Playing the media.  And Anna and I already discussed how to proceed with the press and we think it’s best if we still keep the marriage under wraps.  For the family’s sake, as you put it.”

A look of disbelief crossed Charles face and an indifferent noise came from his throat.

“We have consulted with Jason and Ed and have a statement on standby once the article gets printed,” piped up a nervous Anna.

Charles attention shifted to his new daughter-in-law and he felt his hard exterior slowly soften.  He was beyond angry, inconsolably so, but the desperation in her eyes hit him square in the chest.  He was now blessed with another daughter.

Anna continued, her voice becoming stronger with each word, her confidence building, “We won’t claim it’s fabricated, but we will state that it was taken out of context.  Harry was just kidding around while in the company of my brothers, like every guy does…and that there would be no further comment on the matter.”

Charles let it sink in.  Of course there would be speculation even with an official statement from the Palace.  There always would be people that would believe and investigate as if they knew how to uncover the truth.  There were many things that would never be uncovered, solely because the family kept tight lipped.  It could work, it would work, without a doubt.  This would just be another way to keep interest in the family, which wouldn’t so much be a bad thing.

Charles nodded his head, then let out a long sigh.  He was tired, completely drained, and dare he admit a bit hurt by his son not confiding in him about the marriage sooner.

“Your Gran is expecting you for afternoon tea.” He looked between the two, his expression hardening once more.   “The both of you.”

Anna immediately felt sick.  Her stomach turned and her heart rate spiked up.  She was in no shape to meet the Queen.

“Pa,” Harry said, exasperatedly.  “Anna can’t possibly sit down with Gran without any notice… That isn’t proper and I won’t allow it.  Give us a couple days to prepare.”

Charles brows drew together.  “No.  You will meet your grandmother when she requests you to.  She’s expecting you today, and today it will be.  Understood?”

“We need to prepare for-”

Improvise,” Charles roared, moving towards the door.  “Since you’re such an expert.”

When Charles made his exit, complete dead silence fell inside the room.  Harry rubbed the back of his neck, wincing at the bunched up muscles that were resulted by the altercation.

Anna remained at his side, like she always would, and leaned forward to lay her lips over his bicep.  Her fingers still clung around his arm, as if she were holding the reins to keep him from losing his cool.  It hadn’t gone as terrible as she dreamed the night before on the flight back to London.  No punches thrown around the room.  No disowning of any nature.  But no congratulations either.

She dared to glance at the remaining company, curiosity killing the cat.

And it sure did.

The ice that were frosting William’s usual kind eyes were directed at the both of them, but she couldn’t help but wonder if it was more towards her than his brother.

Harry felt her tense beside him, her fingernails painfully making their mark on his skin through his shirt.  He eyed her with concern, then averted his attention to where hers were fixated on.  His brother was shooting daggers at him, a deep frown that mirrored their late mother’s.  He stood tall with his arms crossed high across his chest and his nostrils flared every now and then, like he was having difficulty breathing evenly.

It reminded Harry of a bull, waiting for the precise time to attack its target.

“Thanks for having my back,” Harry found himself muttering, William’s lack of support adding to the aggravation he felt building in his chest.  “Should I prepare myself for another battle with you now? Well, go on then, spit it out.”

Will’s eyes flitted to the brunette beside Harry but he never said a word; he hadn’t needed to.

Harry’s back went straight.  “She’s my wife now if you hadn’t read the papers.  Whatever you want to say, say it now; Anna stays.”

“You are so goddamn stupid,” William shook his head, his brows knitting together.  “So goddamn stupid! You weren’t even together a few months ago and now all of a sudden you are married? Do you even know what marriage is? Christ, Harry..”

“Just because I didn’t wait a decade to pop the question doesn’t lessen the value of our love for each other.”

“No, it doesn’t,” Will agreed.  “But-”

“And I’m learning to be a husband, just like every other newlywed out there, so don’t come at me with that naive crap.”

“Harry..” Will looked to Anna briefly once more, then lowered his voice.  “She flaked out on you before.  She dropped you on your fucking ass without any warning.  Then goes postal after a pregnancy scare.  This all happened under a year ago; you realize that.”

Anna’s blood ran cold, feeling like she had been slapped in the face.

Harry felt his insides quiver with the accusing bitter tone his brother took when speaking of his wife.

“I am trying to look after you.  I’m trying to protect you from getting hurt aga-”

“I don’t need your protection from-”

“You are so blind, it’s unbelievable! What happens down the road.. when duties are thrown at her? When things are expected of her? When she does get bloody pregnant? She’s proven not to be fit for this family! She runs off at every opportunity.  She cannot handle it, Harry.”

Anna sucked in a breath.

“Shut the fuck up,” Harry bit out.  “How fucking dare you talk about her like that.  I would never disrespect you and Kate like that.  She’s my wife, you fucking twat.  Whether you approve or not.  Now fucking apologize.”

“Come on, guys..” Anna murmured, looking to Kate for help.

“Please.. let’s all just calm down here..”

Apologize, or so help me, William.”

“It’s okay.. Please.. it’s fine..” Anna tried again.

“It’s not fine!” Harry argued.

“If mother were here..” William started, refusing to give Harry what he demanded.

“She would have been happy for me.” He glanced down at Anna, “for us.  We would have come home to a celebration instead of a whipping…and she would have never stood by you being a dick…”

The two brothers went back and forth for several long minutes, the argument escalating.  Harry knew exactly what to say to bring William down, the fury brewing inside of him taking control of his mouth.

“I’m not the one afraid to be my own person and in charge of my destiny.  Nobody owns me like that.  But you?” He laughed dryly.  “You let them walk all over you.  You agree with everything; not once sticking up for what you believe and what you want.  Everybody calls me the jokester…but, really, William, you’re the joke around here.”

“I don’t get a fucking choice!” William roared, balling his fists.  “You know damn well what it’s been like for me! All my life…”

“That’s total bullshit… a cop out.”

“No, what’s total bullshit is going off and taking it upon yourself that you can just walk away from tradition! That your lack of regard or respect for other people’s feelings doesn’t come with repercussions.”

“Fuck you… This has nothing to do with-”

“That’s what you fucking think! God, you are so stupid!”

“I swear to god..” Harry tore away from Anna’s hold, ignoring her pleas when she tried to get him to stop stalking towards his brother.

“No, Harry!” Kate jumped up with a gasp and William took a step back, holding his hands in front of his chest.

“Harry!” Anna cried.  “Stop!” She grabbed a fistful of his shirt and tugged.

Harry swore under his breath, the sound of his wife’s desperation temporarily startling him out of his blind rage.  He was breathing heavily, the adrenaline coursing through his veins.  He had to walk away before he would do something he would later regret.

“I’m done with this shit,” he said, stalking out of the room, slamming the door with unnatural force behind him.

Anna stood back with a hand over her erratic beating heart.  Her mind was reeling with what had happened, with what had almost happened.  Her eyes lifted up from the floor and found Kate’s wide eyes still fixated on her husband.  William kept his eyes cast down, his cheeks flushed.

“William..” Kate tried, reaching out to him, but he stepped away.  He was too shell shocked for any sort of comfort or concern.

“I’m fine,” He spat out rather bitterly.

Anna knew she had to go after her husband, but not before she said what she needed to say.  Finding her voice, hating the quiver it took, she murmured, “I’m sorry…” Her brother-in-law’s head shot up to meet her eyes.  “I am.. I’m sorry for hurting Harry the way that I did.. I made a mistake, Will.  I’m human and I made a terrible mistake.  Many of them that I regret.. that I wish I could take back more than anything.”

“Anna..” Kate said, softly.

Anna smiled tightly at the other woman, then added, “but marrying your brother will never be a mistake.. it will never be a regret.. It will always be the best decision I have ever made.”

“You have no idea what you’re in for,” Will said in a low, dark tone.

“I don’t,” Anna agreed with a nod.  “You’re right.. I don’t know the first thing about being married to royalty.. or being married, for that matter.  But what I do know is that I adore your brother.. more than anyone.. I love him so much.. and a love like that..” She shook her head, “it gives a person strength.. hope.. confidence to tackle anything that may come.. together.. as a team.”

She let that sink in for a moment.  And then, with a deep breath, she left them to attend to her husband with a final statement.

“I’m here to stay.”


Meeting Her Majesty and The Duke of Edinburgh had been one of the most terrifying–yet pleasant–experiences Anna would ever have.  Sitting in the great sitting room with Harry as they waited for their entrance, she had been so nervous she couldn’t stop chewing on her thumbnail.  Harry had reached over to drop her hand from her mouth, commenting with a deep chuckle that she couldn’t be biting her nails when the Queen arrived.  Anna had smiled at him in reply, grateful to see his foul mood wasn’t going to last for the entire day.

When she left Will and Kate, she had found him shaken up not far from where they were.  It tore her apart to see him so broken up, frantic tears clouding his eyes.  She pulled him close and spoke to him in a soothing voice while he buried his face in her neck and choked back on sobs.  She let him let his frustrations out, her hand caressing his back while the other tangled in his locks.  They stood that way for ten long minutes before he lifted his heavy head.  Her heart ached at his tear stained cheeks, wishing she could ease the heaviness that was in his heart.

Harry met her lips with his in an urgent kiss, needing to feel her love, needing to show her his love.  The things that William had said had hit him harder than he knew.  It had brought up the hurt he had felt when Anna let her doubts come in between their love, even though he had forgiven her completely.  It had also stirred up the hidden devastation of not having his mother’s presence there, taking his side when everyone was always against him.

At that moment, there in the hallway, he just wanted to forget everything.  He longed for peace in his mind and heart.  And the only way he knew how to do that was to feel her lips on his, her tongue tangle with his, the softness of her skin under his palms.

A security member had cleared his throat, interrupting the indecent display of affection.  The gray haired man apologized, then announced the Queen was expecting them in the designated sitting room in less than an hour.

Which brought them here, sitting quietly together in the room, Anna biting the rest of her nails while Harry’s leg bounced in anticipation.

When the doors opened, they both stood.  Anna immediately took note of the difference in Harry’s posture.  He had been stiff and tense in the presence of Charles and William, and even though his back was straight, he looked a bit more relaxed when he caught sight of his grandparents.  Anna wished she could say the same for herself.

She had failed on the proper way to curtsy, her nerves getting to her.  Her legs had wobbled and her head had bowed too low.  She had almost toppled right over the poor woman before Harry caught her by the arm.  To say she was completely mortified would be an understatement.

When Anna had apologized profusely, the light chuckles that vibrated from Harry and his grandfather deaf to her ears, Harry’s grandmother had smiled sweetly and assured her it was quite alright and she had time to practice.  Anna vowed she would do so.

The pleasant introductions had been done, and Philip was quick to mention Anna’s plot to take down the Queen.  Anna felt her cheeks burn, but Elizabeth had saved her from further embarrassment by getting to the chase, asking to hear all about their nuptials.

Harry had done most of the talking, sharing the same story they had retold three times now (four if Anna’s bedtime story to a very sleepy Betsy counted).  Anna pitched in every now and then, adding her own side comments on the breathtaking scenery of the beach, but she kept her main focus on taking small sips of tea, not wanting to come off rude by wasting a perfectly good cup.

Philip and Elizabeth seemed to be engrossed in the story, eagerly asking them questions that put Anna at ease.  She could tell from the way things were going that they would be more accepting.

“I had heard Harry was involved in a serious relationship, but it’s too exhausting keeping up with the younger crowd..” Philip said.  “I guess that means you must be responsible for his good behavior lately.”

Anna laughed and looked to Harry who was eyeing the older man.  She placed a comforting hand on his arm.  “It’s a bit of a challenge but he’s behaving himself well enough.”

“Thank heavens for that,” Philip joked, smirking at his grandson shifting uncomfortably in his seat.  “If there’s anyone that can keep him from revealing any more of himself-”



“Then that would be you, dear.” He finished, despite the scolding he received from his wife and Harry.

“Agh, come on!” Harry groaned, his cheeks reddening.

“Am I embarrassing you, young man? I think you’ve managed to do that on your own,” he teased.

“Philip, that’s enough,” the older woman sternly said, causing her husband to throw a wink over at Annalisa.

“Better keep my trap shut or the missus won’t let me hear the end of it later.”

Annalisa returned his charming smile with a warm one, chuckling softly.

“Happy wife, happy life, grandpa.  I thought you would take the advice from the shirt I got you for Christmas last year.”

“Is that what that said? I seemed to have misplaced my reading glasses..”

“He’s a stubborn mule, Annalisa.” Elizabeth remarked to Anna.  “Surely, you’ve come to know it’s the Windsor way.”

Anna nodded with a polite laugh.  “I have, of course.”

The conversation transitioned from the wedding and their relationship to Anna’s work at the hospital and her military background.  Anna spoke fondly of her nursing position, expressing her appreciation for the opportunity to further her career in a well practiced hospital.  She went on to speak of her family and the childhood home life that was based around her father’s military career.

Harry paid close attention to his grandparents, studying their reactions.  He had learned how to detect any ounce of doubt they felt towards another over the years.  And, by the looks of it, they seemed to really take a liking to Anna.  Just like he knew they would.

Elizabeth’s expression turned serious, shifting into business mode.  “I had the opportunity to look over the statement you are handing over to the press.  I must say it’s a smart move.”

“Thank you, Gran,” Harry said, smiling appreciatively.  “Annalisa and I would be very delighted if we could have your blessing.”

“It’s a bit too late for that,” Philip murmured, receiving a helpless look from Harry.

“I must ask,” Elizabeth started.  “Is it safe to assume you plan on marrying in the church?”

“We do,” Anna answered, accepting Harry’s hand that had reached for hers.

“And when do you plan on announcing an engagement?”

The young couple’s eyes met briefly before Harry cleared his throat.  “We haven’t really worked that out quite yet.”

“Oh?” Elizabeth sounded taken aback.

“I mean.. we’re going to talk about that.. soon..” Harry jumped to say.  “And we will certainly request a visit when we have news.”

“Annalisa, how do you feel about taking on the work duties a royal is expected of?”

“I feel very strongly about it, actually,” Anna said.  “I’ve always felt drawn to changing the world, you could say.. which is why I decided to become a nurse; to change lives.. save lives.. do something good.  I feel like this is the greatest opportunity to really do that.. Harry has accomplished so much being in his position.. He has made tremendous improvements with Sentebale and the Invictus Games.. It’s absolutely remarkable.. and inspiring.. That’s what I hope to do, as well.” Glancing at her proud husband, she added, “And being married to the love of my life is an added bonus.”

“Ha!” Philip laughed.  “We will talk in sixty-seven years..”

“Well, then,” Elizabeth said, softly.  “Harry and Annalisa, you have my blessing and my sincere congratulations on your spiritual binding.  I look forward to hearing more happy news in the near future..”

Harry and Anna kindly thanked her, beaming with joy.

“I’m afraid I must be going.  It was a pleasure to meet you, Annalisa.”

Anna smiled.  “Yes, Ma’am, pleasure to meet you, as well.  Thank you for the lovely tea.”

“I have one inquiry,” Philip piped up, coming to a stand to join his wife.  “Is there an outbreak of mad cow disease out there?”

Harry’s brows furrowed together in confusion.  “Not that I’m aware of.. Why do you ask?”

Philip smiled; that old Windsor cheeky grin.  “Seems to be the only explanation why this intelligent beauty would agree to such a thing like marriage to a Windsor.”

Elizabeth turned to Anna, her hand resting on her shoulder to coerce her to stoop down to her level.  “That explains the sixty-seven years…”



Harry pulled Anna into a private closet, creating a squeal to pass through her lips. He pushed his body up against her and Anna’s head spun at the feel of his hardening erection pressing up against her back. He bent forward to whisper in her ear, “you have to be very quiet.”

But when Harry bunched up her skirt and slid his hands from her exposed thighs to finger her lace panties, she was heavily panting.

She gasped out when the sound of ripping material filled the air and she felt her torn undergarment fall to the floor, landing at their feet.

“You have to be quiet, love.” Harry’s hoarse voice wanted to make her scream, not stay quiet like he was demanding.

Anna leaned her head back to rest at his shoulder as his hands smoothed over the skin on her legs and back to her hips. She started a slow grind, making his eyes briefly shut at the pleasure that shot through him. His cock hardened further and he began to move his hips in sync with hers.

Harry was sure that if they kept this up, they’d both reach their end too soon. But he wanted to release inside her. Inside his wife.

“Mrs Wales,” he swallowed a moan when her hand slipped in between their writhing bodies to grip his stiff cock. “Fuck, baby.”

She looked up at him from his shoulder and he saw the pure love in her glowing eyes mixed with the need she had for him. “Fuck me, Henry.”

The sound of her sultry voice was all it took for him to snap, pushing her slightly forward to unzip his pants. He licked his lips in the anticipation of feeling her wetness surround his aching cock as he removed himself from his pants and reached for her.

Anna placed her hands palms up on the wall in front of her and took a sharp intake of breath as Harry pushed himself into her slowly.

Harry let out a hiss at how tight and wet she was. “God, baby, you’re so wet and tight.”

She moaned as he pulled out, only to bury himself deeper seconds later. “For you, Harry. It’s only for you.”

Her confession triggered an uncontrollable desire to get her to scream for him, knowing it would cause embarrassment for the both of them if they got caught.  And god knows they were already in trouble.  He covered her mouth with his hand and began to pound into her from behind, setting up a hard, steady pace.

With one hand gripping Harry’s shirt, she reached up with the other to help him muffle the sounds she made, her fingers tightly curling around his.

Harry’s thrusts were uneven, out of rhythm, the desperate need to get them both there in a rush so intense he couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. He buried himself deeper and deeper when her teeth nipped the skin of his palm and he brought his mouth to her ear.  He sucked her earlobe as moved the tight hold he had on the side of her hip with his free hand to squeeze her fleshy thigh.

Anna knew in a matter of seconds she was going to come, and she was sure Harry knew it too. She could feel it all over, her toes curling in her shoes.  And when Harry began a feverish assault on the bundle of nerves between her legs, her eyes rolled back and all the air in her lungs vanished.

Harry grunted in her ear when her walls gripped his throbbing cock as she climaxed. He thrust once, twice, before spilling his release into her.

Heavy breathing and soft moans filled the space in the tiny closet as they came down from their high, neither of them moving. Harry was still buried inside her as he held onto her trembling body to keep her steady.  It was minutes before they started to compose themselves, straightening out the wrinkled clothes.

Anna giggled at Harry’s flushed face. “We just fucked in Buckingham Palace.”

He chuckled and kissed her hard on the mouth, the first contact he had with her lips since entering the tiny space.  “Now we’re about to fuck in Kensington Palace.”

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