Chapter Twenty (Part III)

How Secrets Slowly Get Revealed (Part 3)


Waiting for Harry to return from his night out allowed Anna to stress over the aftermath of his loose tongue.

Upon receiving Gabe’s text, a minor panic attack had been impossible to avoid.  She tried to breathe through it, relying on the tools she had been utilizing over the years.  She closed her eyes and tested out a new technique from Dr. Caffrey, envisioning a happy place; laying on the tall grass, a meadow filled with daisies and babys breath as her beautiful scenery, birds chirping an imaginary tune, the warm kiss of the sun on her skin.  Harry’s lopsided grin.

Her eyes popped open at that.  Harry had blabbed.  And, once again, the panic rose as the reality came crashing back.  She inhaled deeply–once, twice, thrice–but it didn’t work.  Her eyes screwed up, desperately seeking the tranquil meadow once more.. but she couldn’t get there.  Nothing seemed to be working.  The tightness in her chest wasn’t getting any better and her breathing pattern was so choppy she was becoming lightheaded.

After reassuring a worried Maggie everything was fine–with the exception that Harry was a drunken idiot, to which Maggie had been too quick to agree–Anna hung up with her friend and continued to ignore her brother-in-law’s flabbergasted messages.  She popped her head in the living room and complained of a headache, forcing a smile when two pairs of concerned eyes met the storm brewing in hers.  Once she was in their sleeping quarters, she inhaled deeply and typed a message to her oblivious husband, tapping on the screen with a little more force than necessary.

What. Did. You. Do.

Twenty-four minutes later and Harry had yet to respond.

When he proposed two months prior, he had been the one to console her, to reassure her that not a single soul would find out.  That this was possible to keep under wraps; to themselves.  And there he went spilling the beans to her brothers the moment they got him alone with the temptation of tequila.

Idiot,” Anna murmured, throwing the pillowcase against the headboard.  “I’m going to kill him.”

She tried to keep busy, diverting her attention to changing the sheets on the bed.  Then, when that was all done, she looked around the low-lit room.  Everything felt still; eerily quiet.  Not a sound but her ragged breathing as the thoughts created a whirlwind in her head.

This was the calm before the storm.  Come morning, all hell would break loose in the Caro household.

Releasing a withheld breath, the knot deep in her belly became unbearable.  She checked her phone but didn’t find a single thing from Harry.

“Damn it, Henry!” She cursed, stomping her foot like a child.

Anna didn’t know what to do, what to think, what to feel.  She felt temporarily lost.. and confused.. and maybe even hurt.  She found herself tearing up.  Why, she didn’t know.

Angrily wiping her eyes, she shook her head.  No, she would not cry.  There was nothing to cry about; nothing to be sad about.  She was happy.  She was in love.  She was married.

Suddenly, a big burst of clarity came; she was acting silly and hormonal.  Her impending period was making her all wacky, she rationalized.  This wasn’t that big of a deal.  They were adults.  Married adults.  It’s not like they were a young couple who decided to skip off to Vegas to be married by Elvis in spite of their families’ disapproval.

They were mature, in charge of their own lives and destiny, Anna nodded to herself.

Deciding she needed to cool down and keep the new optimistic outlook, she went to take a nice and long hot shower.  She shaved with extra care, carefully massaged the shampoo in her scalp, and scrubbed her skin with the peaches and cream scented body wash.  It had melted the stress and kept the negativity of the situation away.  In fact, she found herself humming as she dried off and finger combed the knots out of her hair.

By the time Anna slipped into the crisp clean sheets, she felt relaxed and sleepy.  Harry hadn’t returned yet, but her phone was still buzzing on the side table where she kept it.  Picking up her mobile, her eyes grew in size at the amount of missed messages piling up in her inbox.  All from Gabe.  Finally feeling she was now ready with a clear head to tackle them, she settled back on the soft pillows and opened the conversation that would explain Harry’s actions.

Anna chuckled.  Gabe didn’t cease sending her message after message within a five minute interval, even with her lack of response.  He had recounted the incident, play by play.

It had begun with a Harry admirer, hanging around them from the moment they had strolled in.  She was blonde, big breasted (an advanced C or D cup if he had to guess), and too touchy feely.  Apparently, she had been relentless and hadn’t gotten the hint that the prince wasn’t interested in her advances, and after one too many shots, Harry had announced to her, his new brothers-in-law, and potentially the entire world, “I’m a happily married man!”

Anna had to take a moment to convince herself not to storm off to Camby’s and drag his stupid ass home.

Gabe went on to say the gang had laughed hysterically, and after another shot or two of Patron, Harry had spilled everything.  The spontaneous proposal in Botswana.  (Anna fought the smile creeping on her lips at the memory.) The Google search.  The beach.  The readings and the vows.  (A happy sigh escaped her.) The wedding playlist he made in record time on his iPod.  The makeshift altar.  The beautiful nightdress she turned into a wedding gown.  The admission of feeling like his heart was going to pound out of his chest by how stunning she was.  (She blinked back tears.) And he ended it by waving the engraved bracelet on his wrist with a cheesy grin painted on his face.  (Anna giggled.  She adored his cheesy grin.)

Everything.  He had told them–and a couple bar goers that huddled around them–everything.

Anna scowled.  Even when she was mad as hell at him, he could still make her smile and feel so unbelievably happy.  Without trying to.  “Bastard.”

Being the designated driver, Gabe was the only clear minded one to really let it digest.  He was sure the rest of them wouldn’t recall a single thing come morning, but he was insisting on getting the details from her.

I can’t believe you didn’t tell me! I swear this sounds like a fucking dream.  I am hella pissed I missed it.  PICTURES.  SOON.  TOMORROW SOON.

There was a chance the girl at the bar wouldn’t be coherent in the morning like the rest of them.  A fifty-fifty shot.  Anna was more concerned with his family more than she was of a blabber mouth looking for her fifteen minutes of fame.

They were going to despise her, she feared.  And it was all his fault.

Shaking the negative thoughts out of her head, she tried to focus on formulating a plan instead, a form of action to deal with what was to come.  She didn’t have much time, this she knew, and Harry would be of no help tonight once he found himself back home.  It was up to her now on how to handle this.

Bitch I know you’re ignoring me.

Anna sighed deeply, then let out a light laugh at Gabe’s text.  She couldn’t ignore him forever.  She couldn’t ignore this forever.  She knew what she had to do.  Chewing nervously on her bottom lip, she composed a group text.  Her lips betrayed her by lifting up at the corners when she added Hubs to the list.

Family meeting at breakfast.


About an hour later, Anna was roused out of a restless sleep.  She hadn’t known what woke her until she heard the dresser being bumped into, followed by a masculine pained groan.  It was dark in the room and her back was turned away from the door.  She didn’t need to look to know Harry had returned and he was completely sloshed.  Sighing, she rolled onto her back and blinked into the darkness to adjust.  Sure enough, another rustling sound and him cursing reached her ears.

“Welcome home,” she bit out, her voice still raspy from sleep.

“Miss-us Wales..” Harry slurred, stumbling on the long journey to his reserved side of the bed.  “Yer awake.”

“I am now with your losing battle with the furniture.  Watch out for the–”

“Agh, sonna…”


“Stupid shit kee-s movin’…”

Anna shook her head with a chortle, her mood lightening at his confused state.  “So, you’ve had a pleasant evening by the looks of it.”

“Mmm.. ‘s good…”

“Did you get my texts?”

“Mm-mm.” Harry reached in his back pocket and retrieved his mobile, shaking it to show her it was dead before tossing it carelessly on the dresser along with his wallet.

Anna sat up and twisted her body to face him fully, sitting cross-legged and watching him struggle with removing his socks.  She had seen him really wasted before, but never this wasted.  “Are you alright? How much did you drink?”

Harry made a gurgling noise under his breath and she had to bite her lip to hide the amusement that wanted to pour out of her, piecing the few words she was able to make out: asshole.. goddamn… money… drink… table…

With one hand on the bed, Harry lifted his foot as high as he could and wobbled on one leg.   His tongue was between his teeth in concentration, brows knitted together, and he kept plucking the end of the sock, using his fingers like they were tongs.

“Do you need some help there?”

“No.. Gots it..”

Evidently, he didn’t.  He clicked his tongue in frustration when the sock wasn’t budging after another few tries.  “Bloody..thing…what the….fuck..”

It wasn’t long before he gave up with a growl and plopped his dead weight onto the mattress face first.  His head was beginning to throb, his ears still ringing from the rambunctious Friday night crowd, and he knew he was going to have a rough morning in a few hours.  Stupefying himself with drink was always a bad idea, but he never learned.

“I am drunk as fuck.” He moaned when he felt her shift beside him, suddenly longing to feel her close to him like a support blanket.

The pillow had caught his words, but Anna heard them clearly.  She settled her weight on his lower back, her knees sinking into the mattress as they rested on either side of his hips.  “Now that’s an understatement,“ she snorted.

“Head hurts…”

“I’m sure it does, but just you wait until morning.  That’s when the real pain settles in.”

Even though Anna was still slightly peeved at him, she couldn’t help the urge to be close to him; to care for him in his drunken stupor.  Dare she admit seeing him this way was quite comical and adorable.  She blamed it on the heart.

“I’m surprised you were able to somehow get your shoes off.  Feet, please,” she requested, reaching behind her to pat the spot behind his knee.

Harry obliged after a delayed few seconds, groaning from the effort it took to lift his heavy legs.  A pleasured sound followed when she pulled his socks off with ease, and he dropped his legs back onto the mattress with such unnecessary force that it startled her.

Anna chuckled at the long deep sigh that escaped him before his breathing pattern became even, evidence that he was dozing on and off.  With a shake of her head and a drawn out sigh of her own, she stayed perched on his lower back.  She couldn’t wait to see how grouchy he would be come morning.

Snaking her hands under his shirt, she began a loving caress on his heated skin, applying just enough pressure on the knots she passed.  In a matter of seconds, he was in a deep sleep with the occasional snore into the pillow.

It felt good; the feel of his warm skin on her palms, the way her caring hands eased the tension of his back.  She loved this idiot, whether he was drunk or sober.  She loved him for who he was – a philosophical soldier that was smart and accomplished for his thirty years.  She loved his drive for a better world, his self-motivational ways.  And even the unattractive childish behavior was adorable.  And his current drunken state.

Her eyes teared up.  She really, really did love him.  Adored and admired him.  And, for the first time, a sense of pride and excitement sparked through her.  The world would most likely come to know of their marriage – that he belonged to her, and she belonged to him.

He was her husband.. Her one and only.

And everything was going to be okay.

“Mmph..“ Harry jerked awake when he felt weight holding him down.  It took him a moment to realize Anna had stretched out along his length and her hands were now trapped between his beating chest and the bed.  He couldn’t remember a thing, only that he had felt so sleepy and her tender touch was exactly what he needed to quiet the incoherent thoughts running through his mind.  He must’ve fallen asleep.

“I was thinking of getting a boob job.”

Or maybe was still asleep and dreaming.

Turning his head to lay his cheek on the pillow, he croaked out a confused, “wuh?”

Anna tried to hide the smile forming on her face by rubbing her lips together.  She nuzzled the hair at the nape of his neck and pressed a soft kiss on the sensitive spot that always made him squirm.  Then she repeated, “I said I was thinking about getting a boob job.  From a B cup to, hm I don’t know, an advanced C.”

What?” He sounded more alert; bewildered.

She pecked his cheek and rested her head on his, wrinkling her nose at his foul breath.  “Well, I was looking on Google – by the way, you’re totally right.. You can find some crazy shit on the internet-“

“Told ya.”

“Anyway, there’s a couples retreat out in Pasadena that does these joint enhancement procedures for married couples.  It got me thinking.. Why not? We’re married; we’ve clearly proved to be spontaneous.  We could totally do it without telling anyone.”

A few seconds of silence met her until he blurted, “Are you drunk?”

“No,” she giggled, rubbing his calf with her foot.  “Come on, it would be cool.. Let’s do something crazy.  Bigger boobs, bigger penis.. It’s a win-win.“

If his body didn’t feel so sluggish, Harry would have jumped out of bed and have her committed to a mental institute.  “Annalisa..”

“Nobody would find out.  It would be our little secret.”

Something in her tone caught him off guard for a millisecond before the fog effect of the copious amount of alcohol he had consumed took over.  “I’m certainly dreaming.  This cannot be real.“

Anna let out a laugh through her nose.  “Because you dream of a bigger cock and a wife with a bigger chest?”

“No!” He sounded offended.  “You’re out of your fucking wits, woman.  Your tits are perfect.  And we both know my cock doesn’t need any further enhancements.“

Anna pulled back enough to peer down at him–ignoring his last comment–smiling at the sincere look in his eyes.  “You think so?”

Harry glanced back and his heart skipped a beat at the infectious grin plastered on her face.  He forced himself to shift onto his back, Anna lifting up to allow him to do so but remaining upright on his abdomen.

She brought her hands to her chest and cupped her breasts.  She frowned.  “I don’t know.  They could use a little more oomph.“

Harry quirked a brow, then shooed her hands away to replace them.  He gave her breasts a firm squeeze.  “Nope, definitely perfect as they are.”

Anna half-winced, half-laughed.

“What’s the matter?”

“I’m getting my period so they’re really sensitive right now.”

Harry kneaded her flesh over the nightshirt, this time with careful tenderness.  “Where exactly is this coming from?”

“Nowhere,” she breathed.  Her eyes fluttered until her lashes rested on her rosy cheeks as he continued to show his appreciation for her chest area.

“Don’t believe you.” Harry’s hands traveled down to her bare thighs and caressed the soft and smooth skin.  He waited until she peeled her lustful eyes open before asking, “Gonna tell me what’s gotten such a silly, bizarre idea in your head?”

Anna shrugged nonchalantly.  “Just wondering if you’d prefer I look like ’advanced C or D’.“

Harry narrowed his eyes.  “Someone told you about the chick at the bar.”

“Please don’t use the word chick.  It sounds weird with your accent.”

“That’s a bit harsh, love.”

“Sorry.. Was she hot?” She took on a mockingly calm and sweet tone.


“Your chick at the bar.” She said, stating the obvious.  He was trying to play dumb, unaware she was onto him when his lips twitched and his already flushed face deepened in color.  “Ugh, she was hot.”

“I didn’t say that.  Maybe you’re the one that finds her hot.” He laughed at her unamused expression.  “I think you’re hot.“

“Flattery can’t save you now, but nice try.”

“Hey.. I kept my hands to myself…even after she bet I wouldn’t be able to tell her if her tits were real or not.”

“I’m sorry, she did what?!”

“Yep.  I told her I had felt enough implants in my day to form a well educated guess.”

Anna rolled her eyes, growing more annoyed at his chuckle.  “Did you consider taking her up on the bet?“

“Hey! Don’t try gettin’ me into trouble..” He tried a stern face, but failed miserably.

“Oh, sweetheart,” Anna scowled.  “I think you’re doing a mighty fine job at that all on your own.“

Harry’s hands that had been moving up and down on her thighs snaked their way around her waist and up her back.  He applied a bit of pressure, just enough to coerce her to lean forward.  Lifting his heavy head off the pillow, he met her lips in a swift kiss.

“You’re crazy if you think I want anything to do with another woman’s boobs.”

“How romantic.” Her voice came out monotonous.  “You deserve a spanking after what you did tonight.” She squealed when his palm came down on her ass.

“And what exactly did I do besides turn down a girl at the bar? I didn’t touch her boobies..” He giggled childishly and murmured “boobies” again.

“You’re still drunk, I see.”

“Sorry.. what were we talking about?”

“The amount of trouble you’re in after tonight.”

“Oh, right.  My spanking.  I mean, I’m all for it, peaches.  I prefer to spank you, though.”

“Maybe I should go out to a bar tomorrow night then and see if I can top your lovely outing.”

“You’re so sexy when you’re mad.”

She rolled her eyes.  “Stop trying to distract me by buttering me up.”

Harry laughed.  “I don’t even have the slightest idea what you are talk-”

Anna could see the moment the encounter came flooding back to him and he became conscious of the public mistake he had made.  She lifted her brows expectantly, a tight smile greeting him.  “Liiiiight buuuuulb.”

His eyes popped open, his mouth went dry, and his heart rate spiked up.  “Fuck.”


The next morning proved to be complete mayhem.  The family meeting had begun with a smug Gabe looking to Anna and Harry, his legs crossed and hands folded on top of his knee, just waiting for the announcement that would break the calm–and mostly hungover–group.  He had been right.  The others were completely unmindful of what had happened at the bar, mirroring the same confused expressions as the women in the room that weren’t present at the outing.

Until Harry grasped his wife’s hand in support and she came out with it.

“Harry and I… are married.”

Immediately, positive reactions poured around the living room, figures jumping up from their seats.   Lucille eagerly pushed through the sea of family members to formally congratulate the newlyweds, something she had been wanting to do since putting two and two together.  She had tears in her eyes as she hugged them both, and made Harry hold back his own tears when she called him son and how happy she was for the two of them.  Rosemary approached them next, patting Harry’s cheek after he kissed each of hers like a gentleman, and commented how relieved she was her granddaughter was no longer living in sin, causing Anna’s cheeks to flush beet red.  And then an overly excited Kathie and Gabe followed, squealing with delight and crushing them both.  Then, after having to pry the two away from the happy couple, Finn, Keri, Danny, and even Luke pulled them into congratulatory embraces.

It was all going so amazingly well; better than either of them had expected it to.  Kathie pleaded to hear all about it, and so they took turns recounting the magical day they became Mr. and Mrs. Wales.

Anna couldn’t remember exactly how things had turned around so horribly, escalating so quickly she couldn’t recall which comment caused the chaos she found herself in.  Something along the lines of secrets being forbidden in the Caro household.  Now she found herself surrounded by a heated match, each member taking turns revealing a secret about another.

“Finn’s had a sex dream about Harry!”


“Whoa…dude…” Harry backed towards the door with his hands extended out in front of his chest.

“That explains why he licked his face last night!” Exclaimed Gabe.

“I don’t remember a single thing about that.” Harry laughed, shrugging his shoulders when Anna looked at him questioningly.

“I did that, for real?” Finn furrowed his brows in concentration, then waved it off.  “Listen, yes, he was in the dream…but it wasn’t like that.”

Keri folded her arms.  “Oh, that’s right; you were sharing Scarlett Johansson.“

“Ker!” He gave her a pleading look, throwing his arms up.  “You told me you weren’t still pissed about that.  Baby, it was a dream.  It didn’t mean anything!“

“Scarlett Johansson?” Harry questioned with interest.

Anna glanced at a guffawing Harry, warning him with a death glare.  “Don’t you dare add anything to that.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Harry wiggled his brows.  “See what I did there?“

“This is absolutely atrocious,” commented Rosemary, disgust written all over her face.  “You should all be ashamed of yourselves.”

“Nana and Gramps fornicated before they got married!”

Loud gasps filled the space as several pairs of eyes darted to an angered Rosemary.

“You ugly bastard,” she spat at her eldest grandson.  “How dare you spread lies so vulgar.  We did no such sin.“

Danny nodded.  “You did too.  Grandpa told me so on my eighteenth birthday.”

“Mio dio!”

“Ooooooh, get it, Nana!”

“You go girl.”

Rosemary scowled at Finn and Gabe, smacking them upside the head.  “Watch yourselves.  And you,“ she pointed an accusing finger at Gabe.  “I know about your little drunken rendezvous with Luke.”

More gasps.


“How do you know about that?”

“This family is sick!”

“Explain, please,” piped up Kathie with a look of disbelief etched across her face.

Luke rolled his eyes before doing so.  “I got in later than the rest of these fuckers last night and saw someone in the kitchen.  I thought it was you,” he declared.

“She has long hair! How could you possibly get us confused.”

“I don’t know! At least I never stuck my cock in a pie like Danny.”


“American Pie had just come out and I was curious! I’ve never been with a woman before.” Danny shouted over the noise, then turned on his younger brother.  “Finn over here slept with a hooker.“

Harry ducked his head to murmur in Anna’s ear, “I want a divorce,” while the rest of them cackled at Finn’s guilty expression.

Anna laughed and bumped his arm with her shoulder.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa… I didn’t know she was a hooker at the time.  Don’t come at me like that, bro.  You fucked a pie.”

“Well, you caught herpes in Cancun.”

Lucille pressed her palms over her ears, wishing she could go back in time and stop this before it started.  “Children, please..”

“Are you fucking serious, man?!” Finn cried, throwing a helpless look when his girlfriend smacked his chest.  “Anna smoked pot before graduation.“

“Hey! You peer pressured me into it.” She turned to Lucille.  “Finn and Luke are both smoking, Ma.“

“Anna has a skimpy nurses outfit!”


“What? I felt left out.”

“Yeah, well.. Well..” Anna searched for something against Kathie but couldn’t think of a single thing.

“Ha! You got nothing.”

“Erm.. Luke hit on his algebra teacher to pass freshman year.”

“Oh my god,” Lucille moved to cover her face, too overwhelmed and embarrassed by everything that had come to light about her children.

“And he still failed!” Finn added with a loud obnoxious laugh.

“Oh, fuck you.  Like you’ve never hooked up with a teacher before.”

Finn puffed out his chest.  “Actually, I haven’t.“

“Uh, Mrs. Hampton.”

“Oh, shit.  I forgot about that.”


“Well, that went well,” Harry said, pulling Anna into his side as they strolled down the sidewalk.

They had snuck out without anyone noticing, the group still engrossed in a revealing battle.  Anna had come up with the idea, wanting to get Harry out of there before even more information he didn’t need to know could reach his ears.  The morning air still held a new day smell and the wind provided a chill despite the sun shining brightly.

“Oh, yeah.. real swell.”

“I don’t think it’ll be that entertaining when we confront my folks with the news.”

Anna cringed, the nagging insecurity echoing in her head.  “You’re on your own with that one.”

“What?! I stood by your side when we told yours.”

“Technically, you had already told them before today.”

“Yeah, but only one of them remembered so technically your point is moot.” He kicked a rock that crossed their path before adding, “besides, isn’t that what husbands and wives do; support each other through the good and bad times?”

“Yes, sir,” Anna chuckled, hugging him from the side tightly.  “But I can’t help but be terrified of their reaction.  My family really isn’t all that important – well, let me backtrack.. they are important, but not important to the public.  We don’t really have a set of rules.”

“Clearly.  You have a brother who spends a night with a hooker, another brother who has sexual relations with a teacher, and another who masturbates with dessert.”

Anna wrinkled her nose.  “They are so disgusting.  I swear I was adopted.  That’s the only explanation.”

Harry tipped his head back and barked a laugh.  “Save the dirt for the newspapers.”

The mention of the reporters was more than enough to shift Anna’s mood.  “Speaking of.. Are you sure about playing it down if this girl does go to the media?”

Harry halted his steps and turned to face her.  He smiled gently down at her concerned face, bringing his hands to smooth out the worry lines above her eyebrows.  “I’m sure.  If need be, I’ll have my people come out with a statement saying it’s false and I was merely making a very funny joke.”

I’ll have my people..” Anna lowered her voice to mock him, earning a deep chuckle at her terrible impersonation.  “I’m married to a big shot.”

“You most certainly are.  Do you regret it?”

“Not for a single second.”

Harry’s grin widened, his dancing eyes looking deeply into hers.  His hands moved up and down her arms to keep her warm as hers came together around his waist.  “So, does that mean you’re no longer mad at me for being an idiot?”

“I’m not mad at you.  I love you, idiot.”

“Ha! Well, that’s good to know.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I have a feeling this idiot is here to stay.”

Anna made an amused noise in her throat and stretched up on her toes to place a chaste kiss on his lips.  “I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

“I doubt that, but thank you.  Are you okay with all of this? I mean, with the big wedding and all.. We could just come out with an engagement announcement now.. get going with the planning..”


It was a conversation they had prolonged and the reason why neither were sure of.  They had jumped right in without much discussion, without making any further future plans.  Not even after the nuptials.  Or honeymoon.  It needed to happen, though.  They needed a plan.  Soon.

“I know we got married sort of in a rush.  And I don’t regret that; not at all.  If I wasn’t who I am, that would be enough for me.  It is enough for me.”


“But we have to have the big hoopla wedding.. in a church.. with millions of people watching..”

“Marrying you twice? Once for us and the other for our families? Harry..” She shook her head as if she couldn’t understand why he thought it would be such a hassle for her.  “I get to marry you twice.  Don’t you get how happy I am and how blessed I feel about that? I love that we can have two wedding days.  I love that we have something that’s so very special.. just for me and you.  And I love that we can share another special day with everyone we love..”

“God, I love you, Annalisa Wales.  I do.. so very much.”

“And I love you.  I can’t wait to marry you again.”

“Good.  There’s some things we still have to talk about.  Like-” His phone vibrating in his pocket interrupted his speech.  He weakly apologized and frowned when she took a step back so he could retrieve his phone.  “Hang on.”

The call lasted an all forty-five seconds, but that’s all it took for the anxiety to come back up again in her throat.  It was Charles’ private secretary, relaying a message from his father.  The girl had contacted a popular magazine with a story; a story that sounded to be a bit too detailed and true to Harry’s nature for it to be false.

“I’ll be out on the next flight,” she heard him say and corrected his mistake to herself, turning his I into a we.

They knew – his family knew.  And they didn’t sound all too pleased.

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